Text conversation

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Text conversation

Postby Rawwwrr! » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:41 pm

Can you guys check out this text convo and tell me what you think is going on or what you think I could have done differently. She seems to be very dismissive and not into texting at all, very short replies.

I met this girl last saturday (11-12). She seemed into me and invited me to hang out with her and her friends at the bar we were at after I opened her when she was buying a drink. I left the bar early, around 1:20 since I had to work in the morning.

Her: Hey Sexy (1:28 am)
Me: Hey cutie, What are you up to? (1:35 AM)
Her: Nothing (2:44 am)
Her: Just got home (2:51 am)
[By this time I was asleep]

Her: send a pic of u pls (12:14pm the next day)
Me: [sent pic] send one of you as well (12:55 pm)
Her: K, I didn't get nothing lol (1:17 pm)
Her: [sent pic] (1:20 pm)
Me: Did you receive mine or do I need to send again? (1:22 pm)
Her: Send again (1:23 pm)
Me: [sent pic] (1:25)

2 days later
Me: Hey (6:17 pm)
Her: Hey (11:31 am the next day)
Me: Hey, what's up? (3:17 pm)
Her: Nm shopping (3:59)
Me: What are you doing tomorrow evening? (4:36 pm)
Her: Working til 1 am (4:39 pm)
Me: That's past my bedtime. Do you work at the mcdonalds drive thru? (4:56 pm)
Her: Hell no! A sports bar (8:49 pm)

That was 3 days ago.
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Re: Text conversation

Postby Tribulus1000 » Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:24 am

Rawwwrr! wrote:Can you guys check out this text convo and tell me what you think is going on or what you think I could have done differently. She seems to be very dismissive and not into texting at all, very short replies.

I met this girl last saturday (11-12). She seemed into me and invited me to hang out with her and her friends at the bar we were at after I opened her when she was buying a drink. I left the bar early, around 1:20 since I had to work in the morning.

Her: Hey Sexy (1:28 am)
Me: Hey cutie, What are you up to? (1:35 AM)
Her: Nothing (2:44 am)
Her: Just got home (2:51 am)
[By this time I was asleep]

Her: send a pic of u pls (12:14pm the next day)
Me: [sent pic] send one of you as well (12:55 pm)
Her: K, I didn't get nothing lol (1:17 pm)
Her: [sent pic] (1:20 pm)
Me: Did you receive mine or do I need to send again? (1:22 pm)
Her: Send again (1:23 pm)
Me: [sent pic] (1:25)

2 days later
Me: Hey (6:17 pm)
Her: Hey (11:31 am the next day)
Me: Hey, what's up? (3:17 pm)
Her: Nm shopping (3:59)
Me: What are you doing tomorrow evening? (4:36 pm)
Her: Working til 1 am (4:39 pm)
Me: That's past my bedtime. Do you work at the mcdonalds drive thru? (4:56 pm)
Her: Hell no! A sports bar (8:49 pm)

That was 3 days ago.

My thoughts...don't beat yourself up over nothing. Maybe you two just missed eachother because of schedules and sleeping. It happens.
Chaulk it up to randomness.

That's about all you can do at this point. Either that or just go by the Sports Bar and ask her if you can see her after work.

Don't worry about being too needy because she might be impressed that you kept on. That's my take. Either that or just move on.

One thing you can use the next time you're doing text messages is to match or slightly mismatch th timing of their texts.
So if someone responds back an hour late, respond to them an hour and 10 minutes.
I've had girls pick up on when I'm doing this so don't be predictable. Mix it up a bit. Ok?
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Re: Text conversation

Postby Bull Run » Mon Nov 21, 2011 4:56 pm

I wouldn't go to where she works. That's too forward of you (desperation) and requires too much of an investment (indicating you don't have any other options). Just drop her a text and tell her that you want to meet for an adult beverage (PS I actually say the words 'adult beverage' chicks seem to think it's clever).
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Re: Text conversation

Postby Smirks » Mon Nov 21, 2011 5:31 pm

I don't see any reason why can't build a little rapport via text. There is absolutely nothing in that text conversation to give any advice on. You should have bantered a bit before sending pics etc. Text her stuff that will get her talking...not 1-2 word responses. If you can't talk to a girl via text then you can't talk to a girl when she's in yo' face.
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Re: Text conversation

Postby Rawwwrr! » Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:51 pm

Smirks wrote:I don't see any reason why can't build a little rapport via text. There is absolutely nothing in that text conversation to give any advice on. You should have bantered a bit before sending pics etc. Text her stuff that will get her talking...not 1-2 word responses. If you can't talk to a girl via text then you can't talk to a girl when she's in yo' face.

