The other night I was shopping for a tie to go with a suit I had bought for a wedding. I decided to hit up the Mall of America, so try to find a tie and also to practice a bit. After visiting several shops and not finding many people to open. I decided to get dinner. After a walk around I decided the food court was out and most of the other places were not suited for a man on a solo mission. So I decided to go to the places that few visit alone… hooters. Now I have never understood why it is considered taboo to go to hooters by ones self, but according to my AFC friends it is terrible. Never the less I decided to give it a go. Armed with the knowledge of The Game, Double you’re dating, and the MM; I decided to dive in and see what happened.
Upon entering I was greeted by the hostess who I ran an opener on then neged for finding a pair of car keys. After I sat down I engaged in a bit of small talk with my server, a blond 7. when she asked for my order I responded with surprise me. (psychology studies show that if you ask someone todo something for you they will like you more) so I figured I would try it out and see what happened. It seemed to work and she brought me a fish sandwich (actually really good!) at which point I neged her a bit about her selection, and then she sat down and we conversed a bit. She told me she wanted to study finance in school and after a bit of negging about her being a stuffy banker, I started to run out of material so I need to shift topics fast.
I noticed a shirt on the wall that said “Hooters girls think im sexy” she laughed and told me that when someone buys it they all sign it. This set of a spark in my head. “I have a friend who has been in a bad relationship with a girl” I said, “we havnt seen him in almost a year and she gets mad whenever he wants to hang with us.” She made a comment about how that sucked, so I asked her: “ if I bought a shirt would yall write some raunchy stuff on the shirt to break em up?” my waitress loved the idea so she ran off to get the shirt and wrangle the other waitresses. She they had me tell the story to the other girls, to which they all reveled in my idea. About this time the hostess showed up again and since I have a thing for brunettes I decided to work on her a bit. However this didn’t go well as I later discovered that she was only 17 and hostess apparently hires minors to work as hostesses, which I didn’t know and kind of weirder me out. By this time I had lost repor with my waitress, so since I had nothing to loose I decided to try the Cube.
I had never tired the cube before but had been wanting to, so I sat her down at a table and ran it, it worked great. I hit the nail on the head and she was very impressed, so she then proceeded to take me to the other girls and have me try it out. I could tell I was shifting into “clown” phase (where im only their to entertain them) I however didn’t care as I wanted to practice. I then came upon a girl who was a Psych major in college. I did the Cube on here and got the best result out of all the girls, each time I described an object and what it meant here eyes got wider and wider, like a kind on Christmas. After which I told her that we should hang out sometime and I could teach her how todo it. She said something about Hooters not allowing her to give out her number (my game wasn’t good enough to get past) so I got her email, then we chatted a bit more and I took my leave from the establishment.
All in all I had a good time, got a lot of practice and really kick started my Game mentality, up until that point I had only researched but for the first time I had gotten off the bench and into the game. I never heard back from the girl who gave me her email, but I wasn’t expecting to, I had gamed well, gotten a shirt for my buddy and ran the Cube 8 times with a 97.5% accuracy rate.
If anyone has any advice or subjections I would love to hear them, this was just a test run for me and know I didn’t do as well as I can. So if anyone has an comments please share them.