FR: Sarging in Office environment

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FR: Sarging in Office environment

Postby sagihades » Fri Oct 12, 2012 6:15 am

HB 8 Walking ahead of me…I try to catch pace and walk beside her

Me: The sun is too bright today, isn’t it?
HB: She looks at me and just nods her head and says “yeah”
Me: (disappointed with response) has got really hot too these day..
HB: She smiles and again nods her head.
Me: How long have you been in this organization?
HB: 2 years..
Me: oh.. I have not seen you much around
HB: does not say anything and just smiles (body language is very stiff she does not loosen up)
Me: more disappointed!!!
Me: How has your stay been in this you like it?
HB: it has been two years so I should be liking it
Me: I become quiet with that response and continue walking.
HB: Which department do you work.
Me: (dep name) what about you?
HB: (dep name)
Me: oh ok..

We board the lift and I know she need to go to the 2nd floor. However, she does not realize that she has not pressed the button.

Me: I think you need to go to the 2nd floor.
HB: yes.
Me: I tell the guy standing next to me to press the switch..

Too late we already are on the 3 floor.

ME: “you missed the floor”
HB: its ok I will get down at 3rd floor and take steps…She walks away

I know this was a fatal attempt. She thrashed me totally..i might appear like AFC..

How could I have done better? Please suggest..
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Re: FR: Sarging in Office environment

Postby voyager » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:30 am

You can do better by going out more and talking to as many girls as you can. Talking to one girl in the office is a good start, BUT even by your own admission you are disappointed with her responses. You care too much. You are over-analyzing this ONE interaction instead of doing yourself a favor and having more interactions.

Also, I personally don't like to shit where I eat. There are too many women in the DFW metroplex to spend too much mental energy on the girls I work with.
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Re: FR: Sarging in Office environment

Postby Tribulus1000 » Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:08 pm

sagihades wrote:
I know this was a fatal attempt. She thrashed me totally..i might appear like AFC..

How could I have done better? Please suggest..

First, slow down. This is not a bar. Its not daygame. Its work.
Like Voyager said, you care too much.

If you want to do this type of "seduction", you need to develop a game plan.

Slow down. You have the advantage of seeing this girl or others again and again. Passing by them, going to conferences, meeting at the watercooler or on the way to the bathroom...whatever.

The only reason to go fast at a bar/daygame is that you generally don't have time to see them you have to do whatever you're going to do in 4 hours or get a phone number.

With a work or school scenario, you have more time so use it wisely. Since you know you are going to see her again, you can tailor your approaches to end on a good note. And you can be at ease knowing that she's there.

Just develop a "game" for this environment. What works best? Humor comes to mind. Also takeaways (like she did to you). You can also use NLP or SS type languaging if she is interested at all. Come up wtih some good stories and use them.

And finally when she's "ready" you can meet her up.
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Re: FR: Sarging in Office environment

Postby Khaos » Thu Nov 01, 2012 3:04 pm

sagihades wrote:HB 8 Walking ahead of me…I try to catch pace and walk beside her

Me: The sun is too bright today, isn’t it?
HB: She looks at me and just nods her head and says “yeah”
Me: (disappointed with response) has got really hot too these day..
HB: She smiles and again nods her head.
Me: How long have you been in this organization?
HB: 2 years..
Me: oh.. I have not seen you much around
HB: does not say anything and just smiles (body language is very stiff she does not loosen up)
Me: more disappointed!!!
Me: How has your stay been in this you like it?
HB: it has been two years so I should be liking it
Me: I become quiet with that response and continue walking.
HB: Which department do you work.
Me: (dep name) what about you?
HB: (dep name)
Me: oh ok..

We board the lift and I know she need to go to the 2nd floor. However, she does not realize that she has not pressed the button.

Me: I think you need to go to the 2nd floor.
HB: yes.
Me: I tell the guy standing next to me to press the switch..

Too late we already are on the 3 floor.

ME: “you missed the floor”
HB: its ok I will get down at 3rd floor and take steps…She walks away

I know this was a fatal attempt. She thrashed me totally..i might appear like AFC..

How could I have done better? Please suggest..

first off approaching while you work is not a good idea. A few words that come to mind are sexual harassment in the work place. Secondly don't be worried about how you come off to others in general. Having a i don't give a ____ mentality what others think is a attractive to women. Also that you figured out that she was not new and has been there for a while could be discerning to her and somewhat invalidating to her.
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Re: FR: Sarging in Office environment

Postby talontron » Sun Dec 02, 2012 5:03 pm

what could you have done better?

um got her number...

thats bout it. she is not going to sleep with you right before she works on the elevator with some other person there.

there is really nothing you could of done. judging by her reaction she would not sleep with you right away she wasn't comfortable enough with you. plus you didn't give her any emotions or anything just small talk like a regular person. she doesn't know you plus thats a normal reaction from ANY girl. all girls will be hesistant to talk to someone they don't know. they will be defensive

if you see her again talk to her more and try to take her on an insta-date or somewhere to eat nearby maybe coffee. get to know her and try to get her. then after that try to take her somewhere to fuck her if she is receptive.
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