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Quick Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 1:32 pm
by truth1
Any general thinking on inviting HBs out using phone/text with regards to short & direct versus call and reset mood. Examples:

1) Met HB7 online who wants to meet me. Set up something for last Tuesday, she has to cancel (legit reason). I text her today "So HB, now that you stood me up, when are you going to out ????????"

2) Number close HB9.5 at Pier I last night. She gives me a lay-up about having lost her "hiking buddy" (a woman) and is now unhappy that she can't hike on trails alone, but has to hike through neighborhood. Thinking about direct invite versus phone call to reestablish mood. Thoughts. Thoughts on email, text, phone medium at this point (she entered them all in my blackberry).


PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:31 pm
by playercool
I don't have the conversation ability that some of the guys here possess. Therefore I resort to text game almost exclusively.

I set up about 95% of my day 2's with text game. The only phone call is right before the day2 when either she is coming over or I am going there.

The only time I will call and talk with a girl is if her phone doesn't receive texts. Yes some girls turn this ability off if they can't afford it.

I don't necessarily recommend this approach of only texting. I can say however that it works for me. Only one of my lays this year I called first rather than text. And that was because she was so adament about me calling when I #closed her. I always ask: Should I text you or call you when I number close. She went on and on about how texting is gay blah blah.


Thanks playercool

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:51 pm
by truth1
As you can probably tell, I'm pretty early in putting together my game, so any responses help at this stage and I appreciate that you've given me several genuine ones.

In this case, your reminder to build off what you naturally possess and be aware of where you have personal deficits is just what I needed. I'm very strong on the phone so I should probably lean that way....

Thanks again playercool

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:30 pm
by truth1
I called her. Good thing I did 'cause she had some pretty serious shit testing she needed to do before she agreed to on the hike she really wanted to go on with me.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:07 pm
by playercool
Good call. Use what abilities you have to get the girl.

That is an awesome first date too. It's basically free. Plenty of kino opportunites. Hrmm I bet this goes well for you. I hope you are in better shape than I am.



PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:24 pm
by truth1
So, the date went great. As you said, playercool, tons of kino opportunities. Here is a good one. Get to close to top of hill:

Me: "Get on my back."
HB9.5: "What?"
Me: "Hop on my back, I'll carry you up to the top."
HB9.5: "Why?"
Me: "Its a test. Hop on and I'll tell you when we get up there."
HB9.5: Climbs on. "OK."


Get to top of hill. She wants to get off after the climb and that group neg. I let her down.

HB9.5: "So what was the test?"
Me: "I'm strong so if you weighed too much for me to carry up the hill, we'd just have to be friends."

She punches me.....

Re: Hiking/Walking

PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 10:29 pm
by dubya
truth1 wrote:HB9.5: "So what was the test?"
Me: "I'm strong so if you weighed too much for me to carry up the hill, we'd just have to be friends."

She punches me.....

Okay... thats just funny.

she really,really likes me

PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 12:17 am
by truth1
The punch and everything else worked perfectly. She sent me the SOI of all SOIs by text message today that basically said that hike was awesome and I was all that 2 bags of chips. Now I just have to unpack my boxes and get some bedding so I can invite her over.