List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Describe your DFW's venue experiences and recommendations

Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby ninjamatt » Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:00 pm

This thread is kind of funny and it brings up a few personal experience thoughts I have.

I been talking to this regular who is Mexican at a main club everyone goes to in my town. she speaks very limited english. Absolutely hot as they come. I've got her number and text her but she rarely responds. But, when I see her out which is every weekend she's pretty much hinting she wants to fuck, she don't like hispanic guys and yadda, yadda. I don't know what I'm gonna do about this one yet. She would be the hottest I've had b/c she's a combination physical combination of everything. If I get attached, that could be trouble.

for those of you who white who are in to the interracial thing remember something; A large percentage of white women who see you flirting with a black woman in the club are going to be instantly turned off. So you might be talking to a black 7, when a white 8 is standing in the corner would have talked to you, but when she sees that you likely took yourself down a few notches. If you're in a venue guys outnumber girls 10:1, you might of killed your chance with the 8. I've seen this happen several times. When one of my wings starts talking to a black woman , i walk away. It's not that I don't like black people, and I'll hang with the men a bit.

I think your "routine" conversation is a matter of symantics. It seems like Meanads point is, you start to set an unbecoming precedent when you have a series of lines you use on a woman, then you move on , and in the same night use the same thing on another woman. Well what if woman 1, or hell someone close by who hears both conversations sees you using the same routine? You probably look a bit silly and scripted. I remember a guy a few years ago coming up to me and telling me a joke. About 2 minutes later a guy came and stood beside him and I heard him tell the same joke. About an hour later, He told me the same joke again. Seems like BR's and Meanads definition of the word is different. If one night I open one girl talking about the guy riding the mechanical bull, the next about some bachelorette crown on another girls head, the next about who's 2 dollar tip is laying on the bar, the next about her heels, the next about a custom dress, the next about a pearl necklace, the next about if I should wear my collar up, the next I bust up a conversation then say I'm sorry I didn't realize you were talking, then walk away, (which works well) I would be irresponsible to say I would never use any of those "routines" again. I might not use the same routine in the same weekend , but eventually I recycle a lot of stuff.

Meanad, Meanad, Meandad... I've got a bone to pick with you. You come here and flex your muscles a lot. You seem to put others down and build yourself up. If you were such a natural, and if game came so easy, I'm not sure why you have to come onto a message board to say it. If these people are beneath you, why are you entertaining them with your holy presence? Men who have a lot of success with women, generally get along well with other men especially the attractive other men who are also good with women. The also get along well with others on message boards who have similar goals. sure, an asshole can get a hot girlfriend, but as a whole, women don't like the type of personality you portray here.

So, that brings me to my last idea. I live a couple hours outside of dallas but I would love to come out and sarge with you. You be my friend, I be yours, and we can have a friendly little pick up contest. I would love to learn from you. Let me know if you are interested.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby red » Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:49 am

I think the ideal that you should realize is that every place that you listed will have women there. Like Isiman said, you need to get out yourself.

Go and develop your own opinion. If one place seemed unfruitful, then you need to check it out again, later in the night, on a different night perhaps.

Society is a DYNAMIC entity.

Since you developed this list, I now propose that you go to each place, AND you tell US about your experience there. Not because the forum wants your opinion of each location. Because YOU want opinions of each location.

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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby red » Sat Mar 03, 2012 5:54 am

Also, ninjamatt....

Your rhetoric about race is pure, well for lack of a better term, ignorance....

Look up the definition of a LIMITING SOCIAL BELIEF.

And please, take that to heart... or you will be shooting yourself in the foot for the rest of your life.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby ninjamatt » Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:32 pm

red wrote:Also, ninjamatt....

Your rhetoric about race is pure, well for lack of a better term, ignorance....

Look up the definition of a LIMITING SOCIAL BELIEF.

And please, take that to heart... or you will be shooting yourself in the foot for the rest of your life.

What part of it do you find ignorant? The first part of your theory to look up the limiting social belief definition already has your thinking slightly off track. Whoever wrote the definition most likely comes from a different culture and location as where my stomping grounds are. Where I am being at the top of the pyramid for my venues in a predominately white community, I can only damage my image if I'm noticed conversing with black women no matter how they look. Now if you are an average looking white man you can typically talk to prettier black women b/c for them it's a step up the social ladder.

for several years I've managed at 2 call centers that employ mostly black women. I've also clubbed in venues that's about 50/50 over that time frame. The first thing that turns me off about them personality-wise is I find a much higher percentage of them to be trouble makers in the office than any other race or gender combined. Also, they generally have a hard time getting along with each other. It's been my experience that the majority of entry level attractive white women in an office would rather bond and be friends the first time they see each other. The majority of the black women in the same position would rather be enemies. That's not really an opinion, it's a trend I've noticed working and clubbing among them over the last 10 years.

