FR: starting....again...dancing at the college bar

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FR: starting....again...dancing at the college bar

Postby PUA_scott » Sat Aug 03, 2013 12:20 pm

i was so excited about finally getting out. I love to dance. 51yo blonde.. i've trimmed myself up and put on a little muscle. felt that i was looking ok enough to not feel gross about myself, because who can feel good enough to approach someone if you don't like yourself.

i went with a 45 year old female friend (5) and met up with a 20 yo friend (6) and her two friends (both 5s). i thought this was a good start, since i was with other women. i walked in and it was a standard layout, dance floor in the middle with bar edging and chairs around, and bars in the front and back.

there were two ladies (6 or 7) at the front "around the floor" bar table. my brain said, go up, put your arm over their shoulders and say "are you ladies having fun, hi i'm scott", but instead, walked by. there were random girls around the bar at pool tables in a corner with guys, random walkers and one table of 6 (7s and 8s). i looked over at the table after we planted ourselves and i think one looked, but don't remember any smiles. no matter what my logic said, there was no way i could not approach that table of 5, especially after a guy showed up. so, i sat there trying to talk to the girls at the table, but not very successful. i got up to dance to a couple of line dances and noticed i was the only dude. not sure if that is good or bad.

finally, got up and went to the other side of the bar away from the ladies, leaned on the floor edging bartop and stood and smiled at the dancers as they went by. i really did enjoy watching other dancers so i was actually very happy, but was making no progress. a lady did smile at me and i went and talked to her for a few minutes. she said she was there dancing with her ex-husband for her birthday, but after chatting for 5 minutes, she said she needed to dance the current song with her ex. so i went back to my standing area.

a dude showed up next to me with 3 hotties, all of them having sorta fun. he couldn't find his lighter, he started talking to me,so i gave him mine to light his cigarette. i don't smoke, but i keep a lighter to help out. he said why aren't you dancing, help me out here. i laughed and looked at the 3 20-29 year old girls and couldn't. he left with one and another was dancing, so i asked her and she did without pause. i had a good two step with her and then a ass shaking song came on and danced with two, then another, which was a blast. i was in the middle and dancing nasty with the last one as she was doing some stripper shit with her ass toward me, then she just stood up and left. maybe i was shaking a little too much groin into

i finally went back to my original table, with the two friends remaining, and we went home. i did not get any numbers or take home any of the sweeties in the club.
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Aug 02, 2013 3:07 pm

Re: starting....again...dancing at the college bar

Postby Triumvirate » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:15 pm

Good report. Keep them coming.
Posts: 260
Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2008 4:03 pm
Location: Fort Worth

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