FR: Lower Greenville on St Pats

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FR: Lower Greenville on St Pats

Postby Loki » Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:44 pm

This was a long day as we (me and my AFC buddy from work) got to lower Greenville about 3pm. Another friend from work, HB8, her family owns a restaurant on lower Greenville and we met up with a bunch of co-workers there. While there I make convo with a lot of people around me, not just young hotties, but everyone.

We left after the sun went down. If you haven't been to LG on St Pats, let me tell you it is a mad house. In fact, I have avoided it for NINE YEARS because it is so crowded and trashed. It looks like a train wreck. I noticed something kinda off. There were a TON of cops around and everyone was drinking in the street. But da man just sat and observed. I know it isn't legal and it hit me....I will ask some HB if it is legal to drink in the street. I won't go through each encounter but basically it went like this. We would see two or more girls walking around and would go up to one and say, "Excuse me, I have a quick question. Is it legal to buy alcohol from, say, a 7Eleven and drink in the street? I didn't think it was, but the police obviously don't care so now I'm not so sure." I used this 6 times and though it did lead to some convo, it didn't really work. I think partly because it was too easy for the target to eject from because it was such a trivial question. Like, "what time is it?" Four of the six times, a boyfriend came up and killed the convo and pulled the HB away. The last time it seemed to work and things were going great, but I think my AFC buddy blew us both out by just being an AFC.

At about 9 or so we found ourselves at a bar called Stout, one of my favorites. Very cool laid back. Never too crowded, but always some hotties. We belly up to the bar and order a few beers. Right next to us is a guy with a HB9. So it is AFC buddy, me, Obstacle and HB9. My buddy and I are joking around. At some point, obstacle leaves to talk to some other people. I sit in obstacles seat and look at her, like as an after thought and ask if he is coming back. She says sorry but he is. I get up but start convo with her. She asked what AFC is drinking. I tell her it is Hoegarden, a Belgium beer and suggest she try it and mine and tell us which is better. I’m drinking Harp, an Irish beer and joke with her how he is drinking the wrong beer for St Pats day. She laughs and tells us that she likes my beer. Can that be and IOI? I tease her a little and she moves into obstacles seat so she can talk with me easier. All smiles. Eventually obstacle comes back and seats himself between HB and I. He seems angry. I start to worry and wonder how much I can engage HB before he losses his temper. I would have tried to talk with him, but he seemed so pissed and I got the feeling I was the cause. I turn a little so my back is to him and HB, for two reasons: I don’t want to get into a fight and I want HB to have fun when talking to me and then bored when talking to now frustrated obstacle. My buddy wants to go and I tell him that I want to wait and see if I don’t get an opportunity to give my number to HB. He suggests I do it right in front of obstacle, “what would you do if a guy did that to your girlfriend? He won’t do anything.” I decide that my buddy is right but he will shame her if she doesn’t toss the number. We wait a while and I give up and we leave. We end up doubling back and I notice that she is sitting alone. My buddy encourages me and I go in armed with my number written on a coaster. Nothing but class. I bee line it for her and say, “Look, I don’t want to cause problems with your boyfriend…”

“He isn’t my boyfriend.” Another IOI?

“Ok. Well here is my number. Blah Blah.” She tells me her name and I tell her mine. Later as I thought about the exchange I kicked myself for not getting her number. Feedback? Not sure, maybe there is a better way to have left it.
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Joined: Sat Feb 25, 2006 9:58 pm

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