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PlentyOfFish question and a major revelation...

PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 8:18 pm
by Icarus
First, a quick plenty of fish question. I just signed up for my first online dating profile and I'm already hooked. Hoping to meet some texas hotties before I officially move down that way ;)

I'm sending out messages and it gives me the option to attach an image when I send. I've been attaching my default as I look damn sexy in it and I want them to know haha. Is that considered try hard? Should I just let them click my profile and see my pic myself?

Also, my major revelation...every girl is on here for one reason. She wants to meet guys! This is actually a modification of some advice a friend gave me about in person game but it applies well here. Look at her profile and read all her info carefully. Think of it as a puzzle. She is here to meet guys! You just have to find the right thing to say that "unlocks her" essentially. Find that one thing that she's waiting to hear, the one thing that will make it so that she just has to write you back. Every girl is a puzzle, your job is to crack it.

On some girls I can't find that right thing to say. Then I read their profile a few times over again and realize I can't find that right thing because they totally aren't my type. They might be hot, but as they say there are plenty of fish ;)

Good luck!

Re: PlentyOfFish question and a major revelation...

PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:18 am
by Mojo
Icarus wrote: This is actually a modification of some advice a friend gave me about in person game but it applies well here. Look at her profile and read all her info carefully. Think of it as a puzzle. She is here to meet guys! You just have to find the right thing to say that "unlocks her" essentially. Find that one thing that she's waiting to hear, the one thing that will make it so that she just has to write you back. Every girl is a puzzle, your job is to crack it.

On some girls I can't find that right thing to say. Then I read their profile a few times over again and realize I can't find that right thing because they totally aren't my type. They might be hot, but as they say there are plenty of fish ;)

Ahh good ole POF, nice site and easy for pick-up. Reading her profile is a must because after a while of reading their profile and meeting the girl, you pick up on ineresting eye-opener insights such as if she says is not on there for one night stands or won't fuck on the first date means that SHE WILL FUCK ON THE FIRST DATE... Back in the day if I just needed an easy lay I'd look for this in her profile :twisted:
Anyway, a girl says this stuff because she knows subconsciously or consciously she is easy so she needs to over compensate.

I did some good posts on this. Check out:



Re: PlentyOfFish question and a major revelation...

PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2011 1:01 am
I agree, POF is good for a quick lay. You have to sift through a few linebackers but there are a few quality chicks on the site. Definately send a pic with your message becuase if the girl has her settings set to "must have a picture to send this person a message" by default if you don't send one, it will send all of your pics. Might as well send the best one first.

Re: PlentyOfFish question and a major revelation...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 4:05 pm
by Mojo
CMONEY23 wrote: Might as well send the best one first.

To find a GOOD pick, use to test out a few pics of yourself. Then use the highest rated one :mrgreen:

Re: PlentyOfFish question and a major revelation...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:19 pm
by voyager
OKCupid has one of these too:

Gave it a whirl, was surprised at the results. The pic I thought I looked the worst in did the best.