FR: Sprouts number close and date

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FR: Sprouts number close and date

Postby Gene » Thu Sep 18, 2014 3:05 pm

Doing my regular grocery shopping at Sprouts on Sunday afternoon and I see this HB5 in the organic fruit section. Eye contact and a smile from her when I walk by. It's on. She's with her mom though. I walk around, getting stuff on my shopping list while I wait for a chance to make my move.

Finally, she goes around the corner from her mom and I swoop in.

M: Hey (smile)
G: Hi (smile)
M: I noticed you earlier and thought you had a nice smile. I wanted to come over and find out what you were like.
G: (smile) Thank you! What's your name? (We shake hands and start small talk)

We small talk work and school. Turns out she's leaving the country to teach English in Europe. I've done that in Japan, so I suggest we go for a cup of coffee and talk about travel. She agrees, I get her number and call her (it was real). I ask her if she's free that evening and hs says she thinks she is.

I text her a few hours later and upgrade from coffee to dinner at Cafe Brazil. We go out and talk about traveling, school, fitness etc. She's flooding me with IOIs. At this point though, I start getting cold feet and tell myself, "eh, I'm not really that attracted".

Date ends, she says she's gonna be around for three more weeks and says I could call her to go out for a move or coffee or something. This totally blows me away. Never had a girl ask me to ask her out like that... Anyway, I give her a hug and say "French style?" With a smile. She gets a brief look of panic and I give her the standard French hello/goodbye kisses on both sides of her face, which she got a kick out of.

It wasn't my first approach. But it was my first number close and same day date. What I learned from this experience is that I can do this and that I shouldn't limit myself to girls I think I can get (HB5s) but should go for hotter girls too. That's what I want and I know I deserve a smoking hot babe.

Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Sep 17, 2014 8:03 am

Re: FR: Sprouts number close and date

Postby premature_pua » Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:15 pm

That's a really great report. I love that you said she's HB5, you're unabashedly honest and don't try to exaggerate to be something you're not. More importantly, you mentioned that you kinda started to panic, too. I can totally relate. You're little details like "brief look of panic" really give me a sense of what is happening and how amazingly you handled the situation.

The two cents of a complete newb is this: why not sleep with a few, build up your confidence, then get the hot babe that you deserve. I totally felt on the same wavelength when you said this. I was recently at an Urban Outfitters trying to see if I had the balls to approach someone (I didn't), but I saw the cute lacy panties that I know SOMEONE is buying. Even if it kills me, I'm going to fuck a hot girl who wears sexy underwear.
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:07 pm

Re: FR: Sprouts number close and date

Postby Mibcuvelux » Wed Dec 23, 2015 6:05 am

No matter who you bring Shares is a very good place to learn more.
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:35 am

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