FR: Uptown Scene and Massive Self-Amusement

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FR: Uptown Scene and Massive Self-Amusement

Postby rage2967 » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:03 am

Hey guys,

So lately I have been reading/watching self-amusement material to not only become attractive to women, but fucking completely enjoy myself in the process! Anytime you go to bars, you most likely see what I see: very few people simply "letting loose" and having a blast and mostly everyone else looking around/standing around with a serious (normal or default) look on their face. As human beings, this is pretty much our default state...

Anyways, I have been experimenting with self-amusement to really amp-up my state and see if the "law of state transfer" really does check-out (whatever you feel, she feels). I simply wanted to let my positive energy permeate through the interactions that I had this past weekend.

My game certainly has a long way to go, however below is my field report from Friday night. The tactics of self-amusemement are evident in the report and definitely allowed me to have a blast even though I didn't get laid. I feel that laying a foundation such as this will take me further and further into becoming the seductive, socially calibrated man that I am striving to be.

Arrive at one of the more low key bars in Dallas, they have a band playing that night. Nobody is really dancing... Guess who decides to be the first one? I needed a way to get in-state so I decided to hop like a bunny through the entire place. Did it feel weird and were people staring? Of course. Did this get me in-state? Absolutely. One of the themes that I kept reiterating to myself throughout the night was to have fun for myself and nobody else. This was an epiphany for me because as the night wore on, I felt myself getting completely immersed in my own experience and nobody else's. This was awesome, especially when others wanted to share my experience with me too and feel the positive energy being given off.

Anyways, I headed off to the usual places in uptown, talking and chatting with people along the way. Giving high-fives, twirling strangers, etc. I was completely in the present moment at this point.

Went to random bars along Mckinney and did the exact same thing. Looking for nothing and simply building my own experience, it was still early in the night and I was having a blast. In addition to bunny-hopping, I was also making up random dance moves, moving my hands up and down in an energizer bunny motion, and just figuring shit out on the spot that made me happy. I also played around with doing the "fish", and other moves as well.

I approached about 20 sets that night. I'll explain in detail 3 of the sets that were the most interesting to me, and what I learned from them.

Set #1: Clusterfuck of Chodes and one girlfriend.

One cute girl, about an 8.5 was in the middle of all of these chodes. Great test for me to see if I could penetrate the herd and also if my self-amusement was on point. Pushed through about 3 guys to get to her and she was utterly suprised when I introduced myself. I took her hands in mine and simply said "Who are you?", establishing that man-to-woman connection with a direct question to start off. Anime eyes ensued instantaneously and she was drawn in. I started talking about the Fitbit bracelet she had on her hand just because the topic interested me and it was a good starting point for the interaction. Immediately I had about 3 guys yelling at me telling me to fuck off. Whatever. It didn't get physical and I persisted by speaking close to her ear so she could hear me. It started to get violent however, so I immediately I began to pull out and tried to end the interaction with a high-five. clearly the friends she was with were needy and suffocating because her boyfriend and another dude blocked my hi-5 and gave her a fucking staredown. After it all, of course I knew had a slim chance to even isolate her, however it was the experience that I was most intrigued by in throwing myself headfirst into. I didn't know what would happen unless I had the balls to do it.

Set #2: Cute girl from my home-state.

Opened up another girl simply by seeing her while I was hopping around. She was immediately drawn into my energy and we had a great interaction for about 15 minutes. I was breaking rapport often, giving her nicknames, poking her stomach etc. before it became a little more physical. I hooked her because we both grew up in the same state and she could relate to this (or relate to seeing a future where we were together somehow). The only weird thing was that I couldn't push past the resistance she had when I tried to isolate her. She was a little tipsy and it was a little later at this point of the night (~ 12:30) however, she wouldn't come with me after several attempts because she didn't want to leave her friend... Not sure why here and any advice would be appreciated. Note that her friend moved away from the interaction after I opened the girl, but was still in a close vicinity.

Another side note I want to mention here is that I was building great interactions all night, however for some reason I was finding it particulary difficult to isolate, even a few steps away from the target's friends. I was trying everything, and definitely "leading" as a male and not letting the girl per say, make the decision.

Set #3: Brunette 8.5, dental hygienist:

I started the interaction with this girl by pointing at her from across the bar and motioning with one finger to "come hither" to me. She was being hit on at the time, and the guy who saw this I guess didn't take it seriously at first, but dispersed once I took a straight line path to the girl and opened her. We hit it off, especially after something I said (don't remember now unfortunately...) that made her stare at my lips. Why didn't I kiss her? Because we were all still at the table with her girlfriends and guyfriends and I figured she would reject me in hopes of not looking like a slut. Not that I cared about the rejection but this would have ruined the interaction for the time being. Either way, I saw this and immediately grabbed her to isolate, saying I couldn't hear her over the music and that we were going to a quieter place to talk for 5 seconds. We both headed off to the corner of this outside bar where I tried to build on having us both invest in the interaction. I used a little push-pull still but no fancy gimmicks or anything and for some reason the interaction just faded after asking about her logisitics. Either way, she used the excuse of going to the bathroom and I told her we were going to hang out later and grabbed her number. I tried to kiss-close and was rejected. Any advice her too would be appreciated on why the interaction simply faded and she lost interest....

These were the three sets of several that I opened that night. If y'all have any advice concerning the above interactions, please let me know as I am open to learning and curious as to what people's thoughts are!

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