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FAQ - Best of the Forum

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 11:05 am
by Mojo
Q. How can I get my thread on here?
A. Threads that enter the Best of the Forum typically have one of the following features:
    *Thread is a comprehensive FAQ related to a specific aspect of the pick-up. How to evoke the proper mindset to sarge or advice on phone game are some specific examples.
    *The thread in question is considered to have some social value amongst it's members.
    *The thread is a field report, a review, or a writing on culture or fitness that can best be described as witty, insightful, or entirely encapsulating of an aspect which the thread topic covers.

Q. What's the reward for getting my topics up here?
A. Immortality.

Q. Who decides which threads enter the Best of the Forum?
A. That is solely the duty of the moderators and administrators of Dallas PUA Society.