FR: multiple sarges

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FR: multiple sarges

Postby OpenCheese » Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:40 pm

I went out to uptown two nights this weekend. The first night wasn't stellar by any means, but by the second I got into the grove a little more. That was the first time I had been to any of those bars or that part of town so I guess it just takes a little while to get comfortable.

On the first night I crashed and burned mostly. Standard reasons too. Though I knew I shouldn't ask questions like "where do you work?" and shit like that when it came time for action I suddenly became like a deer in headlights and just spit out the first lame questions I could think of... Anyway, those several experiences were good because they motivated me to have at least a few fallback topics which ended up working pretty well the next night.

There was one semi-successful interaction that was unanticipated. At one point I was waiting for the bathroom and there was a relatively long line. There was one urinal and one toilet, and it was used by girls and guys. When a girl or group of girls went in they shut the door. I am toward the end of the line and these three girls go in together and take a super long time. After ten minutes, this guy who apparently had to pee like seabiscuit starts knocking on the door. He progressively knocks louder as another 10 minutes of lesbian sex go by. When they finally open the door hb8 walks out and is a complete bitch. This 115 pound girl is looking as hard as she can pretend and at the top of her voice, angrily demands "Who did that!?! I want to know who was knocking!" She just keeps standing in the way of the door and repeating herself to 4 or 5 guys waiting in line, and except for me all were 6'4" 250 pounds, as if she were going to do something about it. It was every bit as ridiculous as it seems. It is amazing the behavior women can get away with. Naturally, I move forward in the line and calmly, but also loudly and firmly say "Quit running your mouth. Hurry up." I repeat it after every time she repeats her question. Maybe 6 times in total. Finally she looks me in the eyes, smiles, laughs and finally gets herself and her friends out of the way. Not at all what I expected. In retrospect, this probably could have served as a pretty good situational opener and I bet I could have followed it up. Live and learn I guess.

I am probably going to save and expand that into a routine for the next time there is a really obnoxious girl who I have no choice but to deal with. I was thinking of taking some lines from the drill sergeant in full metal jacket. "You exercise your mouth so much I bet you could suck a golf ball through a garden hose."

On to the next night.
Since I crashed and burned so many times the night before, I sat down and really tried to think of some topics to either open or prevent conversations from going stale.

The first one I didn't end up using, but I would like thoughts on it anyway. It is completely ridiculous. I claim to have just gotten a pet possum and I want to ask what to name it. I say that I was leaning between bobby mcgee, because of the song, or killer because it is going to be an attack/defense possum. (suggestions on names welcome).

In the second one I point to a bracelet on my wrist and ask them to guess where I got it. I got it in Cambodia at Angkor Wat.

The third was inspired by people on this board who want to hit on co-workers. A terrible thing to do for real, but possibly a good topic to bring up with targets. There is an older woman (runs marathons and is still attractive) I work with who has given me a number of IOI. Not being stupid, I haven't pursued it. However, that doesn't stop me from pretending to entertain the idea in front of targets and ask the target for her thoughts on the situation.

I show up to the bar, order a drink, and wander for about 5 minutes before being opened by a group of girls who want their group picture taken. I take the picture and end up joining the group. One was kind of drunk and basically all over me in an instant. I'll take it. I follow the general advise for PUA and amplify her attraction. At lagging points, I used both the bracelet routine and the coworker routine on her. The bracelet routine worked pretty well. She guessed all of the continents, but got to Asia last. She apparently doesn't like Asia though so didn't give me the opportunity to talk about it much. Subject got changed and I rolled with it. The coworker thing kind of fizzled a little bit when I tried it. She just went with telling me I should definitely go for it. Again conversation got changed and I went with it without incident. I made sure throughout the night to engage her friends and get on their good side. I think it worked pretty well. We changed venues twice, but she eventually got so wasted that they decided to go home. She had already number closed me earlier in the night by grabbing my phone out of my pocket and calling herself.

It is great when the girl does most of the work for you, but one thing about these situations is that if it comes too easy I am not really getting to practice closing skills...

Anyway, I am not ready to go home yet so I practice opening up sets for awhile. It was good practice, but nothing worth writing about happened until the last one.

