Attraction switches

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Attraction switches

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:22 pm

Attraction switches are simple to see if you are hitting right. Since you don't know alot about them, it's hard to tell if you hitting them right, or even if what you are doing is even considered a switch. Answer these questions. Some of these actually pinpoint different switches that you may or may not be hitting:

Are they laughing within the first 5 minutes of the interaction? (Chemistry, DHV-laughter, safety)

Do they seem intrigued with you and what you say? (mystery, leadership, ambition)

Are they constantly shit testing you and not blowing you out? (she's challenging your authority here) (leadership)

Can you suggest something and they follow you or go along with it? (leadership, being alpha, she feels safe)

Does she share experiences and feelings with you? (safety, protector)

Does she ask you questions? (safety, mystery, captivation)

These are basic questions to ask yourself in regards to attraction, these are you you need to be on the look out for.

Attraction happens in the first minutes of the interaction and attraction, unless you have it before you even enter the set, must be something you HAVE TO PLOW, to get into. She has no reason to start talking to you until you give her a reason to. If a girl is cold to you, you have to DHV, and you have to plow.

If you couple plowing with framing it becomes more managable. It starts off like this. (You should be able to tell how much DHVing you need to do by the time she even opens her mouth.

You: (opener + FTC)
Her: yeah... (unresponsive)
you: You know I've been to alot of states before for work, and I have always been impressed with (texans, oklahomans, etc..) they always seem to be the friendliest and open people.(reframe) It reminds me of when I took my friends up threw the hills of kentucky. I had to show them what not to touch but the people you meet, absolutely amazing. Just like (texans, oklahomans, etc...) You know?(leader of men/women, protector)
Her: Yeah... (she should open up with a story or something else, if not it's time for a neg.)

(Neg)You: So where are you from? (you just established that x people were the friendliest, thus youre implying that she doesn't fit the model, and must be from some place else, but at the same time its a false IOI, meaning you are asking a question people who normally like her are asking)

(Non Neg)You: (take another part of her story) oh yeah, thats like when, my ex, blah blah she told me not to get involved, but I did anyway. I told her it'd be ok, and it was, because thats what you do. But it ended up ALL OVER THE CAR!! How can you not laugh at that. You know? (preselected, humor, protector)

DHV's are really just simple stories.... not some elaborate sory that bores people. You really might only need to do a couple.

Main Switches are:
Protector of loved ones
Leader of men
Preselected by women

Within 2 to 4 minutes you should have fired off at least 3 attraction switches.


Postby Guest » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:57 pm

finesse....i'm really liking the last couple posts of yours...this one and the 3 c's of confidence.....i can already try new things with my game just with this thinking in my mind....i'm really liking the posts though....thanx for the ideas

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