Furthermore, for a black woman to have a white boyfriend, it's generally thought of in their community as a step up the social ladder. If you read my first post in this thread, I mentioned a mexican woman I'm contemplating sleeping with. It's the same principal. For her to fuck me, it's a huge step up from her hispanic social ladder. The only difference is, she looks white, and doesn't speak english. Obviously, if other girls I am gaming know i'm trying to game a mexican that don't speak english, no matter how attractive, I appear a little nasty for going down the social ladder. Well, a lot of white women realize about black women what I just told you, among other things that's not necessary to point out. So when they see you flirting with that, a lot of them perceive you as a little nasty, and not real picky which turns them off.

I don't want to discourage you from talking to black women if that's something you like. You may be in a position where you are just learning the ropes and you just want practice talking to anything. That is certainly fine. And then if you subscribe to the theory that you don't care if a white woman don't like seeing you talk to them, you don't want a "racist woman" anyway, then mission accomplished.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Triumvirate » Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:59 am

Furthermore, for a black woman to have a white boyfriend, it's generally thought of in their community as a step up the social ladder.

Hahahaha. That's really funny. Completely false. But very funny.

I will agree that if you are a black man and talk to white women, you are seen as someone who is turning his back on his race among other black people.

I have noticed here in Texas, a white woman known to have an interest in black men, will generally make them "tainted goods" in the eyes of a lot of white men.

I have never heard of a white woman docking a white guy points for talking to someone of another race. Society has set up the idea of white women being the paragon of beauty, so I don't see why talking to a female of another race would set off their alarms.

Anyway, probably a bit off topic from the original intent of this thread.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Khaos » Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:11 pm

ninjamatt wrote:This thread is kind of funny and it brings up a few personal experience thoughts I have.

I been talking to this regular who is Mexican at a main club everyone goes to in my town. she speaks very limited english. Absolutely hot as they come. I've got her number and text her but she rarely responds. But, when I see her out which is every weekend she's pretty much hinting she wants to fuck, she don't like hispanic guys and yadda, yadda. I don't know what I'm gonna do about this one yet. She would be the hottest I've had b/c she's a combination physical combination of everything. If I get attached, that could be trouble.

for those of you who white who are in to the interracial thing remember something; A large percentage of white women who see you flirting with a black woman in the club are going to be instantly turned off. So you might be talking to a black 7, when a white 8 is standing in the corner would have talked to you, but when she sees that you likely took yourself down a few notches. If you're in a venue guys outnumber girls 10:1, you might of killed your chance with the 8. I've seen this happen several times. When one of my wings starts talking to a black woman , i walk away. It's not that I don't like black people, and I'll hang with the men a bit.

I think your "routine" conversation is a matter of symantics. It seems like Meanads point is, you start to set an unbecoming precedent when you have a series of lines you use on a woman, then you move on , and in the same night use the same thing on another woman. Well what if woman 1, or hell someone close by who hears both conversations sees you using the same routine? You probably look a bit silly and scripted. I remember a guy a few years ago coming up to me and telling me a joke. About 2 minutes later a guy came and stood beside him and I heard him tell the same joke. About an hour later, He told me the same joke again. Seems like BR's and Meanads definition of the word is different. If one night I open one girl talking about the guy riding the mechanical bull, the next about some bachelorette crown on another girls head, the next about who's 2 dollar tip is laying on the bar, the next about her heels, the next about a custom dress, the next about a pearl necklace, the next about if I should wear my collar up, the next I bust up a conversation then say I'm sorry I didn't realize you were talking, then walk away, (which works well) I would be irresponsible to say I would never use any of those "routines" again. I might not use the same routine in the same weekend , but eventually I recycle a lot of stuff.

Meanad, Meanad, Meandad... I've got a bone to pick with you. You come here and flex your muscles a lot. You seem to put others down and build yourself up. If you were such a natural, and if game came so easy, I'm not sure why you have to come onto a message board to say it. If these people are beneath you, why are you entertaining them with your holy presence? Men who have a lot of success with women, generally get along well with other men especially the attractive other men who are also good with women. The also get along well with others on message boards who have similar goals. sure, an asshole can get a hot girlfriend, but as a whole, women don't like the type of personality you portray here.

So, that brings me to my last idea. I live a couple hours outside of dallas but I would love to come out and sarge with you. You be my friend, I be yours, and we can have a friendly little pick up contest. I would love to learn from you. Let me know if you are interested.

