List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Describe your DFW's venue experiences and recommendations

Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Bull Run » Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:02 am

maenad wrote:nope, they are unnecessary.

Everyone on the planet runs routines. They're called funny stories, clever jokes, or interesting observations.

Here's the definition of a routine:

An unvarying and constantly repeated formula, as of speech or action; convenient or predictable response.

By that measure, virtually all conversation is filled with 'routines' even outside of PUA. Contrived routines are different but are still convenient, predictable responses, if used correctly, routines can be one the most powerful ways to seduce women.

I've created a new routine that I call the Urban Exploration routine. I'm in the process of hanging a bunch of framed pictures, that I took, on the walls of my house of old, abandoned buildings from across the country. Each picture has a story to it, when asked, I will tell the story. It's a real story, but it's also a routine and I suspect it'll be very effective to demonstrate various value attritubes I possess as a man.

Shit man, YOU run a routine on these boards all the time. Back in the day when I was a natural...blah, blah, blah. THAT's a fucking routine. It's not a seduction routine mind you, it's just a recurring story or theme that you discuss with people. A constant, repeated formula if you will. We all run routines, it's part of human interaction.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Morpheo » Thu Mar 01, 2012 2:18 pm

maenad wrote:sue ellens, but be careful lesbians love men. :wink:

Can't tell if this is a serious suggestion or a joke.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Khaos » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:22 pm

No, I freestyle like lil Wayne. I never say the same things twice to a girl. It would be redundant and boring.

I AM A NATURAL and cool dude, that's why I don't hang out with most people who do PU.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Bull Run » Thu Mar 01, 2012 3:53 pm

maenad wrote:No, I freestyle like lil Wayne. I never say the same things twice to a girl. It would be redundant and boring.

I AM A NATURAL and cool dude, that's why I don't hang out with most people who do PU.

Whatever. Everyone on the planet tells the same story more than once. YOU included: "I was this and that natural back in the day, then I lost my confidence, blah, blah..." That's a routine. And, not one that adds value. Fact is if you actually knew how to construct a routine that adds value then you'd understand how awesome they are at seducing women. But, you don't, so you shit on them. Just like every other guy that tries to learn PU and fails.

If you were a natural, you wouldn't be here. And, if you don't hang out with most PU peeps, which is fine, then what the hell are you doing on the boards where you actually solicit advice from them time to time? You don't need to be here now do you 'lil Wayne?
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Khaos » Thu Mar 01, 2012 6:32 pm

PU explained what I did right. But your actually wrong, routines give value to those who have none. Everyone who does PU is beta and they try to emulate my behavior before depression. Every person that I've met with the exception of 4, who do PU have been not what I consider high value therefore I don't waste my time with them. Even the coaches that I've known have been poor excuses for men, they are complete vaginas.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby jsonDeRulo » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:00 am

Last edited by jsonDeRulo on Thu Feb 22, 2018 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Gunslinger » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:23 am

maenad wrote:PU explained what I did right. But your actually wrong, routines give value to those who have none. Everyone who does PU is beta and they try to emulate my behavior before depression. Every person that I've met with the exception of 4, who do PU have been not what I consider high value therefore I don't waste my time with them. Even the coaches that I've known have been poor excuses for men, they are complete vaginas.

Look up the definition of routine: an unvarying and constantly repeated formula, as of speech or action; convenient or predictable response

That is what you do when you say how you used to be good, blah blah blah everyday. that is a routine you always use. You use routines. Everyone uses them.

If everyone who does pickup is beta, that makes you beta. You are here and you obviously need help with girls, otherwise you wouldn't be here or posting here. Regardless of what you think you could do in the past, you are here now, so that makes you just as "beta" as everyone else here.

You are not a natural. A natural NEVER loses his skill comes naturally to him. Like breathing. It just happens. You can't lose something that you are naturally good at. I have a natural friend that has been through some nasty break ups and guess what? He always comes back just as good as before because it comes naturally to him.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Bull Run » Fri Mar 02, 2012 10:37 am

maenad wrote:PU explained what I did right. But your actually wrong, routines give value to those who have none.

