HB 8 Walking ahead of me…I try to catch pace and walk beside her
Me: The sun is too bright today, isn’t it?
HB: She looks at me and just nods her head and says “yeah”
Me: (disappointed with response)..it has got really hot too these day..
HB: She smiles and again nods her head.
Me: How long have you been in this organization?
HB: 2 years..
Me: oh.. I have not seen you much around
HB: does not say anything and just smiles (body language is very stiff she does not loosen up)
Me: more disappointed!!!
Me: How has your stay been in this organization..do you like it?
HB: it has been two years so I should be liking it
Me: I become quiet with that response and continue walking.
HB: Which department do you work.
Me: (dep name) what about you?
HB: (dep name)
Me: oh ok..
We board the lift and I know she need to go to the 2nd floor. However, she does not realize that she has not pressed the button.
Me: I think you need to go to the 2nd floor.
HB: yes.
Me: I tell the guy standing next to me to press the switch..
Too late we already are on the 3 floor.
ME: “you missed the floor”
HB: its ok I will get down at 3rd floor and take steps…She walks away
I know this was a fatal attempt. She thrashed me totally..i might appear like AFC..
How could I have done better? Please suggest..