Comprehensive Guide to Texting / SMS

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Comprehensive Guide to Texting / SMS

Postby AgentJ » Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:23 am

This Month's Research has been on Texting, here is what I have come up with. Feel free to add what works for you.

Texting 101
By: AgentJ

I. Basic Structure
Open > Fluff > Objective > FTC > Disengage

Open- The act of inciting interest within a target, usually by raising excitement and curiosity.

Fluff- Asking general questions that are irrelevant to your objective, busy chat, or ‘shooting the shit’.

Objective- Statements or questions that help achieve your purpose for communication. Whether to invite on an outing, or to show social proof.

FTC- False Time Constraint (I have to go

Disengage – Cut communication. Can be explicitly stated or by merely not sending a response.

II. Opening:
- Always imply or express high energy
- Laughter is an excellent way to build attraction and maintain her attention
- Always be playful, serious conversations should take place verbally

Good Openers:
1. Holy Shit! (Follow up with a good story) almost 100% response on this one. (Credit MAJ, who helped me recover and toss up a HB8.5 I thought I had lost)
2. I just saw the most insane thing! (Funny story follow up)
3. Restate a Neg (I bet you are biting your nails right now)

All of these pique the interest of the target, then you can follow up with routine from there.

Bad Openers:
1. Whats up?
2. What are you doing?
3. We should hang out

All of these say: Hi, I’m a total pussy and I think asking indirect questions is the best way for you to want to jump my bone.

III. Fluff
-Talk about anything and everything, as long as you can maintain intensity or a desire to continue.

Good Topics:
1. Exciting things about your last weekend
2. Any exaggerated stories involving you and stranger on an elevator (make something up, not involving sex)
3. Random questions: What kind of dinosaur would you be? (Credit SuperNovaScotia)

Bad Topics:
1. Religion
2. The weather (Unless it’s the apocalypse outside)
3. Ex Boyfriends or Girlfriends

IV. Objective
-Evaluate her buying temperature. How is she responding? Do I have enough value for her to want to join in activities with me?

1. Never directly invite as your first step, you must state that you are going to do something at a certain time on a certain day and build her interest in it.
2. Tell her about how much fun it is and how you meet cool people and blah blah blah.
3. Ask her if she would ‘like to join you’ not ‘wanna come?’ or ‘you should go’ you want to imply that this is going to be an excellent experience whether or not she is there.
4. If she says no, just drop it. Don’t argue or try and coerce her into coming, if she refuses because of scheduling conflicts, it is not her fault. After the event, talk to her and tell her how much fun you had, she will be much more likely to join you on the next one. This also shows non-neediness.

-You have places to go and women to see other than her

1. “Cool, I am heading into a meeting, catch you later”
2. “I’m about to sit down to lunch and want to give her my undivided attention, I’ll call you later” (If you commit, follow through) She will also wonder: “Who is that girl?”
3. I g2g, see ya

You want to cut the communication before it dies out, but you want her to think you have better things to do and she is not a priority.

VI. Disengage
-Pretty self explanatory

1. Either send her an end message “bye” or just simply stop responding. She will wonder why this is and send you more texts (IOI) or she won’t respond and you will have the upper hand by cutting the communication first.
2. Disengaging works great when she tells you something personal or something you may not approve of. Example: I was texting a girl for about an hour and having great fluff talk and interaction when she said:

HB8.5: My friends are teasing me!
Me: Why?
HB8.5: I drank a lot on Friday and was stumbling around and tripping over stuff
Me: (No response)

-I didn’t send a message of disapproval, but I also didn’t acknowledge her actions. Thoughts of “I shouldn’t have sent that, I look like a total idiot! (DLV)” or “He doesn’t like girls like that” She now has to win back your approval, you have the upper hand. The disengagement phase is by far one of the most important because it dictates what she has running through her head between communications with you.


Sporadic Response- Responding randomly every 5 minutes, then 1 hour, the 30 minutes. Builds anxiety and curiosity on her end. “What could he possibly be doing?”

TEG- (Text NEG) You can neg her about whatever you want, but end it with a smiley (You’re a nerd :D )

Wrong Address- Send her a text of something completely off topic:
PUA: Of course I remember that!
HB: What??
PUA: My bad, I am texting you and my friend Lauren at the same time. Got mixed up :)

Fort Knox- Don’t let her in. Never answer her questions with serious answers. Recent Example:

HB8.5: How old are you? (IOI)
Me: Glad you asked, I turn 145 this Friday
HB8.5: I like em older :)
Me: Its all that botox that makes me look 25

Cliffhanger- Creating anxiety and tension through eliciting juicy information but never delivering. Example:

PUA: I’m full of secrets!
HB: Really? Tell me one
PUA: (No Response)
HB: (30 min later) TELL ME!!
PUA: You can’t crack me that easy :)

Death Phrase (My favorite)- An unclear answer conveying that you have other options and things to consider. The phrase: “We’ll see ”

It is not a clear answer, but nor does it decline an invitation, plus it’s a little playful.

Things to Remember

1. She will execute these same techniques on you. Women are hard wired to mess with your head.
2. She will ‘punish’ you by not responding to some texts
3. NEVER send more than 1 message, even if she doesn’t respond.
4. Never apologize even if you accidentally offended her. What is done is done, learn from it and move on.
5. If your initial contact is a text, always end the text with your name (-AgentJ)
6. Don’t try too hard to make her have text sex. She will just stop responding. Binary blowjobs aren’t as good as the real ones.
7. Don’t always respond to her initial message, she will wonder why.
8. If she mimics your sporadic responses she is giving you an IOI
9. Keep texting playful, don’t try to have a deep conversation. (This one is really fun to observe)
10. If you go into a conversation without an objective, raise her buying temperature then disengage.

Keep your head up and eyes open

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Postby Guest » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:43 pm

For opening texts, I like sending a blank text.

Send her a text with nothing in it. It's good if you know you already have a certain level of attraction, and it is a good, non-intrusive and low-effort way to gauge how much attraction you have with her.

If she sends you in return, something like, "?" "What?" "There wasn't anything there." "Was there supposed to be something in that?"

Then you know you have a fair amount of attraction.

If not you know where you stand in the model.

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