The art of the close, it's an elusive one. The thing most guys fear, though, are the ups and downs.
Sometimes you win:

And sometimes you lose:

Then again you might win:

But mostly you lose:

And even when you win, you can still lose:

But one thing's for sure, you won't win from losing. Or from not playing at all.
So...I'm sure most of you joined this forum because:
1) Some girl wronged you and don't want to make that mistake again. Take that, Caitlin.
2) Your left forearm looks normal, and your right one looks like Popeye's.
3) You want the same women famous guys get, without having the money, power, looks, etc.
4) You want a girlfriend.
5) You just want to bang.
You might say it's #1 or #4, I might tell you it's #3 just to be nice, when really we both know it's #2 and #5.
Therefore I need to explain the life of a true closer.
Some of you may tell me you want to take her to a bunch of dinners because you see her as girlfriend material. Or you don't want to move things too quickly or show her you have a spine because that might scare her away. Regardless of the goal or the reason, the steps needed to close are the same ones necessary to attract and/or keep a girl.
It's as easy as ABC:
While this is quite the simple instruction, it seems to get lost in the execution. You want the girl, but when the opportunity presents itself you balk, and you balk hard. Why? Because you're not taking it to the hole hard enough. There's no such thing as a half-assed close. Either you get what you want or you don't.
What many of you don't know, is that it's a lot easier to see where you're at with a girl if you push for some type of result. K-close, HJ-close, BJ-close, F-close, DP-close, whatever. Show her you have cojones. Going for just a number is cool and all but it doesn't really establish anything. How many guys do you think she gave her number to that night? If you want to set yourself apart, don't puss out and instead go for the close. You won't be penalized for showing interest. And in the event she's not interested, you just saved yourself a shitload of time/dates/money/whatever. If you think filling her stomach with shrimp-stuffed lobster will make a huge difference in how much she likes you, then stop watching rom-coms on Lifetime. Seriously. There's a better chance of compliance on her end after sleeping with you, because she already made that physical/emotional investment.
You'd be surprised how far you can get with a girl if you actually press the issue. If you take the easy way out and go for the number, the worst that could happen is you never see her again. If you go for the close and fail/succeed, the worst that could happen is you never see her again. Yes that's correct, whether you go for a number or fail or succeed it really doesn't change the worst-case scenario. The only difference is that you actually gain something from the situation when you succeed. You banged a chick and never saw her again, woe is you. But...if she decides down the road that your penis was a gift from the gods or the other guys were armless children in comparison, she'll come back.
But I've noticed a few guys who will have that opportunity for a close and completely piss it away because he decided she didn't meet his ridiculous standards, or some other BS reason he came up with. Admit it, you got stage fright. If you're starting out in this game, the reality of the situation is you're gonna have to hop on a few less-than-desirables from time to time. Don't walk around thinking "boy I've been doing this for two whole weeks, 8's 9's and 10's will be eating out of my hand in no time" because it's not going to happen. You need to be getting your reps in with the ones you actually CAN get at the time, so that you know what the hell you're doing when you finally do pull one of your 'ideal' girls.
Otherwise, I would recommend shifting to name brand lotion. Not sure Equate will do it for you.