The last was an interesting one. It is a 3 set. 2 hb6 and 1 hb7.5 at a table. I come in on the side of HB6 and open with the bracelet routine which goes alright. However, HB7.5 eventually gets pissed off and calls me "one of those Dallas guys" lol. She calls my bracelet opener a pick up line. She is just generally ruffled. I am not sure if something just happened to her, or if she was mad that I was talking to her friend and not her. I ask her why she is so angry, but I don't get a straight answer. I decide to agree and amplify. "It isn't a pick up line, its an opener" They say that that is just the same thing. HB7.5 is still huffy. I say "no there is a difference, let me show you a pick up line." I stair HB7.5 in the eyes, and as romantically as I can muster, I tell her "If I were peter pan, you would be my happy thought." Her eyes glaze over a little bit and her expression softens. Here is where I made my mistake. I sort of talked to the group as a whole at this point, when I should have kept on HB7.5. I had softened her up, but I hadn't built enough rapport with her specifically yet. 5 to 10 minutes go by, she gets her huffyness back, and gets her friends to leave with her. HB6 made sure to let me know she thought I was probably a very nice guy, but she had to follow her friend.

At this point I go home feeling like all things considered, the night went pretty well.
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Re: FR: multiple sarges

Postby ninjamatt » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:31 pm

Try to lose the bracelet opener. It sounds rehearsed. It's something you can use as a routine in certain convo's. Its really more or less something you want them to comment on after you've been talking. If she notices and asks it's a good sign for you.

When there is a group of girls and you like one, engage all in the conversation. Try to make eye contact with all at various points. It's like public speaking. Public speakers learn to make eye contact in all directions. If it's a class room setting for a public speaker, he wants to make eye contact throughout the speech with each person. It's the same principle. If you get enough experience, the girls, rather it's 2 or 4+ will usually determine who to isolate you with. If you get real good, they won't know and they will all want to keep watching you.

Uptown is the only area I've been to there and I've been 2 weekends, 4 nights total. I have some posts in general discussion about it. Probably more like field reports but you may learn something. There's 2 long posts

Your bathroom deal is pretty cool b/c you learned that you don't always have to be nice or passive in those situations to get a good response. They were the annoying ones holding up the line, then mouthing off about it. They were most likely looking for some guy to be a little harsh with them or her.

Don't quote lines from movies. Even though most girls haven't seen FMJ, the term "suck golf ball threw a straw" is common and there's probably a 50/50 chance she's heard it or one of her friends have and they can lose interest if they are on the fence with you. Don't be common.

What was the place in uptown with one shared bathroom anyway

The hitting on co-workers opinion question is pretty cool but don't use it as an opener. Don't ever use any opinion question as an opener unless it's very short like "do you see that guy with the hat, are those popular here?". Or fold one of your shirt cuffs up and ask "I'm not from here, does it look better like this...or this.."

If it's your first ,second, or fourth night in Uptown, generic directions questions on what place is cool, or has a good band, or has good food, or anything you like or think you may have in common with them is going to go pretty well if you have a sincere and curious question and pose it the same way you would ask anyone. If you start acting overly interested in them too soon you're gonna be finished.
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Re: FR: multiple sarges

Postby OpenCheese » Mon Apr 22, 2013 8:57 pm

You are probably right about the bracelet. Although, I felt I was getting some momentum off it at least so I think it is better than nothing in a pinch. I'll try to save it as a last resort to save a dying conversation.

I definitely try to engage all in conversation. With the one girl, I tried to win over her friends. I was successful with 4 for sure. The other two girls didn't seem to like me at all.... But I didn't see them talking to anyone so maybe they were just like that. I didn't push it too hard since I had already got over 50% of the friends. Actually, that is a good question. When it is a particularly large group, it would be nice to win everyone over, but what percentage is enough?

The upstairs bathroom at Reinfield's is shared. That place seriously does not have enough bathroom capacity.

I didn't use the co-worker thing as an opener, but I might have. I think you are right about that. I got kind of a fizzled/defensive response to it, but I don't necessarily think that was a bad thing. Jealousy isn't too bad, if that is what it was.
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Re: FR: multiple sarges

Postby ninjamatt » Wed Apr 24, 2013 8:20 am

yea ok. renfields was one of the few bars I didn't like there. My favorite was standard pour, then the den. trophy club can be cool. And whatever that one is across street from frankies. I liked all those on that side of the street. for whatever reason i didn't like anything on the renfields side. I just thought that in my 4 nights there, the girls on that side were much friendlier and looser. can't explain.

your doing good tho man, keep it up. you will learn from mistakes
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Re: FR: multiple sarges

Postby Triumvirate » Fri Apr 26, 2013 1:55 pm

OpenCheese, who did you roll out with? Anyone from the forums?
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Re: FR: multiple sarges

Postby OpenCheese » Fri Apr 26, 2013 5:33 pm

I did start out the first night with grimm111, but we ended up getting separated on the first night. I was by myself the second night.
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