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FR: Kiss Close, need some serious advise

PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2013 2:10 am
by blazer
January 14 2013

I am new to the game (Read introduction to find out more on my experience). I am going to describe the environment and the sequence of events to the best of my abilities in order to get the most out of your feedback guys.
P.S I am super tiered ignore spelling and sentence structure.
Place: Bar with an outside balcony, live band was playing, place had a dance floor
Crowd: Place was really busy with women as well as guys
Sequence of Events:
So it was Friday night and I decided to go out. I walked in to the bar first thing I did was raised my hand and waived at somebody in far right corner even it was my first time visiting that place. (Tricked I learned from one of the videos I watched). Going on forward I proceeded to the bar and ordered a beer. I walked around trying to talk to different girls as well as guys using openers like (jealous girlfriend, haw soon is too soon to get married and so on). My conversations didn’t last more than 5 min I was running out of stuff to say even thou I was trying to have just natural conversation. It didn’t matter what set I would open one of the two things would happen. Weather a guy in a set would take control of the conversation and say something funny to make everyone luff and all attention would shift towards him, or girls would lose interest in talking to me after 5 min even thou I used DMV routines and other techniques. This went on for most of the night, it wasn’t till about 30 min till closing when I saw this 45 year old women sitting alone and so I decided to approach her. To my surprise I didn’t even say anything I only made an eye contact and as I got near her she offered me to sit down. She started touching me right away and the conversation flawed pretty smooth. She did most of the talking, women was totally wasted; nevertheless it was perfect opportunity for me to practice my skills. I used lines like “hands of my merchandise, I am not that easy” and so on. I used DMV in the conversation as well. Result was she leaned forward and kissed me. Now some would say it was a pretty good result; however women was so drunk she would have kissed anyone who would just pay attention to what she had to say. She wanted me to take her to my place, but I wasn’t interested she wasn’t my type and she was way too drunk. I was about to walk away and open a 2 set to my left, when I saw her. My drunk girl that would hit on anybody who was a male, wasn’t at the bar by herself, she came with a friend. Her friend was a 7. She approached us and told her friend not to go anywhere since the place was closing down and walked away totally ignoring me and not looking in my direction. My girl said that she wasn’t going anywhere. So getting to the point, women I was with proceeded to beg me to take her to my place and if I wasn’t interested in her, she said I could have sex with her friend and she could hook me up. Now blonde girl I was very much interested in. Going forward place was closing down and bartender asked us to leave however my drunk ladies friend was nowhere to be found. So we went outside in order to wait for her.
We waited outside carrying just casual conversation in order to find out what our future plans might be. I thought I had this deal in the bag, but to my surprise drunk girl had to go to the bathroom so she left me, I told her I would wait for her outside. And at that moment just like in the movie her blonde friend walked outside the door, my first thought was here is my chance to talk to this girl and run some lines on her. But it wasn’t in the stars for it to happen. As I started walking towards here, another guy showed up from behind her and started talking. Here is how their conversation went down. Basically blonde and AMOG dude were talking earlier inside or something in that manner and he was telling her about after party that was going take place at this friend’s house and invited her to come if she was interested. They exchanged phone numbers and parted their ways. Before I could even open my mouse to say anything she disappeared inside closing bar to look for her friend (my super drunk chick that picked me up) that hasn’t come out of the bathroom. At that point in time I was feeling down, I knew that sex with a blondie wasn’t going to happen. Nevertheless I still had some hope that I have reached pretty good hook point with a drunken girl that she would object going to the party and instead she would insist going to my place. Now for those who reading this at this point in time I am standing outside by myself waiting on them. I felt like my value was pretty low and if I had any chance of success I had to raise my value, and alas a group of 3 girls and 3 guys just walked out of the closing bar and without any hesitation I opened them. To my surprise conversation went pretty good and I have reached a point to where group didn’t want me to leave. In the midst of the conversation I missed my drunken girl and her best friend walking out of the bar. To my further disappointment I learned that the group that I just opened was all married couples. Somewhat disappointed but in a good spirit I walked towards my vehicle. However night was far from over.
1. What can I do to make my conversation with girls last longer