By that logic, the mere act of talking to anyone gives them value. That's horseshit. A true man of value increases and magnifies the value of those around him. He raises them up, he shares his value with the world, he makes other people feel good about themselves, and he's rewarded handsomely for doing so. They are also aware of when it's time to slap down those that actively subvert and tear others down.

I wish I could get ahold of what ever drugs you're taking because they clearly detach you from reality...I suspect you lived and currently still live in a dream world. Getting a handjob from a girl back in high school doesn't make you a natural. Eating some stripper's pussy in a private room at a strip club (after forking out plenty of your parent's cash) doesn't make you a natural. Shit, even if you didn't have to pay a dime doesn't make you a natural...strippers are the easiest targets to pull because they're emotionally stunted and psychologically damaged. I've fucked several strippers, on one occassion the girl started crying after I gave her a magnificent roggering...she said it's because it reminded her of how her DAD used to fuck her and that she LOVED it. Yeah, knock yourself out with that demographic.

maenad wrote:Everyone who does PU is beta and they try to emulate my behavior before depression. Every person that I've met with the exception of 4, who do PU have been not what I consider high value therefore I don't waste my time with them.

Throughout the course of my life, I've run into a lot of people that always believed everyone else in the world was stupid. The sad thing about these people is that they were always the one that was stupid. Funny how that works. An alpha that thinks of themselves as an alpha isn't an alpha because alphas don't think like that. They just are. A confident man never says they're confident because that's just how they are, it's their state of being and it's not something advertised to the world. A humble man is unaware of his humility.

maenad wrote:Even the coaches that I've known have been poor excuses for men, they are complete vaginas.

Hi pot, it's the kettle.

Fact is that you come on these boards and post one liners filled with spite and negativity. You're almost reaching troll status. Men seek out these boards for answers to their social problems. Just coming to the realization that you need help is admirable, being humble enough to actually seek out and solicit advice (thus advertising their frustrations to the world) is even more admirable. The men on this board are trying to learn and better themselves. They need to have a positive environment that is productive to their development into a better man, a man of value. Your posts don't help anyone, in fact, they're confusing and illogical. They're counterproductive.

If everyone in PU is beta and a pussy, then why bother wasting your time coming on here? I suspect it's your way of trying to make yourself feel superior to others. And, that is a shitty character trait. You and me (among others from DallasLair) have butted heads in the past, that's why you jumped forums, so you'll intrepret this post as a personal attack. You probably even think I have a grudge against you. Truth is I don't. Truth is the only reason I ever spoke with you at all is because I just feel sorry for you. Some people just can't be helped. I hope you wake up from this dream of yours before it turns into a nightmare.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Khaos » Fri Mar 02, 2012 12:49 pm

Gunslinger wrote:
maenad wrote:PU explained what I did right. But your actually wrong, routines give value to those who have none. Everyone who does PU is beta and they try to emulate my behavior before depression. Every person that I've met with the exception of 4, who do PU have been not what I consider high value therefore I don't waste my time with them. Even the coaches that I've known have been poor excuses for men, they are complete vaginas.

Look up the definition of routine: an unvarying and constantly repeated formula, as of speech or action; convenient or predictable response

That is what you do when you say how you used to be good, blah blah blah everyday. that is a routine you always use. You use routines. Everyone uses them.

If everyone who does pickup is beta, that makes you beta. You are here and you obviously need help with girls, otherwise you wouldn't be here or posting here. Regardless of what you think you could do in the past, you are here now, so that makes you just as "beta" as everyone else here.

You are not a natural. A natural NEVER loses his skill comes naturally to him. Like breathing. It just happens. You can't lose something that you are naturally good at. I have a natural friend that has been through some nasty break ups and guess what? He always comes back just as good as before because it comes naturally to him.

Your incorrect, I was really good at teasing and banter. When I became depressed, I lost my razor sharp wit which coincidently caused me to lose my touch with women.
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Re: List of Best Nightgame Locations in Dallas

Postby Bull Run » Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:31 pm

maenad wrote:Your incorrect, I was really good at teasing and banter. When I became depressed, I lost my razor sharp wit which coincidently caused me to lose my touch with women.

You know what? Gunslinger and I are wrong. You don't run routines, you're a broken fucking record.
The difference is indifference.
Bull Run
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