Strategies for gaming online, profile creation tips, et al.

Postby Dragon » Fri Feb 17, 2012 12:21 pm

I am on Plenty of Fish. I am not doing too good at it. Haven't met anyone yet.
I am thinking about trying

I need some advice and tips.
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Location: Arlington, TX


Postby Bull Run » Fri Feb 17, 2012 2:57 pm

POF sucks.

Match is much, much better. OkCupid is legit too but certainly not as good as Match. Rhody summed up OkCupid pretty well when he said it's a place for people to show off how cool and hispter they are. But, if you alternative chicks (tats, piercings, different fashion sense) then that's the place to go...they're everywhere there. Also, you get a great insight into what the girl is really like based on the questions she answers...I only read the ones about sex because I'm a overly sexy sexed pervert.

Having said that, OkCupid is much, much more difficult to get responses on versus Match. I'd say the response rate is maybe half of that on Match...maybe even less.

There's so much to online game, more, in fact, than with traditional game...imho. In real life game is easier because you can better calibrate and that can save you from stepping in it too much. Online lacks a lot of context so you don't get to calibrate all that much. I've been working on a post/presentation regarding online game. It's all still up in my big, beautiful noggin of of these days I'll sit down and spit it up on paper. Until then, I'd read the online game post that Rhody recently made. Also, I remember there being a lot of stuff on the Dallas Lair in the Tactics section regarding online game. The information is a bit stale but it's still pretty good and, most likely, relevant.
The difference is indifference.
Bull Run
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Postby Dragon » Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:46 pm

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Location: Arlington, TX


Postby FTW » Tue Feb 28, 2012 3:26 am

Online gaming IMHO:

Is one part law of large numbers/a game of exclusion/ tons of strategy

Just remember HBs receive TONS of messages daily. Just like in any good corporate marketing your message needs to stand out.... Identify what she values, complement it, (Try to make your complement unique) then neg her, finally always ask an interesting question...... keep it short.... HOPEFULLY she'll then check your profile.. ( if your profile demonstrates value, builds comfort by having enough info about yourself so she can determine if you have similar values and identify with your life story, and enough good pics (smile in your pics for god sake) then she'll email back. Your goal is to meet in person as soon as possible. This is where the real game begins... However if you push it too early you seem creepy... game over...... it's a tough balance to determine when is the right time.

I would recommend setting a trap: Just casually mention your going to be doing something later in the week that's cool but don't invite her. In the nest message If she replies with interest in the activity (invite her but make her earn it) Something like "I generally like to know someone a bit better, but it sounds like you would enjoy Y... you can come but you need to bring X".... This approach not only demonstrates value/ keeps the power and leverage on your side, but the invitation and making her earn it leave her indebted to you...

For the academic stats of dating check out:

If you want to practice the dark arts open two different profiles in OkCupid. One real one. One with a pic of a guy who would be considered as 10 with a fake profile. Guys who are 10s get statistically a shit load of messages... identify the girl you are interested in, and then using Mr Hot befriend her and get info. People will tell hot people anything... seriously. Eventually have Mr Hot stop talking to her in a douchey way..... After waiting a bit, enter the picture. Because of fake Mr Hot you'll know a ton about her and be able to craft your meetings with her to seem like "it was meant to be".....

If you use the latter method you're probably both going to hell but more likely to be laid by some young HB10 who thinks you two were made for each other.

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