openers with selection built in

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openers with selection built in

Postby brad p. » Sat Jun 10, 2006 1:42 pm

You can read tons of theory and learn lots of advanced stuff, but when you actually get out there an meet women, sometimes it just comes down to being in the right place at the right time. If you do a lot of approaches, sometimes you will run across a girl who you are naturally compatible with. Sometimes getting laid is not a matter of technique, it's a matter of natural compatibility. A great process for SDLs is to put yourself in the general vicinity of girls that like guys like you, open a bunch of them, and quickly weed out the incompatible ones.

The more time you spend talking to incompatible women, the less time you have left to do additional approaches. This can be the difference between success and failure. One of the biggest problems I see in intermediate students is the go-nowhere sets. The can open, they can do some rapport. They can't attract, so they eventually lose the set after 15-20 minutes. It's a huge problem. There are people that stay at that level for years even if they are reading or getting coaching.

One simple way to rectify this is to build FORCED SELECTION into your openers. Here's what it means: you're going to force the girl to show you whether or not she's compatible with you in the first 30 seconds. You KNOW what factors make women compatible to you, and what factors make it a complete no-go. Let me give you a few real life examples, that will make it easier to understand.

I was having problems a month or so back where I'd get these SHBs out on a day 2 and they turn out to be a virgin. Virgins are a NO-GO for me. It's a total waste of time. So I built forced selection into my opener, and I haven't had that problem since.

Opener: Hey, let me ask you guys a question. If you were a virgin, would you wanna go out on a date with a guy like me? Do I seem like the right type.
(girls answer)
Cause I've been having this problem lately. I've been out on a date about once a week with these really hot girls, I mean a couple of them were runway models. I always get them back to my place and into my bed, then I find out the chick is a virgin. Why would a girl like that even be interested in a guy like me. Obviously it's not gonna work out.

Here's another one from a student of mine.
He was always meeting married women. The women would not mention being married until 30 minutes in. Total waste of time.
Opener- Hey let me ask you guys a question, it's a really important question. If you were a married woman, and you were into cheating on your husband, would you pick a guy like me to cheat with? Do I look like the type of guy who'd be perfect cheating o your husband with?

OK so you get the idea. If the girl is a virgin or she's married, an opener like this might cause her to fess up right away so you don't have to waste your time. Also, they're really effective openers. The incorporate opinions, storytelling, and are true to your own life so they feel natural. The virgin one has quite a bit of DHV as well.

These 2 openers fix very specific problems. You can also do one that filters for personality traits. For example, the horsegirl opener will weed out any girl who doesn't have a good sense of humor. For me, sense of humor is essential. Without that, it's a no-go. So I'm more than happy to get blown out to save myself 20 minutes of bland interaction with some uptight chick. Most of you probably know that opener, but I'll put it in here for quick reference-
YOU: "Hey do you like horses?"
GIRL: ”HUH? ummm yea i guess."
YOU: "Hmm, I thought so. OK check this out, when I was in the 6th grade, there was this girl who loved horses. She used to run around the playground for an hour straight at lunchtime. She'd be galloping and making horse noises. We used to call her the weird horse girl."
GIRL: “Yeah, so?"

If a girl is a total bitch or stiff, that opener is gonna FORCE her to show her true colors. That's what I want to see in the first 30 seconds- her true colors.

The hardest thing about using openers with selection built in is this- It won't work if you fear rejection. The whole idea with this is you are ASKING for a blowout from any incompatible girl in the interest of saving time. Well maybe not a blowout, but at least a polite rejection. You must change the way you view rejection. If your selection opener works and the girl blows you out, she just did you a favor! She just save you 20 minutes of boring conversation. You should thank your lucky stars. She just set you free to go talk to another girls, and the possibilities with that are endless.

If you can get over the fear of rejection and do this, you can double or triple the amount of approaches you do during a typical outing. That increases your chances for success quite a bit. You're doubling the chances that you will end up talking to a woman who is naturally compatible with you. Then how much game is really needed? Not that much. You just have to avoid needy behavior and let nature take it's course. The MERE PASSAGE OF TIME will cause you to get laid if you put yourself around women who are naturally compatible with you. Pheremones will play the game for you.

Brad P.
Underground Dating Seminar
Cliff's List '06
brad p.
Posts: 25
Joined: Fri May 26, 2006 4:43 pm

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