Online problem no number

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Online problem no number

Postby jast » Wed Apr 25, 2007 3:51 pm

I have been working on my online game for 2 weeks and so far I get a response to my first email 80% of the time. When it comes to my 2nd I have not gotten any. In the 2nd email I am ask the girl for her number but I have not got anything back. I emailed one girl busting on her for not emailing me back.

"lol i didn't know I was supposed to give you my number . . . maybe we can chat a bit before I give out my number?" ( at the end of my email it said give me your number)

Do I need to do more comfort building or is she just a time waster? What would be the best way to handle this?

PS. I am letting 4 days go by before I busted on this girl.
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Re: Online problem no number

Postby Mojo » Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:39 pm

jast wrote:"lol i didn't know I was supposed to give you my number . . . maybe we can chat a bit before I give out my number?" ( at the end of my email it said give me your number)

Do I need to do more comfort building or is she just a time waster? What would be the best way to handle this?

PS. I am letting 4 days go by before I busted on this girl.

Build more comfort. Instead of e-mailing, get her on yahoo messenger, aim, etc. Once both of you chat online and build comfort, then ask for the number.
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Postby TheDoGhoUse » Wed Apr 25, 2007 6:50 pm

i would definately move to one of the instant messanger services first and build up to a phone number from there. It is much easier then getting one off of email, email can be real impersonal sometimes.
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Postby warriorpoet » Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:48 pm

agree with the guys above, baby step her from email to messenger to texts to calls

i give out my number regularly (cos i just dont care and dont answer withheld numbers) under the premise that im a super social guy tahtll be out tonight and that they may text me only. i act like its not a big deal (and it isnt) and after a while of comfort building and establishing that im always out having a good time with many people (many of them women) they cave and text/call

most recent example was a girl i met on myspace, who had my number. 3am i get a text and meet her in RL for the first time, 3:30am im in bed with her
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Postby jast » Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:45 am

Well I am trying some comfort building using AIM here is my first try with a girl I meet online.

ME: Boo
her: ?
ME: I had a few extra min at work and figured I hit you up, see whats up with you. O and I am sure you want to know who this is right?
her: yeah
ME: It's Jast, Whats up girly ?
her: Jast??
her: lol not much here . . . but i think i'll need more than that
her: from Dating site?
ME: Ouch that hurts you don't even remember me LOL....... and bingo tell her what she wins Bob!!!
her: well we haven't chatted yet
her: and you didn't give me your screenname
her: haha at least i figured it out
ME: Yeah I like smart girls. I don't get a lot of free time at work to play around. And why are you not at work are you playing hooky?
her: i'm on vacation all week
her: and bored out of my mind
ME: That sucks, maybe if some one had your number maybe you could have interesting conversation. Have you seen Hot fuzz yet that movie is great and would give you something to do
her: i haven't seen it
her: but i don't like going to movies alone, lol
her: and i give my number to people
her: once i get to know them some
her: but not til after i warn them
her: that i'm not much of a conversationalist
her: and seeing how talkative you are . . .
ME: Your a good listener then. I do toastmasters it is a hell of a lot of fun if you want to work on your conversation skills check it out.
her: lol i am a good listener
her: and not uncomfortable talking in front of people
her: just prefer observing
ME: I got to go shoping for some new shirts at lunch, send me some links of some stuff you like I could all ways use some female insight
her: lol
her: well what is your style
her: are you abercrombie or a t-shirts and jeans kinda guy?
ME: I do both I don't like to limit my self..... I am way to sexy for that ;-)
her: haha fair enough
her: well have fun shopping . . . maybe i'll go do some of that later
her: SOO talkative, lol
her: where do you live anyhow
ME: LOL working remember. I live in Arlington how about you?
her: sherman
ME: I don't see any links slacker
her: links to?
her: lol i didn't know you were serious
her: you mean you're putting me to work?
her: haha and what will i benefit, making you hot for those arlington gals, lol
ME: Well when you are my GF then all the other girls well be so jealous of you.
her: haha you want to date someone who lives a few hours away?
[ME: It's not that far of a drive for you. It will be worth it there is lots to do down here.
her: lol are you saying i'd be doing all the driving?
her: and yes, it takes at least and hour and a half to get to arlington, and that's if there is minimal traffic
ME: Man are you all ready giving me a hard time.... that’s it I want to see other people
her: lol
her: i'm not suprised
her: most men don't like a woman who speaks her mind
ME: Most men are just whinny little boys that don;t have a clue what they want.
[her: very very very true
her: haha which is part of why i'm single
ME: I get tired of all the hang-ups people have. Allot of people are just boring.
her: lol
her: what kind of hang ups are you tired of
ME: Just not wanting to try new things.
ME: That is the top one for me
her: guess that kind of makes sense
her: what kinds of new things
ME: Example, I was out with this girl and there were all this people dancing and they all sucked but they were having fun. She would not get out on the floor, she was to worried about what other people may think of here. She was kind of clumsy but still have some fun.
her: yeah that stinks
her: who cares if other people are watchin if you are having fun
ME: Right I would rather look silly and have a good time then be sitting around not having any fun
her: yup
ME: not that I ever look that silly
her: lmao you sure about that?
ME: I guess you are just going to have to fill me in when you come see me
her: haha
her: you seem pretty confident that will happen
ME: Are you one of those boring people that don't like to have fun? Would you rather sit around and play on AIM all day?
her: no . . . why
her: lol are you one of those men who assume the lady should make all the sacrifices?
ME: They you should come see me; after we talk on the phone you may have on of those really high squeaky mouse voices….. That’s why you don’t want to give me you number !!!!!
her: lmao
her: actually i've been told i have a very sexy voice
her: i'm just not much of a phone person, owing to the fact that i'm not much of a talker in general
[ME: Well I have to get back to work, email me some links to some shirts and such. and put you number there 2 that way I can find out what you sound like and then maybe we will set something up. Later
her: lol
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