Facebook Vulnerability Technique

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Facebook Vulnerability Technique

Postby a-ho » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:22 pm

I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, but it just occurred to me.

Chatting on Facebook or any other program that shows when you're typing.

If you want to come off as less smooth or get rid of that "player" vibe try this out. When chatting start typing and then delete what you typed, the girl will see this and assume you're trying to find the right words to say.


I better be beautiful to you!!!!

You're a little too beautiful for me i think

Oohhh riiiight
But thank you anyway :)

I feel like such a shitty person next to you :P

WHHAAT No you dont!!!!
You are not a shitty person!

I know i'm not, but you're the best person I know
like inside

Oh, Aaron...
Thats really sweet.. and I honestly dont know what to say
I think it sounds chessy but honestly you are pretty great yourself.

Aw thx

Lol, I think its funny because I see you begin to type and then you stop
must be thinking of what you want to say :)

but you have said more than enough.. and I am grateful that you think that way of me

Yeah i was thinking about it the other day

and for the record I would never throw rocks at you or your property :)
What were you thinking about?

You and how you're really one of the most beautiful people i know

Oh Aaron..
Can you please stop saying stuff like that? I really become speechless....

haha don't let it go to your head

Ooooh please??? Just a little??
I miss your face

Haha I miss you touching my face
But hey, lets not get into that ok?

She thinks I'm the biggest player in the world, but by demonstrating vulnerability and throwing her a few honest compliments (something she knows I don't do as a part of my game) I reel her in :)
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Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2011 5:20 pm

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