Gaming Strippers......from Rainman

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Gaming Strippers......from Rainman

Postby Rainman » Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:16 am

guys i want to start off by saying i was really impressed by the turn out last night. you guys have a phenominal community going and seem to be a very tight knit bunch. at the request of Sinatra im reposting most of my incoherant ramblings of last night about gaming strippers. by no means is this a step A.B.C. of how to go from door to floor with a girl. but once you learn how to play the odds properly and close your first stripper--go home, write the entire process down and use it again and again because they are ALL the same, and ALL respond to the same cues. that said--
1)when you walk in the door. dont look around everywhere dont stare at the girl on stage. pay attention to the waitress whos taking you to the table and drop something unique on her, maybe an opinion opener just to differentiate yourself. don't look past a 10 degree slant from straight forward for you--why? because thats what every other chump does remember we are the exception.
2)befriend the bartender--KEY POINT. order something unusual but not obscene (god help me if you order a fucking sex with an aligator, i might just hit you with the shaker). that way you have a talking point to open the bartender with IE: "yea i like my gin and tonic with a cherry whats the most unusual thing you've made while working here". no matter who you are, so long as the bartender isn't ass slammed busy, you will be a welcome reprieve from slinging drinks and the other customers asking who they can pay for an HJ (yea it happens all the time).
3)once you chat the bartender up, the manager will inevitably notice you. introduce yourself now that he sees your not a threat and you "know" the bartender (also a key point especially at the end of the night). bear in mind that the manager is probably having a shitty night bc hes dealing with 30 prissy pissed off bitches all of whom have major issues plus girl drama going on at the same time, not to mention hes trying to run the club and sell champagne. if you can chat the manager up for a bit do it, but realize that your time is most likely going to be short, ask him about how his night is etc. they are usually very cordial.
4)important point.....DONT JUST SIT IN YOUR TABLE--why? because look at every other sucker that is there whats he doing? exactly. move around the club. venue change yourself several times this will force the girls to notice you everytime the pass because you are "new" each time.
5)once you find your target note logistics. if shes either on her way to another customer or on her way to the stage she will blow you off not bc shes a bitch but because shes there to make money (side note. dont go to strip clubs on the first or end of the month--why? rent is due and these skanks have one thing on their mind).
6)once you find your target, engage her UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DO YOU EVER BUY A DANCE FROM HER--bc as soon as you do. you are no longer the PUA, you are now just "a customer" like everyone else, you may be interesting and intelligent but your still "a customer" game over. some of these girls are shameless and will ask for a dance within the first 30 do you deal with that is a question i get sometimes...bc if you tell her "no i dont buy dances" or something like that BOOM shes gone onto the next customer trying to make money. when she asks say something like "maybe" or "well see" or "my your very forward, are you always this pushy" (on that last one make sure to smile during the delivery so she knows your kidding) that way you haven't blown out but again YOU ARE A CHALLENGE. also bear in mind that strippers are great conversationalists and will be able to hold a shallow and meaningless conversation that you may think is going somewhere but is in actuality the same conversation (verbatim) that she just had with the guy 2 tables over. thats why mini cold reads work well on strippers because you aren't just talking about the weather, your dog, how you hate your job or your wife. shes heard all the usual stuff before--side note, the cube works pretty well here too. anything that is oddball or unusual is great material for strippers
7)once you engage, make damn sure to neg her quickly and make sure to NEVER lose eye contact--i know its hard when shes wearing nipple tassles and a thong (possibly open with a neg). these girls are used to being worshipped all night so the fact that you aren't buying her BS makes her have to work for it. chat her up for a second and then go order another drink make sure the bartender remembers you and if you can shake his hand or high five him (social proof) that helps bc she will see it. once you've engaged her now its time to fuck with her head. make her jealous
8)jealousy works WELL on strippers. understand that though they are treated like 10s all night few if any of them actually have any REAL self esteem so negs and jealousy (talking to other girls) works well. with that said dont go overboard on the negs or you will blow yourself out. strippers are also EXTREMELY ADD so if you ignore them for too long or talk to another girl for too long then they will forget about you.
understand here that they are most likely A-drunk B-high or C-both so their attention span is short. this is also why you try for a same night close if possible (if you have to number close make sure you write your number on something special or do something out of the norm so she remembers you when she wakes up tomorrow instead of just seeing a number and thinking "oh this is another customer i can call when im working to come in and extort money from") especially if you have her buying temperature spiked if shes turned on by you--you CAN close comes that pay back in befriending the bartender/manager earlier--at the end of the night depending on the club you may be able to hang out after hours and wait for her to get dressed while you chat with the manager i've seen it happen in my club and know it happens in others there is the value of building repore with the right people they know your friendly and will most likely perceive that you know the girl (important side note--for as much money as strippers make, a great portion of them DONT have cars. so there is a good likelyhood that she may need a ride home.....need i say more :D ) . boys i can ramble for days but i think that should suffice for now. if y'all have specific questions or want me to elaborate on a certain point or think i forgot something just tell me i'de be happy to spill another paragraph or two about what i've seen work.
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Postby Rainman » Thu Jul 26, 2007 12:41 pm

