emotion versus logic

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emotion versus logic

Postby Guest » Thu Aug 07, 2008 4:30 pm

I have this really nasty habit of getting in my head. I will get to a club/bar in a very good state, I am having fun socializing,hitting on bitches but somewhere along the line I start thinking and my stated just dissipates. Grimm posted about this problem a while back. He said that on some night he was not "feeling it".
That's when I had a realization: game(or whatever you want to call it) is ALL about EMOTION.Then a question comes up naturally how come logic ruins our emotional state. Well I bought encyclopedia of neuroscience(man i love sciences that deal with study of mind and brain) and actually read about this subject. Apparently there is an actual switch in our brain that controls which brain is in charge-whether our limbic system(neural circuitry that is responsible for producing emotions) or the neocortex (logical brain). So if you think when you are out in a club then you are letting your cortex be in charge and your limbic/emotional brain takes a backseat and you loose your state. When you concentrate on having fun your emotion
al circuitry(yes there are actual physical circuits in our brain) fires up and you are in state. Next time I will be at a club I will keep my thinking to a minimum.You guys should go and read up on this subject it is really fascinating and just totally awesome in general.


Postby Guest » Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:42 am

That is pretty interesting. I guess this is why analyzing or talking game while on the field fucks you up.

Confidence is a state, not a trait. Not being in my own head makes me that much more "confident" in-field.

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:03 pm

exactly, I mean think of people who feel more confident: they are not just confident,they take care of them selves,challenge themselves and are generally more active-they take care of the physical state of their body and they take care of their emotional health.

For example lets say your emotional state is your physical body. What do you do to get your body in top notch condition?You go to the gym,get trainers and play sports. Now what happens to your body if you stop being active? That's right it DEGRADES. Same principle applies to the brain(and the mind). You need to constantly do something to maintain you good mental and emotional strength. Here are some tips on keeping you mental health:
1)Exercise-yes your mind and your body are the same entity,if you improve your body you mind will get healthier
2) Learning skills-recently researches found out that people who constantly challenge themselves overall feel better about themselves
3) Diet
4) Social Circle

Yeah I know these are all basic but people still struggle in those areas.

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