Matador Mayhem Bootcamp Atlanta

Describe your DFW's venue experiences and recommendations

Matador Mayhem Bootcamp Atlanta

Postby Cowboy » Wed Mar 26, 2008 6:59 am

Hey guys. I just got back from a bootcamp with Matador and Cosmo in Atlanta. Here is a review that I posted on the venusian arts forum. The post mostly focuses on my opinion of Matador and Kosmo. For me the price that I paid was well worth it and I had a great time. Looking forward to meeting some of you guys.

Atlanta Bootcamp March 21-23
Ok let me first start out by saying what you are about to read is nothing but truth. I have no reason to write this. I feel compelled to, in hopes that it might benefit someone and lead them to a life changing decision, such as attending a bootcamp thus enriching their life.
My background. I am 34 years old, sucessfull military pilot of ten years, soon to be separting from the military in a few weeks so this bootcamp could not have come at a better time. I am a good looking guy and not satisfied. Sure I got laid on a regular basis by 7's and 8's, and a 9 or 10 once a year. So thru the bootcamp I was looking to improve my quality of women and actually learn pickup instead of relying on my looks to get women. I also was attending the bootcamp for the social aspect. I am moving back home to Dallas soon and would like to create a quality, large social cirlcle of friends.
I am going to talk to you about the instructors and thier qualities and what I got out of the camp. I'm not going to go into details about my sets, how many numbers I got, how many chix I kino plowed and kissed, how many chix Matador made out with, blah, blah, blah.... All of that shit happend, if you really want to know pm me.


When I first saw the dude, I was like WTF and who the fuck is this dude?!!
As an instructor this dude is fantastic. I have been an instructor pilot for years and the military sent me to school for it. Didnt ask Matador if he has had any formal training as an instructor. But as I sat there listening to him day after day I kept saying to myself wow this dude really knows how to teach. He is truly passionate about teaching, and concerned that you understand what he is teaching. No question was ever left unanswered. Each day training sessions ran late due to the fact Matador took no shorcuts and was truly concerned that we got his message and understood it. The sunday day training seesion lasted until 2am Monday morning. So if you book a bootcamp with Matador, my advice would be to plan on going home monday, not sunday night.
Yes I learned a ton about pickup from Matador. In the field he was incredible making on the spot corrections often right in front of the girls with them listening. It was amazing. But what I took away from him the most was about life and how to live it in a most rewarding way. The principles and concepts that he lives his life by are rock solid and I will be adapting them to mine. The guy is a warm person with NO ego. Be prepared to work hard and this dude will help you transform your life for the better.


I FUCKIN' LOVE THIS DUDE!! If Kosmo were a chix I would date guy is 100% energy. He is amazing. I fed off his energy and I loved sarging with him!! He is extremely perceptive, as Matador, and would make on the spot corrections for me in the field that were invaluble. Ok I lied I will tell one infield story. On night two I was with Kosmo. Things were going great. I had number closed one girl, kino plowed another on the dance floor and kissed her. Kosmo grabbed me and took me to another separate dance room of the club. He looks at me and says "I want you to be the host of this party". OH shit! I felt the AA rising inside of me. I told myself FUCK IT and away I went introducing myself to the majority of the room and having a great fucking time as Kosmo watched from a vantage point where he could see me work. Upon returning to Kosmo he gave me instant feedback concering what I was doing right and wrong. He then said, "dude you are the host of this party and these guys next to me were asking about you". At that point in my life I reached a whole new level of confidence. Right after that I went up to the hottest girl on the dance floor picked her up Matador style and spun her around and rolled off. Before the bootcamp I would have never even thought about doing something like that, much less do it. Through Kosmo's energy,instruction and positive attitude I completley came out of my shell and dropped the massive ego I once had. Kosmo truly cares about your success and here is one more story that proves it. I had been gaming a girl back home that is in a unhappy relationship with limited success so far. Kosmo schooled me on some phone game, I called her left this fucked up hilarious message. She responed in minutes. Another testement to Kosmo's comittment to students. After the sunday classroom, which ended at 2am Monday, Cosmo and I hung out for another hour or two in my room. Talking about pickup, life, and some other questions I had for him. He also gave me advice one the above metioned girl that I had also been communicating with through myspace. Btw Cosmo, she is coming over tonight.

Bottom line gentlemen. If you want to improve your game and more importantly improve your life. Sign up for a bootcamp. Thanks to these guys and hard work I am going to put in, I WILL be living a rockstar lifestyle.

To all my boys at the bootcamp... HOLLA!
For all you dudes thinking about taking a bootcamp I will leave you with this quote.
"What one has not experienced, one will never understand in print".
Isadora Duncan

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Postby BIGT » Sat Apr 12, 2008 3:33 am

very cool, looking forward to reading more of your experiences
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Matador and Kosmo in Atlanta March 21-23

Postby Dr. Mike, Sex Therapist » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:43 am

I went to the same bootcamp with Cowboy. Here is the review I wrote on

BTW...I'm attending Mystery and Lovedrop's bootcamp in Dallas May 2-4. If you guys have any questions about bootcamps in general hit me up.