one important point i forgot to make last night and in this post......why game strippers, especially if they are all fucking looney as some of you may know. this may seem like an obvious answer to most of you--because they're hot....and slutty. right very good, thats the easy answer but the more complex and challenging one is because they are the top of the food chain when it comes to gaming hired guns, they get hit on constantly and to be able to overcome that speaks volumes about how good you are. do understand that any time you go to game a stripper the odds in the deck are stacked completely against you. from the lighting in the room to the music, to the general atmosphere and the way the business is set up. everything is against you so the fact that you didn't close that stripper was it because your game wasn't good enough? no it could have been a factor of the environment, she had other tables to talk to, one of her regulars was there and her car payment was due, she was wacked out on blow (all too common), any number of things. so in that respect gaming strippers is no different than any other gutter snipe at a bar, its a numbers game plain and other side note--where as kino works well on bar girls kino works AGAINST you on a stripper because she has been having greasy guys man handle her all night when you touch her its just more of the same, light kino on the arms/hands may do fine, but i (personal opinion) would stay away from kino escalation because its too much of a "customer" thing to do
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Props to Rainman

Postby Ares » Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:57 pm

I know a guy who is a natural stripper magnet (no professional training). Never knew how THIS guy could pickup a stripper. Rainman, you defined his M.O. perfectly, as well as added lots more pro-active material. Thanks! (I’m the guy with the leather portfolio)
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Postby Mojo » Mon Aug 13, 2007 3:26 pm

This was an insightful post.

Even though they may actually be a 7, 8, or 9... They are treated by the patrons as a 10. Therefore game strippers in the club as if they were a HB10.
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Postby nipper » Wed Aug 15, 2007 10:35 am

Mojo wrote:This was an insightful post.

Even though they may actually be a 7, 8, or 9... They are treated by the patrons as a 10. Therefore game strippers in the club as if they were a HB10.

First off, I'm new here and fairly new to this whole PUA thing maybe 6 months. I'm mid 40's and have been dating strippers almost exclusivly over the past couple years. I do know something about what works for me at the strip club that I go to, as I've also been invited and gone on a few group vacations to South Beach with strippers.

I agree you should treat them as HB10s but I disagree thier at the top of the food chain. A big % have told me that they lacked self confidence while confiding with me about a problem they were having.

As stated above I started going to this place a few years ago and the first thing I did was befriend the barmaid who in turn introduced me to pretty much every one else in the club including the owner. (who I later found out lives around the corner)

Some thing I did that might work for you.
I never touch the stripper when they come around for tips
When they do come around I'm watching the TV, not them, in fact I hardly ever watch them on stage.
I don't do couch dances because they look at you as a customer.
If they come to sit with me I don't buy them drinks. (unless its someone I'm going out with or have in the past)
I do bust on them and tell over the top jokes (some don't like them buy F it if you cant take a joke)
And I pretty much act disintrested, especially to the new ones ( I already will have a couple hanging around any way)

Anyway right now, with out giving gifts, buying drinks ect... other customers have asked my barmaid questions like is that your boyfriend? (to which she answered, no I just F him :lol: ) Is he the owner? How come so many girls sit with him? or what's his game? haha

Another thing to keep in mind is these girls make a great pivot's, great friends(cuz thier so open) and get you into expensive clubs for free and not having to wait in a line.

