Using Texting to Build Comfort?

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Re: Using Texting to Build Comfort?

Postby herobleu » Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:52 am

You know what?
Different girls have different personalities (you don't say)
so some may like texting for comfort or some just like it for funny banter/flirting.
You have to know what is your objective for the girl, sex, relationship, or friends? etc.
Also, too much comfort texting or too much attraction texting is not good too. Strike a balance.

Generally though, girls who are more deniers rather than justifiers tend to prefer a higher amount of comfort texting. Vice versa.

the most important thing though, that you must always do in a text, is to make her feel emotions with your text. Don't create boredom.
Believe in the impossible. HeroBleu

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Re: Using Texting to Build Comfort?

Postby Ben La Bien » Mon Jul 23, 2012 1:41 pm

girls ussually love to text. try to start with something connected to what you already talked about! i think thats the best text oppening.
Ben La Bien
Posts: 9
Joined: Tue Jul 17, 2012 10:52 am


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