The thing is she was taking hours to respond to each text and all of her responses where very short. I'm not sure if there was much more I could have done. I will try out Bull Run's suggestion.
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Re: Text conversation

Postby ninjamatt » Mon Nov 21, 2011 11:49 pm

up until the mcdonalds part you were being a little bit too nice. About 40% of women or maybe more can be reeled in on texts by breaking down their emotions and building them back up, then tearing them down again.

when you seen her first text pic you might respond something like " awe that is cute, not quite as hot as I remember. But thanks for the pic. lets at least be text friends" something of that nature depending on what was said in person. It's hard to suggest based on the face to face interaction u posted but just learn from it.

women do general take hours sometimes to respond. Don't take it hard just get something clever.
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Re: Text conversation

Postby Bull Run » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:54 am

ninjamatt wrote:up until the mcdonalds part you were being a little bit too nice. About 40% of women or maybe more can be reeled in on texts by breaking down their emotions and building them back up, then tearing them down again.

when you seen her first text pic you might respond something like " awe that is cute, not quite as hot as I remember. But thanks for the pic. lets at least be text friends" something of that nature depending on what was said in person. It's hard to suggest based on the face to face interaction u posted but just learn from it.

women do general take hours sometimes to respond. Don't take it hard just get something clever.

I don't think it has anything to do with being too nice. Texting is nothing more than a continuation of the conversation/interaction that the two of you had in person or online (if you pulled her from the World Wide Web). If you pulled her by being a cool, laid-back guy, then busting on her or negging her via text will only act to blow you out because that's not how she remembers you.

On the other hand, if you pulled her by being fun, aloof, and teased her a bit, then your text string has to contain the same formula / tone. If this is the case, then, yes, you were being 'too nice,' which just means that you're not acting like the man that got her gina tingling enough to get her to give you her number.

Just be careful, negging girls via text or online is notoriously difficult because you lack a lot of context to the interaction. Shit, most guys don't even neg in person the right way.

Yes, girls are busy and don't always respond to your texts right away. This is because women have a hard time focusing on any one thing at a time, especially the younger ones. Further, the younger girls are notoriously hard to interact with via text because they really have no idea how to have and hold a more formal conversation than the one they have with their friends or with random guys at the bar. They make you do 80-90% of the work and don't give a lot of hooks to latch onto...this is why it's so important to just try to get them out ASAP. Don't ruin the image they have of you from when you met by trying to build rapport via text. Sometimes, it just isn't going to work. Period.

If this is what you're running into, then all you need to do is go straight for the jugular. I usually say something like this: "I'm a real live person and I think you are too...let's skip the texting and grab an adult beverage so you can coyly flirt with me..."

One of three things happens: 1) they get wishy-washy and either back pedal or simply just ignore you 2) they respond with a challenge (i.e. "ME flirt with YOU!?!" to which you have to roll with the thread but don't let her change the subject from meeting up) or 3) "LOL...what do you have in mind?" to which you propose a place and a time (i.e. The Gin Mill Wednesday 8pm).

I've always viewed a text as a call to action. I don't want to casually chat with this girl. I can't fuck letters and words. No, I fuck a body (hopefully warm ;)). The only way to do this is to get her out. You should have built enough rapport and comfort with her when you met that it is no longer needed to build any more. If she flakes, guess what? You didn't do what you needed to do in person.
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Re: Text conversation

Postby Smirks » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:12 pm

B R, I don't think you're giving text game enough credit. Sure, the end goal is to get the girl in front of you (preferably horizontal)...but from what I gather, he didn't do a whole lot in person. He said he hit on her when she was getting a drink...she asked him to come hang out with her friends, but he left early. Perhaps I'm more picky than the rest, but I need to find something in the chick worth my time before I actually meet her. If she's dumb as shit (i.e. doesn't get my wit) then there's no way I'm sitting through any kind of date with the girl.