I know this review is long but trust me, it barely scratches the surface.

First off a little about me. I was a strip club DJ for 4 years then I joined the military after 9/11. I'm also an aviator so I was really surprised when I found out Cowboy (above) was a pilot. Anyway, during my 4 years as a DJ (I actually worked at Expose in Austin where they filmed the Pick Up Artist. lol) I was around some incredibly beautiful women. I hooked up with a fair share but I rarely got exactly the ones I wanted and if I did it was only because of my status as a DJ and maybe my looks. I saw the same few guys hook up with all the girls. I saw how they acted but couldn't put 2 and 2 together. I though their actions were the exception and not the rule.

Fast forward....a year into the military I pick up David D's e-book. It completely changed my perspective and I gained a a lot of success but I was not getting the consistency I was looking for. After two years of studying David D I went on a trip to Vegas and open this Asian dime piece at the Playboy Club in the Palms Casino. She's laughing, we are vibing and she asks me if I know who Neil Strauss is. I did only through David D's interview series. She said I remind her of him. She said that they were close and that he wrote this book called "The Game" and I should go check it out....the next morning I got though the 1st 100 pages. Then I read the Venusian Arts Handbook and I was 1,000% sold. I got every video the Mystery and Style put out and I started to pull dimes (HB10's for those who are ethnically challenged) left and right.

Eight months later I hit a wall. I met my one-itis. She crushed me! I lost my mojo. I was still the shit in a night club. I could set up day 2's with anyone but I had some serious issues building comfort. It's funny, this popular persona I'd created was attracting woman but at the same time it was also making it very hard for them to trust me.

I needed to learn from guys who were a lot better than me so I decided to take a bootcamp. It was the right choice.

I went to a club called Aiko Thursday night. I'll admit when I got there I wasn't feeling it. I brought a pivot and one of my main wings along for support. I was on the dance floor by myself when my man Kosmo sneaks up. I was like, "What the f*&k man!" His plane just got in, I was happy as shit to see him. (We had met at the previous bootcamp and sarged together at a strip club.) Kosmo met this Persian hottie and was working her most of the night. I was just on fire that night and kissed closed two girls I’d been attracted to for a while. It was going to be a good weekend.

Friday we went to class. We introduced ourselves. I was the only in-field student living in Georgia. Matador's presence took over the room. He taught with a passion that reminded me of Mel Gibson in Bravehart. He did not half ass through anything. I'm extremely familiar with the M3 model and all their lines and techniques so I was pleased when Matador took the instruction deep into inner game and what he called his "Magnificent Way of Being." During the breaks Kosmo would lead some of the discussion. I got a lot out of what he was saying. I tried to suck up every piece of information I could. They gave us some openers to try and we headed out around 10pm. One of the most impressive things about Kosmo was how quickly he diagnosed my weaknesses. He gave me different instruction from some of the other students. I put my ego aside and tried to do whatever he or Matador suggested usually ending in success. I had a great night, met a ton of girls and got friendly with a few.

Around 3 am we pulled 3 girls back to the suite. (It would have been 5 but it was cold and we couldn't get the car fast enough.) Kosmo pulled a sweet move when he jumped in the car with 2 of the girls to make SURE they came back to the hotel. (Write that one down boys and girls.) In the room Matador tried to set up a threesome with these two girls. One he’d know for a while and one he’d just me that night. The one he’d known wasn’t down. He f-closed the new one not even an hour after they’d met and she was pretty attractive. Later that day he closed the other one as well. (I call that an ‘infield double’)

Kosmo and I were talking to the other girls 2 girls we pulled. It was awesome because he was giving instruction while the interaction was taking place. We talked about LMR. The girls wanted to know what LMR was. Kosmo told them that LMR was a buddy of ours that was coming over later. I almost peed myself from laughing.

I was sitting with one of the girls I’d been making out with. Matador from across the room told me about all the IOI’s he was seeing from the girl and then told me she was horny. THE GIRL WAS SITTING RIGHT THERE AND HEARD EVERYTHING!!! Let’s just say I learned a lot that night.

Saturday, we were tore up from the night before. Some of us were up til 8am. Matador focused more on A2, and A3 stuff in class. Kosmo led sort of a group discussion during the breaks. It was a lot like a college lecture. We were done around 9 and headed back down town. During the whole weekend people were AMOGing us left and right. Not Matador so much but I was getting AMOGed by a few of the PUA’s who knew my reputation from the lair and Kosmo was getting quadruple teamed by some promoter/cocaine dealer types in the VIP at Opera. There were a few tense moments I won’t get into but we were there to sarge, not fight.

I made out with so many girls Saturday night. What’s even more impressive was that some of these same girls had blown me off in previous weeks. Matador told me that I need to concentrate on isolating and building comfort with one girl and not try to get at every hot girl I see. He was right, I was so impatient. I’ll try to get 20 numbers in a night and I don’t build comfort with anyone. That night I concentrated on this one Chinese hottie. (I LOVE Asian women…..) I built a lot of comfort with her, rolled off and her friend came to me later and told me she was getting jealous. (Thank you Matador.)

