FR: AFC Field Report #1 - Skittles

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FR: AFC Field Report #1 - Skittles

Postby Skittles » Tue Jan 29, 2013 2:05 am

Alright, so I think I can definitely say doing pickup is... interesting =).

Friday night, after chatting up some random scrubs on GroupMe (J/k you guys aren't scrubs, I love you <3) I was convinced to head out to Lizard Lounge (because I am under 21 and consequently a scrub). After doing some research and getting spiffed up with my nicest pair of jeans and my leather jacket that I picked up from GoodWill for 20 bucks, fate was not in favor when I got a phone call. My bum dad was all like "hey, I need a ride. Kthnx-son-iloveyoubye". So yeah, there went my night.

A couple hours later, I was sitting on my couch thinking to myself "I hate my life, why do I suck so much" so I jumped in my 2010 Mustang (actually a beat up Montego) and went to Starbucks. I grab a latte topped with eternal sadness, and out of the corner of my eye I spot a girl who I see occasionally at my college. She was wearing an Aggies shirt, which I considered "okay" because they did good in football this year. After pulling the most AFC approach ever ( I literately didn't do ANYTHING cool or interesting ) I was finally able to get a positive response. We continued to chat about AFC stuff, like the weather, sports, life, my lack of a girlfriend, and after a good 15 minutes she had to go. I watched her walk out (she was pretty hot), but I didn't want to just watch another girl walk off. I ran up behind her and politely asked if she would like to hang out at Starbucks again. We exchanged numbers after she gave a "uh, okay" response, and I walked away feeling like a boss. (J/k my life is pathetic).

I texted her later that night, and to my surprise she responded. I wanted to find out what times she was available in the upcoming week, to which she said "I have been pretty busy lately. School has really been taking up a lot of time." I asked her what classes she was taking, and she said "I am taking 23 credit hours. The colligiate high school program is pretty tough". It was at this point that I made a giant facepalm.

Saturday - didn't do jack. He was busy. (lol, that was a joke. I'm not gay! >=O )

A while back some awesome dude (I think Voyager?) was kind enough to get me in contact with J-Fang. After some chit chat and banter, we said that we'd meet up later that week at NorthPark mall to do some daygame. Since I am underage (at this point in time), it looks like daygame is probably the best I am gonna get, so I put on my Sunday best (studded bracelet, swag necklace, my signature red-plaid button up shirt, and my best pair of jeans) and met him at Macy's. He was definitely more stylish than I was, wearing a brown v-neck sweater, a necklace with a flour-de-lei, and a pretty sweet spiked up hair-doo. I introduced myself and we made teh chit chat, and walked around getting warmed up. After talking to a children's store clerk ( shopping for new pants maybe? ) we walk around looking for targets. Or girls. Both? J-Fang spots a pretty good looking chick and then stops her dead in her tracks. They talked for a good 3 minutes before he divulged that she had a boyfriend, and then politely ejected. What a beast.

Thoroughly impressed with his skills, I watched him talk to another 3 chicks before we decided that Northpark was dead (probably because of the weather, or the football game). I hopped in J-Fangs kicking pimp-mobile and we bounced our way over to Mockingbird Station. After doing some direct approaches there, I did my first cold direct approach. I walked up to two females engaged in conversation. One of them looked like she had just got out of bed and threw on a t-shirt -- she was my target. After going up and introducing myself and throwing a light compliment, she looked to her friend with the "ohmygod, whoisthisloser" type look. Crushed but still alive, I continued to talk about small stuff like school etc. until it got so awkward that I physically ejected myself. Crap. It was probably one of the most embarrassing encounters I have ever had in my life, and all sense of pride was thrown out the window. But where that pride had been, it was now replaced with a sense of pure adrenaline. I could start loving this feeling.

I spotted J-Fang a meal at SmashBurger where we chatted about game and random questions I have had for a while about pick-up. After a long discussion about different types of styles along with technique and goals for getting into pick-up, we went out for one last shot. I spotted this tiny brunette/redhead walking out of the store and ran up in front of her to open. I gave her a compliment on her shirt, and didn't try to go for the continued conversation like I did last time. She was very shy and didn't really want to look at me after I got in front of her, but it was probably because she had never seen such a sexy person in her entire life and was re-evaluating her entire existence. Either way, that was approach number two and I felt a little better about not caring about what happens when you get blown out. Yay.

We went to Twin Peaks for a victory nachos, where we chatted with the waitresses who are all probably in the upper 90% of women in terms of attractiveness (btw, bit props to J-Fang for showing me this place. I had no idea what Twin Peaks was all bout until that night). After some prodding from J-Fang for me to engage one of the waitresses, I was able to strike up a conversation about this being my first time here and now knowing what "Twin Peaks" meant. She looked at me funny, but I smiled back and then continued to talk about how I liked her plaid shirt and had one just like it. I suggested we both become lumberjacks and live in a tiny cabin on the mountain, but she lol'ed and went off to serve the other customers. Drats.

So, overall I had a great time hanging out with J-Fang for the day. He was able to give me a lot of general knowledge I had been lacking and was also kind enough to hook me up with some PDF's of books that are the essentials for any aspiring PUA. Even though I got blown out on all of my sets (I wish I had done more) I still feel like I made a step in a positive direction. Next stop you may ask? Quite possibly Cowboys Arlington!

Stay tuned for the next segment of "AFC Field Report"
Last edited by Mojo on Tue Jan 29, 2013 3:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FR: AFC Field Report #1 - Skittles

Postby relax » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:14 am

Good job, keep taking action
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Re: FR: AFC Field Report #1 - Skittles

Postby GettenJizzywitit » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:07 pm

Good job putting yourself in the uncomfortable situation of talking to hot women as a newbie. After a little while it becomes comfortable and your on your way - opening becomes 2nd nature and you master it. Being a consistent closer becomes the new game.

Cowboys Arlington Wednesday night is a plan!!
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