Often at while at work, I often like to entertain myself by bantering and flirting with the sorority and other hot college girls that come in. Now, over all, I'm pretty new to the game, and the following is me trying out something from Mystery Method, which I only recently learned about.
Set 1: HB7 and UG friend
Me: *as I walk by, look over my shoulder and direct statement towards UG (I know what you're thinking, why?)* "You know, I find it unique that you're teeth have a C shape."
UG: What do you mean? *chuckles nervously with HB*
Me: "You've never heard this? C shape is really rare! It means you're a deviant, though you like to pretend you're nice." (At the time, I was trying to ignore HB, show her a lack of interest, but I didn't realize I was actually flirting with the UG)
UG: "Hmmm... I'm going have to look that up online."
HB: *still chuckling*
Me: "It's a true study, like psychics being real. I am one."
Both: *Laugh*
Me: (still being a idiot, at this point I am completely not paying attention to HB, besides the occasional glance over) "Think of a number, one through ten, don't tell me what it is....is it 7?
UG: No haha
Me: Alright, one through four....is it three?
UG: No! Haha
Me: Fine, let's try this: take a number and double it. Now, add 4. Divide it in half and subtract it by the original number. Is it 2?
UG: "Yes! What the-?"
Me: "Haha, told ya! Now, I gotta get back to work. You ladies are going to get me in trouble."
Later, the HB7 comes up to me at the counter and asks for a pen. I'm thinking to myself, holy shit, this worked! I'm making progress! When I went to clear off their table after they left, sure enough, there was a napkin with my name, the girl's name, and a phone number. But by this point I started to reflect, and I worried it was the UG. Sure enough, later that night, I found out it was. Fuck.
So, good thing was, I got a number. Bad news is, it was the UG's number. Here's what I learned: Though I have to ignore the girl some, I can't forget to show her some attention, even in the form of negs. Hell, given that routine, it probably would have been better if I told the HB the routine over the shoulder, while including the UG every now and then. Obviously, the routine worked. However, I put too much thought in ignoring my target.
Any fresh ideas? Anywhere else you guys think I could have done better? I would love the feedback!
-May the shadows protect you,