Online Sarge: #-close HB8 with pic

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Online Sarge: #-close HB8 with pic

Postby Mojo » Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:01 pm

When conversing online, one should get a #-close ASAP. Here is my interaction with a HB8 and the strategy I used.

I saw that she liked sushi, so I open with a first time I had sushi story:

DM's 1st e-mail:
You like Sushi. Yum. I could have some sushi now. I remember the first time I had sushi. Waking up one college morning a friend said, "lets go sky-diving". We made a call to reserve a spot, hopped in a car, and the four of us went sky-diving. Awesome experience! Afterward we went for sushi. Fun day. Can't wait to go to Asia and have the real thing. One thing I notice when traveling is that the food in the particular country is much different from what they serve here. When was the first time you had sushi?

I mention traveling since that topic is a turn on for most girls. Also, always end with a question to keep the convo going.

HB8 1st email:
I loved your story it made me laugh and think WOW he likes to Travel and skydive just like me :). I would love to go to Japan and eat yummmy sushi. The first time I had sushi was not to long after I moved here and Pirana opened next to my work. The owner Tommy my now good friend came over to offer us some samples. I said yuk no no no. He laugh and said do you like chicken? I said sure so he made me chicken sushi LOL. I liked it so much I asked him to make it again for me,but this time he tricked me and made it with fish and I loved it.

DM's 2nd e-mail:
It's strange, but sometimes you just get a need for sushi. Hmmm, if we hit it off, we must go for some sushi. Now, I am curious, where have you traveled? Was it for business or pleasure. With me, it is always pleasure.

Note a:
Using "if we hit it off" is an excellent line for it keeps the discussion on where this thing is heading. Also, using "if" does not put any pressure on her; I am not being overbearing.

Note b:
I mixed a little NLP in here, using a subliminal message of "pleasure. With me" to enhance the sexual attraction. Also, I wanted to get her to speed up her need to meet me with "we must go for some sushi. Now,". O'sneaky me :)

HB8 2nd email:
I have travel for both but more for fun. What else would you like to know? My favorite rolls are marry me and sexxxy roll. yummm. How is your week going?

Note: Interesting, marry me and sexxxy roll. Wonder why she picked these two rolls?

HB8 3rd email: (sent immediately after her 2nd e-mail)
Martha;s vineyard amsterdam london Hawaii Mexico 2 many times all P.R and all the other island. North Dakota lol L.A. Vegas. Boston all over florida new york new jeresy D.C Kansas . Well all over you get the point. Places I want to go :) Paris Italy Poland German Ireland Russia Japan Bora Bora Hell I'm down to go just name the time and place!

Note: I have steered this convo to traveling. Again, any topic on traveling is chick crack.

DM's 3rd e-mail:
My week is going great. Paris is romantic, Italy is one of my favorite places I have traveled, southern Germany is beautiful and the people pleasant, Mexico is quite nice when you get pass the boarder towns. When I go to Asia, Japan will definitely be on my itinerary.

I will be out of town this weekend, though would like to talk after I get back. Can I call you?

Note: Go for a #-close. Don't let her know where I am going - keep up a little mystery.

HB8 4th email:
sure have safe travels :) 817-xxx-xxxx. Just dont call after 9:30. I go to bed by 10 during the week.

Online sarging is perfect. It is excellent practice and no fear of the bitch shield. If they don't want to communicate, so what. Open another single set. Also, you have time to think what to say, to craft your words just right. and of course, you have a pic, so when they talk to you after seeing your pic, you know they are interested.

HB8 Holloween pic (the nurse):
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