I pulled another fine ass girl outside with me. I asked her to, “Please walk me out so I don’t get raped.” She laughed, I isolated and we were making out 30 seconds later. I was so hot I was burning the place down.

Sunday we were in the classroom from 2pm til 2am. We all exchanged e-mails, got feed back from Kosmo and Matador. Matador told us the 60 characteristics of his Way of Being. That was probably the most important thing I learned from him that weekend. My only regret was that we didn’t get to go out all together that night because we ended too late.

Monday the bootcamp was over. Kosmo, myself and a few others went to Fogo de Chao for lunch. I brought a girl, Kosmo watched us interact and quickly saw where I was mis-calibrated. He gave me some tips on listening and grounding. The whole weekend was a productive learning experience.

About Matador and Kosmo

Both of these guys have exceptional game. Matador uses kino early and often. His frame is SO strong that no one could dare reject him. And he talks to EVERYONE. He describes his inner game as coming from Eastern philosophy. Basically he doesn’t need anything from an interaction. He is concerned with the value he can bring to his fellow man.

Kosmo has a talent for getting into comfort quickly and expressing emotions to a girl so she feels comfortable. (A huge weakness of mine.) He’s also just really quick witted and funny while at the same time being non-reactive. (Except for when we were about to throw down with those AMOGs) He is also very good at determining who has more value in an interaction and then calibrating. He helped me realize that I go into a lot of interactions with women where she feels that I have more value than her. He helped me understand that I need to stop negging and start grounding. That I need to build more trust and not worry so much about pre-selection. (You too Cowboy.)
Kosmo could have closed several girls that weekend but didn’t. He told me he found a girl back in LA that he really cares about. One of the things I admire most about him is that he is happy and knows what he wants. He is centered. I think most of us would like to be in his position. Lastly, Kosmo is my boy. Forget about pick-up, tv shows, acting, whatever. He is a cool dude that I would roll with no matter how we met.

Bottom line

I’m not a newbie. I’m pretty experienced and I’ve had a lot of success with beautiful women but this bootcamp was a huge learning experience even for me. We all have weaknesses. For some it’s approach anxiety, for others it’s trying to f-close one of the Atlanta Hawks cheerleaders. This bootcamp can help you with all your problems and get you to that next plateau. Take it, I’ll probably be in there with you.
Dr. Mike Sartain, Sex Therapist

"The sex worthy guy is not entertaining the girls, he is entertaining himself." -- Tim (RSD)
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Postby Smirks » Fri Apr 18, 2008 9:48 am

...are these simply adverts?
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Postby Kit » Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:36 am

Smirks wrote:...are these simply adverts?
Haha... you have to ask? Come on Smirks, you have no problem ripping me a new one, why not go after someone that actually deserves it?
No, No, that's the left. We want the good one.
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Postby Dr. Mike, Sex Therapist » Fri Apr 18, 2008 10:52 am

Dude, no one is paying me to post this stuff. I am an officer in the military and that is my only job.

We had an awesome time, and learned a lot. We are going to a bootcamp in Dallas and we though you would want to hear what our previous experience was like.

After the Dallas bootcamp I'll probably post how that one went too.
Dr. Mike Sartain, Sex Therapist

"The sex worthy guy is not entertaining the girls, he is entertaining himself." -- Tim (RSD)
Dr. Mike, Sex Therapist
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Postby Kit » Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:02 am

Dr. Mike, Sex Therapist wrote:Dude, no one is paying me to post this stuff. I am an officer in the military and that is my only job.

We had an awesome time, and learned a lot. We are going to a bootcamp in Dallas and we though you would want to hear what our previous experience was like.

After the Dallas bootcamp I'll probably post how that one went too.

Awesome man. Are you available to go sarging with any of us this weekend?
No, No, that's the left. We want the good one.
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Postby Dr. Mike, Sex Therapist » Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:09 am

Dude, I would love to but I live in Georgia. I'll be in Dallas from the 1st til the 6th. My boy Cowboy lives there, ask him.

Where do you go sarge? When I'm there I'm mostly on Main Street and uptown. I like Babydolls too.
Dr. Mike Sartain, Sex Therapist

"The sex worthy guy is not entertaining the girls, he is entertaining himself." -- Tim (RSD)
Dr. Mike, Sex Therapist
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Location: Warner Robins, Ga

Postby Cowboy » Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:22 am


Dr. Mike and I are bros. We are both originally from Dallas and officers in the Air Force. I am separating in May and have moved back here last week. Last night I was at Red River with Murad/Maddog and had a great time! I would like to meet more of you guys and sarge. PM me or hit me up on myspace bro. I dont give a shit if people know who I am to include females.

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Postby Kit » Fri Apr 18, 2008 11:32 am

Cowboy wrote:Kit,

Dr. Mike and I are bros. We are both originally from Dallas and officers in the Air Force. I am separating in May and have moved back here last week. Last night I was at Red River with Murad/Maddog and had a great time! I would like to meet more of you guys and sarge. PM me or hit me up on myspace bro. I dont give a shit if people know who I am to include females.


Nice page. If you fought for our country, that's good enough for me.
No, No, that's the left. We want the good one.
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