2. What techniques can I use to handle AMOG
3. What I could have done in order to stop girls leaving me and going to the after party with AMOG
Even thou I didn’t get any numbers from that bar and my envisioned 3some with a drunk and a blonde girl didn’t happen I wasn’t ready to call it a night. On my way home I decided to stop by Applebee’s. When I parked my truck there was another car parked next to me, when I looked through my window to see if there was anyone inside I saw a girl staring at me so I smiled and waved at her. Going forward I open door of my truck and went inside of Applebee’s. As soon as I opened door I saw that the place was empty except for a few couples that were finishing their dinner. So I decided to go back to my truck. When I got inside I noticed that the car that was parked next to me hasn’t left and the girl is still inside was texting on the phone. I decided that I wanted to talk to her and for some unknown reason I knew I would succeed in doing so, I guess you can call it I was in the zone. So I set in my truck fidgeting with a phone pretending like I was texting someone. It didn’t take long when the girl opened her door of her car and proceed towards the back of her car opening the trunk. At that moment I knew I had to open her. So I rolled my window down and said if I could get her opinion on the subject of marriage. I told her that my friend called me earlier that day and told me that he was planning on getting married. I went on to tell her that I am concerned because he does pretty good for himself and I felt like girl was in the relationship only for the money. While she was giving me her opinion I stepped out of my truck, closed door and leaned back on the door of the truck. While she was talking I noticed that the girl was shivering, and it was pretty cold outside considering it was late, so I asked her if she would rather go back to her car, she responded that she wasn’t cold it was just the alcohol in her system.(I took it as an IOI) We talked for about 5 min, I decided to DMV, right after that she offered to go grab a drink at different place. So we went to another bar, I thought things were going well. Right before she ordered a drink I told her let’s play a game on who gets to pay for the drinks. (One of those bar tricks I looked up on YouTube on haw to hassle free drinks at the bar) unfortunately I failed at a trick (due to lack of experience) nevertheless she was luffing and I saw a spark in her eyes. I knew at that point that I had to escalate and started kino and so I did. I touched her hand I was touching her shoulder was holding her hand for about 1 min she didn’t take it back. I was touching her leg and so on. So in my mind I was doing pretty well, so I decided that I needed to go to the bathroom for 2 reasons. One is the obvious one I had to take a leak, second I needed a min on how to proceed further. Going forward 5 min later I rejoined her at the bar as soon as I set down she said smiling “ my turn” and went to the bathroom. I knew that me waiting on her would lower my value so immediately I turned to my right and opened a guy and a girl. (I used haw soon is too soon to get married opener previously used on my target) Plan was pretty simple, walking back from the ladies room she would see me talking to other people, she would have to think this guy is pretty fun(high value she doesn’t control me I don’t need her) or something like that, at least that’s what the theory behind it was in my mind. She joined me 5 min later at the bar and jumped in right in to conversation, we all had a good time. Bar was closing down, so I looked her in the yes and said let’s go, stood up and went towards the door (techniques used by Richard La Ruina) to my surprise she followed me. So I garbed her hand and we were walking to her car once we got there I knew I had to go for the kiss. So I looked her in the eye and said the following words” have you ever kissed a stranger” and went for the kiss. She responded and we kissed. To conclude we exchange phone number I talked to her for 5 more min ( she asked me for a smoke ) I took it as an IOI, meaning she didn’t want me to leave so we smoked talked more I held her hand the whole time. Did a test as well moved my hand on the pretense I had to lower the heat inside the truck and repositioned my hand near her hands just to see what she would do. She instantly garbed my hand back. So in conclusion I didn’t ask her to come to my place or try to make it to hers, instead we agreed to hang out again. I texted her next day telling her lets hang out or something in that nature. She responded that she was hanging out with her cousin and couldn’t make it. So I went out on my own that night.( I will post a field report on what happened sat. later in a week). So basically we texted for a bit that night. Next day I texted her again asking her haw was she going make up for ditching me to hang out with her cousin. Her response was she was too busy going to baby shower and never texted me back.
1. I thought I was doing pretty good where did I fail?
2. Where can I learn Texting Game?
3. What is the proper Texting Game?
4. What could I have done better to ensure that she would see me in the future?
5. Was I wrong by not inviting her to my house that night we met or trying to go to her house?
6. Please give me as much feedback as possible.

