by The Lisenby Effect » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:33 pm
myspace and face book game. i seem to have mastered it or do pretty damn good at it.
Keep it short and simple. I have the feeling or sense that when you give a girl a super long comment or message on w/e the fuck your talking about, it closes the convo.
if you keep it short, and always end it with something that you know she is going to keep coming back to and talking about.
never.... EVER... say sorry or " jk jk lol" girls see it as weakness...
i caught my friend doing that and showed him what was going to happen, it did, he played small talk, hard to get, and got some.
so don't type a college essay to her.
Don't say sorry or jk jk alot
dont start and end a sentence with "lol"... it's not a period...
never giving direct responses works alot (makes them pursue the answer then you call em out and say dang, look at you all up on my case... or neg them with well arent you just persistant... :] )
dont do the wild crazy face expressions to them...
( O_O ^_~ x_x ) just seems childish and they dont respond to it.
and this is just of course in my run ins with it...
if they send you messages, you reply, try not to reply 2.5 seconds after they sent it.... 1. you give yourself time to think of something good to say, 2.makes them impatient, talk more, want you more, and nervous.
if they send you reply they send you reply and it goes on, and one day she just doesnt reply, DO NOT! resend that message or send one asking why didn't you reply? makes you look like a stalker or all up on their business... IMO...
they like to talk alot shit in texts and myspace and facebook more than in person, i guess cuz they dont have to pay the piper over the interweb or a phone... so call them out.... they say their a sex god, prove it, or say no your not, or yea your a real sex god over phone/web heh that's cute... (that one works alot) saying heh, and cute, in the same sentence to belittle them gets under their skin subconsciously and will make them prove it or step up to the plate...
if anyone has more insight on this please share to advance my text/web game to your level, haha.