Guess thats it for my first post, hope it helps.
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Postby Rainman » Mon Aug 27, 2007 3:42 pm

mojo--quite right. game them ALL as if they were 10s to begin with (IE: negs, active disinterest). however you have to have a good calibration on you to know when to stop pushing them down because even though they are 10s on the outside--inside these girls are an emotional wreck and acutally have the self esteem of a 2. so once you get the "stripper shield" off then you can start to work them from the inside all the while holding your ground as the strong alpha male
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Postby Mojo » Tue Oct 30, 2007 11:42 am

Here is a relevent and interesting post on stripper game with it's origins from Mystery.

Originally posted at: ... ?topic=712

Mister Innocent wrote:A few weeks ago I went to a strip club to see if I could resist spending any money (I succeeded!) and to see if I could use MM (I failed!). Now, in Mystery's book, he alludes to "Hired Gun Game", saying that "It's not harder, it's just different" when compared to normal game. I was hoping I could figure out the difference, but no dice. Naturally there was lots of flirting and IOIs from the girls, but it was all clearly fake. You don't worry about openers because they open you. And forget about kino escalation. In the end I couldn't figure it out, and I left wondering what I could have done differently, if anything.

When I got home I searched for stripper game notes but came up with little, and the Hired Gun seminar is $1500. So when Mystery's show recently had an episode where they hit the tittie bar, I was psyched when he spilled all his tips. Thus, I include my notes below. They're not field tested by me; I'm just the stenographer. As usual, feel free to link to any good posts on this, add suggestions, whatever.

Good luck!



--be qualified: convey that youve been with exotic dancers before. dhv up the wazoo
--dont be marked as a customer. have an excuse for being there (ie "i know the dj", "im waiting for some friends who really wanted to come")
--do NOT trust any kino -- thats what theyre hired to do!
--in fact, refuse their kino (push her off your lap, IOD), then immediately stack to material
--the goal is to turn the stripper programming off
--AVOID any conversational thread she starts (at least until the programming is off). after all, her livelihood is to talk you out of your money. in other words, dictate the conversation
--TURN OFF your sexuality when going into a strip club. dont allow yourself to get pulled into that headspace (remember to maintain frame and reality). when you yield to that headspace, you lose your power.
--exotic dancers are just like other women. they respond to their emotions
--they are also GAMERS. you are gaming gamers
--the key is to have an attitude of "just hanging out, having a good time"
--keep your money in our pocket and your hands off the talent
--dont trust IOIs
--do NOT disrespect her for being a stripper (on the other hand, dont rapport-seek too soon by empathizing before the comfort phase)
--TIP: if she starts qualifying herself to you, at that point go for a move. she sees you as having higher value than her.

in an actual approach:
--when she approaches, shut her down
--when she kinos, tell her to back off
--dont forget the negs! ("youre not my type", "where are the pretty girls? j/k!")
--"a little anatagonism goes a long way"
--get her out of the stripper mode and then make a connection (having DHV'd the whole time)
--the problem: once you make the connection, having been non-sexual the whole time ("wow, we are having a REAL conversation!"), its VERY easy to fall into LJBF. you will need to SHIFT GEARS and show interest
--if she stays with it, bounce! then pull the trigger
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Postby Scoundrel » Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:16 pm

I've had a few strippers and I'm dating a strip club bartender now. This all loks like good advice.
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Re: Gaming Strippers......from Rainman

Postby Mojo » Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:45 pm

Rainman cont.

Rainman wrote:guys a month or so ago i gave you a break down of how to run game on strippers......recently i developed the greatest stripper neg for them and it can be used to almost open them. either have them come over to you or wait them to come to your area, inevitably they will ask your name...
you: "Rainman, and yours"
her: "chastity, or crystal, or precious"
you: (odd look) "hmm, really? i think you sould change your name"
her: (reel back a bit) "and what should i change it to?"
you: "potential"

now you can drop it at that or elaborate and explain why she HAS potential but isn't really the 10 she thinks she is....calibrate backwards or forwards depending on her level of intelligence (or lack thereof)

enjoy boys

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