C&F issues

Mystery Method, Speed Seduction, Cocky & Funny, etc. (Post only field tested material)

C&F issues

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:15 am

ok so heres the deal even before being introduced to the community i always had a way of CF method. But my whole life i have run into the problem that people take CF as me being serious. I have a very dry sense of humor that people with a matching style pick up on but if not alot of times people take it as arrogance. I hate to blow my own horn but ive always been told i was a "good looking guy" so i dont know if that has anything to do with it. My question is how should i play it off so that people realize a joke is a joke and not arrogance

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 21, 2007 3:17 am

make it funnier is usually the right answer to this

im also quite droll in person, and another good technique is to make it really obvious that youre playing around by bringing one person in the group into your joke, by winking at them or kicking them under the table - it serves a double purpose of communicating to someone in the group that youre joking, as well as created the opportunity to become playful/have a bit of that 'insider' alignment happen within the dynamic. it works well if you do it to more than one person in the group, and have running jokes with them

eg with an english girl i know, i tease her about being white, and throw in the phrase "these fucking white people, wtf" pretty much everytime i see her. if people are with her, they witness her laughing (even if they have nfi what the joke is) and i proofs me as the funny guy. i have running jokes with pretty much everyone, it can make life easy.

really good running jokes are ones that allow sexual transitioning/embedding, like the one where i announce my status as a powerslut. its blatant, communicates sexuality/preselection, and comes off as a funny inside joke. i suggest you try it. "powersluts like me dont take shit from peasant girls like you, shoo, shoo lol" priceless looks on faces lol

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 21, 2007 6:08 pm

I have a running joke with a girl about her growing a beard. Of course, she really doesn't have visible facial hair, but whenever I bring it up, she laughs and everyone else who isn't in on it looks at me like I'm a huge jackass, which is sometimes funnier than the joke itself.

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:33 pm

Making a jackass statement like that is a good way to direct alot of the groups attention at you immediately. The key at that point is being able to turn the conversation around and direct it now that you have everybodys attention. Be the focal point of the group.

Postby Guest » Fri Apr 27, 2007 6:47 am

SMILE!! c&f key is smiling that smirk everybodies got one.

Postby Guest » Tue May 15, 2007 3:05 am

What you need to do is to take advice from the main man of C&F David Deangelo. He says to master the "sly smile". its like a smirk. read up on his stuff.

You say that you are told alot that you are a good looking guy,
in that case you dont have to use so much C&F. You can actually have more of a direct game. My best friend and and top wingman is obviously a very good looking guy from the amount of comments he gets from chicks. What does he do? He has more of a direct game. He doesnt make many C&F comments. He doesnt need to!

I'll give you an idea of his game which is just right for a better looking guy. Heres his game in a nutshell:

After he meets a girl he teases her, ALOT! Unlike me he doesnt have a way with words. Hes just good at teasing girls and hes funny. So, now shes already PHYSICALLY attracted to him (cuz hes a good looking guy) and now that he has teased her and made her laugh a few times she is attracted to his personality. At this point when she makes just a few IOIs he uses direct game. He will isolate her and go for the kiss.

Last summer we went to detroit and i personally saw him meet a girl in the middle of the mall and withen 5 minutes he made out with the girl twice in front a crowd of people. Thats just with his direct game. it was amazing.

The point of my story is that better looking guys dont have to have as much C&F to get girls. They dont need a way with words like us average looking guys do.

Postby Guest » Sun May 20, 2007 12:41 am

thanks sleepy thats probably the most helpful reply thus far

Postby Guest » Mon May 21, 2007 10:27 pm

No problem. I'd be happy to elaborate on the subject if you want. Just ask. Peace

Postby Guest » Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:30 pm

better late than never on my reply--i think you can best describe the sly smile as a smile that you let creep across your face (think slow and sinister)

Postby Guest » Mon Jul 16, 2007 5:43 pm

DD says...

Cocky and funny: also known as 'cocky comedy' can be called flirting, this refers to combination of arrogance and humor. A humorous mock arrogance intended to communicate with intelligence and being 'a challenge'. DeAngelo points out that it is important to get the balance right, as just using 'cocky' "comes across as insecure, and comedy alone usually comes across as goofy and dumb." [14] [15]

One of the most misunderstood terms in the community. Because everyone has a different idea of what this means (to them) I simply ignored the phrase when I first got into this.

If you are decent looking pickup is much easier but most guys can get to that point with effort. I have found direct game to be by far the best technique for me. I also found it good to let her dictate the pace. I can wait a few hours because she needs the emotional connection. She is a girl after all.

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