Honestly PUA stuff exploits alot of the angles I used to work, such as using curiosity to your advantage along with a few other things that the community does not exploit. Unfortunately as much as i would not mind going out and helping you, I am about to get cremated by my college(writing 2 ridiculous long research papers, along with studying for tests). The only time i have to deal with girls is me having one of my 2 fuck buddies come over and thats about it. Pm your number and if i am not super busy ill text you.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby ninjamatt » Sun Mar 04, 2012 9:01 pm

Triumvirate wrote:
Furthermore, for a black woman to have a white boyfriend, it's generally thought of in their community as a step up the social ladder.

Hahahaha. That's really funny. Completely false. But very funny.

I will agree that if you are a black man and talk to white women, you are seen as someone who is turning his back on his race among other black people.

I have noticed here in Texas, a white woman known to have an interest in black men, will generally make them "tainted goods" in the eyes of a lot of white men.

I have never heard of a white woman docking a white guy points for talking to someone of another race. Society has set up the idea of white women being the paragon of beauty, so I don't see why talking to a female of another race would set off their alarms.

Anyway, probably a bit off topic from the original intent of this thread.

Where I am from in LIttle Rock, most of the clubs are within the shady parts of the city limits. Little Rock is 60% black. About 40% of the club goers are black. However, out of the remaining 60%, a lot of it is comprised of the "white flight" suburbs. These are kids who in the 80's, 90's ,2000's, their parents moved them outside of the city to mostly white suburbs to avoid inner city busing. Most highschools 20 or 30 minutes or so outside Little Rock are 75 to 95% white which is where the bulk of the club crowd comes from. I would just guess that 60% of the women I met in clubs belong to that crowd or a similar situation from another state. A high percentage of those grow up with at least "semi-racists" roots. some white girls I've met who never made it out of the city, went to school with mostly blacks, and don't like the thought of interracial dating based on their experience with the race which I'm certain in large part goes back to my office theory. some had wealthy parents and went to private schools in the city that were mostly white.

I'm not saying if you are the average Joe Blow, don't talk to someone who looks like Beyonce. what I am saying is that I have personal experience when I was younger and occasionally with wings recently where I know instances a white female lost interest when she saw a white male flirting laughing smiling chatting with a black woman. If your goal is to get a white woman, but you'll talk to black women because you are bored, or shy, or you wing met one, or white girls are blowing you off that night, keep it in mind.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Khaos » Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:52 pm

ninjamatt wrote:
Triumvirate wrote:
Furthermore, for a black woman to have a white boyfriend, it's generally thought of in their community as a step up the social ladder.

Hahahaha. That's really funny. Completely false. But very funny.

I will agree that if you are a black man and talk to white women, you are seen as someone who is turning his back on his race among other black people.

I have noticed here in Texas, a white woman known to have an interest in black men, will generally make them "tainted goods" in the eyes of a lot of white men.

I have never heard of a white woman docking a white guy points for talking to someone of another race. Society has set up the idea of white women being the paragon of beauty, so I don't see why talking to a female of another race would set off their alarms.

Anyway, probably a bit off topic from the original intent of this thread.

Where I am from in LIttle Rock, most of the clubs are within the shady parts of the city limits. Little Rock is 60% black. About 40% of the club goers are black. However, out of the remaining 60%, a lot of it is comprised of the "white flight" suburbs. These are kids who in the 80's, 90's ,2000's, their parents moved them outside of the city to mostly white suburbs to avoid inner city busing. Most highschools 20 or 30 minutes or so outside Little Rock are 75 to 95% white which is where the bulk of the club crowd comes from. I would just guess that 60% of the women I met in clubs belong to that crowd or a similar situation from another state. A high percentage of those grow up with at least "semi-racists" roots. some white girls I've met who never made it out of the city, went to school with mostly blacks, and don't like the thought of interracial dating based on their experience with the race which I'm certain in large part goes back to my office theory. some had wealthy parents and went to private schools in the city that were mostly white.

I'm not saying if you are the average Joe Blow, don't talk to someone who looks like Beyonce. what I am saying is that I have personal experience when I was younger and occasionally with wings recently where I know instances a white female lost interest when she saw a white male flirting laughing smiling chatting with a black woman. If your goal is to get a white woman, but you'll talk to black women because you are bored, or shy, or you wing met one, or white girls are blowing you off that night, keep it in mind.

My preference is white women and i'm Caucasian. I personally don't find black woman attractive due to their facial features not there skin tones.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby ninjamatt » Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:35 pm

how old are you
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby red » Mon Mar 05, 2012 1:10 am

End Thread.
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