Re: Kiss Close, need some serious advise

PostPosted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 9:32 pm
by ninjamatt
People even with a lot of experience stall out on stuff to say sometimes if the girl is not contributing enough to the conversation. I think usually if the conversation is going to lead to sex, or a relationship, she's going to contribute enough initially to keep it interesting unless she's super shy or timid. Some things you can do to have more to talk about is know current events, watch the news, watch some cool tv shows or movies girls like, know or seek her opinion on some fashion ideas, local sports teams, local venues, try to learn about different occupations that are popular for women, try to find something they have emotion in and will open up about and let her talk about it, be a good listener and contribute your thoughts. It some practice but the longer you are in the game, the more you are going to realize that you have to make an emotional connection with them on some level before they are going to sleep with you unless it's severe damaged goods like a hooker but even with a hooker, their emotional interest in a man is the fact he's got money, and she doesn't. You post like you objective was to try to get sex, and you are using scripted opinion questions they have probably heard before or know are scripted. It's going to be very difficult for that to work if they sense you are scripted b/c you are asking a question you don't really even care about her answer. If you don't really care about her answer, she's probably going to know and she's not going to be interested.

There are a few different ways to disarm an Amog depending on the situation. You are opening up a pandora's box of different theories based on the exact scenario so it's hard to offer good advice for exactly what happened in your case b/c there are many variables. The best advice I can give you is when you go out, start opening guys and girls, couples, and start finding girls you like who are with guys and see if you can figure out a way to talk to her while she's with him or open him while he's with her and just talk to him like you know him. To beat the Amog, you have to know how to be an Amog. Or I suppose you can put a smile on your face and say "can you please leave these girls alone, I talked to them first". Like a pansy . Every now and then I get in situations where I might bombard a n amog with a bunch of meaningless questions but I usually smile like, I'm talking to him b/c I think he's cool.

There are some good posts on other forums regarding texting which is another pandora's box of theories I could write a book on. My basic advice with texting is that just b/c you get blown off the first time it's ok. If you are inexperienced or only trying to take it one girl or one phone number at a time, the probability is less than 50% that you are going to get a number one night, and the next night be on a date . that's why if you want to be successful you always have to have several numbers in your phone of girls you are interested in and do not focus too much on one number and a little patience goes a long way.

Re: FR: Kiss Close, need some serious advise

PostPosted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 3:36 am
by NinAi
I read this really good article on texting girls actually. Basically, there is no ancient courtship involved. You don't have to wait three days or any of that bull shit, there is just one simple rule: in that first text, you must remind her of all the good feelings she had with you.You don't need to rapport, but If you did a good job in attraction after getting her number by building rapport, remember she’ll want to hang out with you. Keep your texts light and fun, and don't be afraid to amp up the sexual tension (playfully!). Here are some good starting texts I found on this article:

“Hey crazy face. You’re not one of those girls who takes forever to respond to text messages are you? That’s soooo annoying. :)

“Hey kid. It was great meeting for the first time. We should meet each other for the first time again some time. :)

“Why do I have you in my phone as “sugar puff the love monkey?” Haha”

“We didn’t make out last night did we? I promised my friends I wouldn’t make out with anyone. :)

“Yo! It’s [Whoever] the guy you were shamelessly hitting on all night. ;)

Hope this helps!


Re: FR: Kiss Close, need some serious advise

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 2:56 am
by JazzMan8
You stop talking about facts and start talking about feelings. What I mean by this: a "fact" is you saying something like "what are you going to do in the future?", "where are you from?", "I usually come to this bar for the food but tonight I just wanted to chill", "what's your life like?", "what's your friend over there like?","I'm not a party guy I'd prefer cuddling on the couch with my girlfriend." Ok those are fact questions or fact statements, they are about something in her or your life that "is". Facts don't tend to change within the course of a 10 minute conversation, so of course you run out of things to talk about. The only way you can go from there is to generate more "facts" to talk about. Yours and her feelings on the other hand are changing all the time and in the moments that you are talking to this girl. Do you ever actually just stop for a second and think "what am I feeling in this moment?" while you're at the bar? Do you feel nervous? That's okay!.....well, as long as you're not insecure about it. Does this girl's hotness make you giddy and kind of blush with hot nervousness? Soak up this feeling in this unique place in time and own it! Isn't that how girls act around a guy they think is really cute? So think about how you feel and then generate your conversation based on that. I like to say smoothly "what's up what's going on witchu right now?". Ok that may sound like a "fact-based" question, but it's asking her what's going on with her AT THIS MOMENT, how does she feel. And then hope she gets it and responds accordingly. Once I've figured out how I feel, when talking to a girl if she's just like "whats up?" ill say "i dunno I'm feeling...." and then kind of trail off from there and let whatever facial expression and body language my body does to convey my feeling, whether it be blushing, confusion, curious lust, do the rest of the talking. Basically if you're focusing on your feelings, and then using some words and body language to express them, I think it'd be pretty hard to run out of "conversation". Plus when you do this, when you want to sprinkle a "fact" question in there an ask her where she grew up, you'll seem all the more sincere because you'll actually be feeling it this time and actually wanting to know the answer as opposed to the usual half-interestedness.