FR: Red River Thursdays

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FR: Red River Thursdays

Postby James_Bonds_Bro » Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:01 am

Well, I've been going to this place,on and off, for about 8 years and it has never let me down. Last night, me GettinJizzy and Exsanguin met up there and again the place was packed, wall to wall, a ton of 8s/9s, and probably about a half dozen 10s. You get there early and you don't pay the cover. You take a flask and you can sneak in a few swigs near the mechanical bull or the pool tables. Spent $10 from 9:30 P.M.-1:00 A.M. The key to this joint, KNOW HOW TO DANCE. I've been mostly a salsa dancer but I took lessons there about 2 years ago (forgot them last night). However, if a chic is interested in you from the get-go then a half ass attempt at dancing is good enough. I danced with a solid 10, bolt on chest, 5'11" perfectly shaped country bumpkin. She was rollin' her eyes and giving me a b*tch look but I really didn't care. I still try to talk it up with b*tches even if they are as mean & nasty as Martha Stewart. The 10s get asked to dance constantly so you either show your stuff or go onto to another haplpess victim. I STRESS, going with a group is essential, because when they play hip hop/top 40, it's a free for all on the dance floor. If you look like you're having fun, chics pick up on it and are drawn to your crowd. Hopefully, more of you will join us on Thursdays !
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Re: Red River Thursdays

Postby GettenJizzywitit » Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:37 pm

I'd say 90% or more of the women that go to Red River are there to do some dancing. The country dancing vibe is very strong and ALL the 9s and 10s from what I've learned are professionals at following a guys lead ( I know because I was getting them to show me how to do the dances). If you can do the two-step even half-ass it's all you need to get in on the action. EVERY single woman, or group, I approached that night accepted my presence/approach very easily - I'd give the bitch shield factor for the night about a 3. If they do try a shield, take a little half step back with your palms open and tell them their silence is making you nervous and your not use to such a quiet table. That will turn their thoughts back on them, break it down, and your in. Then pick who you want to dance or tell one to show you how.
James Bonds Bro's opinion to show yourself as a guy having a good time is what I've found to be the strongest non-direct form of communication you can show the female(s). It radiates energy throughout the space and gets stronger and stronger with the size of the group. It'll bring your confidence up and for me allows you to see a little more of the 'big picture' of how average guys attract 9s and 10s in general life. To sum it up, if they see you having a good time it's like your pre-opening the set from a short distance with your groups strong male presence.
I've read a bunch of books, watched videos for countless hours, practiced everything in the field and agree with what I've read many of the experienced PUA's say - that everyone must develop a game that works for them. It would be insane for me to memorize methods and procedures from everyone's books, videos, and seminars to go in the field and the first 10 I walk up to I'm trying to figure out where to start because my heads exploding with an overdraft of game methods. Solution - Take Mystery's game/method, Tyler D's method, David D's method, all the rest of the gurus, and make something you can use.
If anyone wants to bring his current game, or bring it up to this level, at Red River, PM me or James Bonds Bro :D
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