FR: Sarging Nurses!

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FR: Sarging Nurses!

Postby Red Man » Sun Jul 22, 2012 7:58 pm

Tonight at work I ran really tight game on a two set of girls. They were both seated so I picked up a chair and sat right in between both of them. My target was on my left and the obstacle on my right. Earlier in the night my target had walked into work and touched my arm trying to get my attention while I was talking to an old friend. After she touched me I sent her a text message saying that I was going to have to start charging her every time she touched me and that the first one was a freebie. lol!

I've also come up with my own nickname for her which has worked wonders as well and I bust on her using it. So getting back to my two set with myself in the middle I started negging them both at first telling the obstacle that she stole my seat then telling my target your in my seat get out of it! (playfully of course) Once I was in the middle I ignored the target and started talking to the obstacle. I asked the obstacle if she had a piece of gum so she handed me a packet of gum which happened to have only one piece left. I was like hey thanks for your last piece then started talking to her again. After about a minute I turned to my target and asked her if she wanted a piece of gum. She playfully hit me several times and said I know there isn't any left because I was listening to you. I found this incredibly funny I ignored her again because I was talking to the obstacle and she kept touching me trying to get my attention by saying looks like I owe you more money now doesn't it. I was like wow if that isn't an IOI than shit my name isn't Red Man.

Before turning to speak to my target I said to the obstacle God is she always like this. They both started laughing then my target said the next time I go out to a club she wants to go with me. By the way her body language and voice tonality was I could tell this girl was hot for me. I showed a willingness to walk away shortly after that since I had to go to my next post but could have stayed longer. I made it look like I was just having fun and didn't place too much importance on my interactions with them. I'm having too much fun with this stuff. I will keep you guys updated please share your ideas or anything at all on this field report. Cheers
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Red Man
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Joined: Wed Feb 22, 2012 11:13 pm

Re: FR: Sarging Nurses!

Postby ninjamatt » Tue Jul 24, 2012 9:19 pm

i skimmed over your thread but I didn't see anything about actual nurses. It sounds like you are on a good track from your thread for the most part. As far as nurses go, the ones I've known have been very wild. I think it has to do with, they work long hours and see a real dark side ,and sunny side of life at the same time. they also tend to be attracted to other women especially others in the nurse field. Usually when a nurse is off duty and out and about she tends to try to enjoy herself to the max especially RN's
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