FR: Picked up the Artist, Left Her Hanging, Super Sweaty

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FR: Picked up the Artist, Left Her Hanging, Super Sweaty

Postby archfilejockey » Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:55 am

Alright, well I've texted with this artist chick who bros say is tough to crack. She gave me her number months ago at a party, but I never used until the other day.
Me: Hey pulchitrudinous
She: Who is this that gave me this strange compliment?
Me: It's Mike from that party awhile back, I know you remember me. How's life and junk?
She: How could I forget you? lol
She: I'm ok (blah, blah, blah)
Me: That's cool I guess. Hey, I'll be coming through that area tomorrow, you know you wanna hang out.
She: Well, I'm staying with my mom, she don't like visitors. :-(
Me: So, I'm going to (XXXX place), could always drop by and pick you up?! It's your world, I'm just thriving in it.
She: Okie Dokie(Not kidding), I'll be ready around 6pm
Me: Cool
She: XXXX Summer Place, let me know when your about to be here.
Me: (No response until I'm almost there the next day)

So, that's how I got her to get in the car. I picked her up, drove around to a few cool places. I was doing the Push/Pull, NEGS, & some routines I've come up with. All the sudden I noticed she started getting quiet and nervous(sweaty nervous, ugh). So, I went back to her place and dropped her off. She sat in the car staring and I started to lean over and said, "You're not going to invite me in?". She said, "You can totally come in, if you want". I just said, "Maybe next time, I've got to see another friend in a while, later!" She stared for awhile, I laughed and said, "What? You want me to stick around?" She was dripping sweat, super nervous, but said, "Yes, if you want?" I said, "I didn't ask what I wanted, I asked what you wanted." She said, "Yes", but very softly, like she was afraid to say that out loud. I leaned back over, put my hand on her thigh, and said, "Maybe next time, got to go."

Yeah, I know I could have totally f-closed, but she was too nervous and nasty sweaty, not a turn on. Anyway, how was my text/talking? Any info on why she just bombed and got nervous? Also, was the hand on the leg too much, pointers on when and when not to use that?
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Joined: Mon Oct 01, 2012 1:13 am

Re: FR: Picked up the Artist, Left Her Hanging, Super Sweaty

Postby Tribulus1000 » Thu Oct 11, 2012 3:53 pm

Girls don't always know what to do. You need to be able to take the lead and make it romantic for her.
This also means that you must understand that you are in a different phase. If she is not giving you any resistance, then its all go.
Its a different vibe....a completely different area. She's nervous because she's probably a virgin or has not had sex with a guy. She's nervous because she likes you.

Playing games at this point is only going to make the girl thunk you don't have the balls to lead.
For example "Would you like to kiss me?" Girl : "I don't know." Guy : "I didn't say you could...."
This is wrong.

It should be more like you tell her "Come here" and grab her and kiss her. No words spoken. Just do it.

All that negs, push pull, openers, etc. is for when they are giving you resistance but you know you can wear them down.
Your girl was at the point where she was ready for you but you had to take her hand and lead her and make it a romantic and pleasurable experience.

You may have another shot at this but don't mess up again.

You were at the phase where:
- it would have been fine to kiss her
- it would have been fine to grab her ass or tits
- it would have been fine to stare her in the eye like you want to fuck her...pull away but then come back in.
- it would have been fine to do the old evolution phase shift
- it would have been fine to do the "almost kiss" routine.
- It would have been fine to take her in the house, push her up against the wall and make out with her while you grind on her (erect).
- It would have been fine to look her in the eyes, pull her hair and kiss her.
- It would have also been fine to stare at her and say "You look so beautiful tonight.", "Your tits are nice " and "may I?"
Whatever as long as it was romantic/sexual.

Perhaps the other guys have some suggestions.

Also, don't feel like you have to hide from rejection. If she doesn't like it, just ask her what she does like and get her imagining.
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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