Get her talking via text with plenty of hook questions...learn more about her, so when you're face to face, you'll have material to keep the convo going. At some point you can do something like B R suggested with the "I'm a real person..." line to move it to the next level...but if you don't break some ground before you meet, it's going to be nothing more than an interview.
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Re: Text conversation

Postby ninjamatt » Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:55 pm

Bull Run wrote:
ninjamatt wrote:up until the mcdonalds part you were being a little bit too nice. About 40% of women or maybe more can be reeled in on texts by breaking down their emotions and building them back up, then tearing them down again.

when you seen her first text pic you might respond something like " awe that is cute, not quite as hot as I remember. But thanks for the pic. lets at least be text friends" something of that nature depending on what was said in person. It's hard to suggest based on the face to face interaction u posted but just learn from it.

women do general take hours sometimes to respond. Don't take it hard just get something clever.

I don't think it has anything to do with being too nice. Texting is nothing more than a continuation of the conversation/interaction that the two of you had in person or online (if you pulled her from the World Wide Web). If you pulled her by being a cool, laid-back guy, then busting on her or negging her via text will only act to blow you out because that's not how she remembers you.

On the other hand, if you pulled her by being fun, aloof, and teased her a bit, then your text string has to contain the same formula / tone. If this is the case, then, yes, you were being 'too nice,' which just means that you're not acting like the man that got her gina tingling enough to get her to give you her number.

Just be careful, negging girls via text or online is notoriously difficult because you lack a lot of context to the interaction. Shit, most guys don't even neg in person the right way.

Yes, girls are busy and don't always respond to your texts right away. This is because women have a hard time focusing on any one thing at a time, especially the younger ones. Further, the younger girls are notoriously hard to interact with via text because they really have no idea how to have and hold a more formal conversation than the one they have with their friends or with random guys at the bar. They make you do 80-90% of the work and don't give a lot of hooks to latch onto...this is why it's so important to just try to get them out ASAP. Don't ruin the image they have of you from when you met by trying to build rapport via text. Sometimes, it just isn't going to work. Period.

If this is what you're running into, then all you need to do is go straight for the jugular. I usually say something like this: "I'm a real live person and I think you are too...let's skip the texting and grab an adult beverage so you can coyly flirt with me..."

One of three things happens: 1) they get wishy-washy and either back pedal or simply just ignore you 2) they respond with a challenge (i.e. "ME flirt with YOU!?!" to which you have to roll with the thread but don't let her change the subject from meeting up) or 3) "LOL...what do you have in mind?" to which you propose a place and a time (i.e. The Gin Mill Wednesday 8pm).

I've always viewed a text as a call to action. I don't want to casually chat with this girl. I can't fuck letters and words. No, I fuck a body (hopefully warm ;)). The only way to do this is to get her out. You should have built enough rapport and comfort with her when you met that it is no longer needed to build any more. If she flakes, guess what? You didn't do what you needed to do in person.

The part where he says " did you get my pic or do I need to send again" , seems to be a little too friendly and unnecessarily long for a text message. Girls respond better to short messages to get to the point. One issue is that 3 days have went by since you texted her but she had an "!" in her last message which shows she went to some extra effort in the text. Also some of it has to do with where each person is on social value.

My advice comes from the standpoint of , lets say I go out thursday night, friday night, saturday night and get 10 numbers using that Zelowski method of NYC , (or whatever his name is). When you are playing with alot of numbers the quickest way to get in their head is to find one you can break down b/c a certain element of women are attracted to guys who are sometimes nice and sometimes sort of mean but can flip a switch and be nice again. Did you ever have a bully in school who you hated when he was mean, but some days he wasn't mean and you thought the world of him? It comes down to, do you want immediate pussy, or a quality future wife. If you are out in bum fucked egypt and meet one hot girl per year, then don't do it. If you've got quantity to play with and you want to spark reaction out of a sample, do it. You could always try calling at some point too . Even if there is no response to the "maybe not as hot as I remember", you can still recover from it.

Maybe call since 3 days have went by :wink:
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Re: Text conversation

Postby ninjamatt » Wed Nov 23, 2011 8:00 am

after you seen her pic, probably a safer way to do it is just say, ok thanks. just don't be overly complimentary. I've tried the, "maybe not as hot as I remember" a couple times in the last 2 months or so and it's worked. we still text every day. and one of them will text right after I text her. it could be 200 times a day if I wanted. and I think it's b/c i got in her head early. but this one seems to have emotional problems too which a lot of bar women do. Maybe it's an extraordinary circumstance b/c she was visiting an arkansas club from Vegas b/c of her kid and ex being stationed here and is/was an exotic dancer and has a certain mentality
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