Now is always the time to decide and act!

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Now is always the time to decide and act!

Postby red » Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:49 am

When we as men truly decide we must have something in life, we can only do one thing next in the process to getting it. We can only take one step, NEXT, in the effort to success. There is literally one thing that we do next, every time, to achieve greatness.


We do this only because it is part of a process that does produce results. The results that we desire are not typically the results that we receive 100% of the time. This is where the statement "If you are not winning, then you are learning" comes into play. The thing about results is that, as with every thing else in our lives, the way we view results is subjective to our belief systems(or our limiting belief systems). A tangible concept, or item that I think of as a produced result may not be anything that you want, desire, or need. There for, you do not see the result the same way I do. However, in order to produce the results you decide you must have, you must have reasons, and goals as to why you desire the results. You have to believe them.

I see learning pick up as a way to produce results in my mind and body equivalent to; confidence, standards set for my self and my surroundings, and an integral social comprehensiveness.

One thing that Anthony Robbins says in the second chapter of his book "Awaken The Giant Within" is:

"...For so long most of us have used the term 'decision' so loosely that it's come to describe something like a wish list."

Some of us accept our situation and are so comfortable, that we think that we can sit on our hands, while wanting to write the story of our lives. Unfortunately, this is just not possible, in a figurative sense. There is no passion being expressed that way. We need to be constantly working, improving, and finding NEW ways to approach life. To approach love. If you are sitting on your hands, then you are on your ass anyways. If you are on your ass, then there is no way you are taking action, or producing the results you desire in the bed. Get up, dude. Go talk to some WOMEN. :)


The cool part about going for it is the more you do, the more your body and mind become conditioned to take action. Over time, what this does is produce results, and changes your limiting beliefs. You then find that you GO FOR IT more in the future, developing momentum, and overall become more effective as a person in whatever walk of life you choose to take. Adapt, improvise, overcome. Michael Jordan would say:
"Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
If you hit a brick wall, then you were just not meant to go that way. BUT THERE IS ALWAYS A DIFFERENT WAY!!! For instance, the DOOR in the brick wall. The one put there to walk right on through. Look for the doors in your life. The opportunities that life brings you to GO FOR IT!!!!!! TAKE ACTION!!!!!

We all can take steps of action every day, in every part of our lives. Decide to, and you will see results. Do not worry if you are taking baby steps, or leaps of faith. Look forward, and gear for success. If you go up and talk to every girl that you are attracted to, and even some that you are not, then you are going to both learn about, and succeed in obtaining that which you desire. What you desire will always be evolving, and this is why you hear people in this community saying to be FREE OF OUTCOME, WHILE BEING PRESENT TO THE MOMENT. Success takes decision, and decision takes actions. Actions produce results, and change your attitude. Emotion is effected by motion. I believe in all of you, so believe in yourselves, and GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:29 pm

Re: Now is always the time to decide and act!

Postby red » Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:29 am

How did I take action?

I took on challenges.

30 day challenge is a daily challenge, full of hurdles. I AM IN LOVE WITH IT.

I make time to work out, work a job, learn from books, day game, and still go out each night.

Try it, if you dare.

Monday, March 5th.

Day 19 concluded.
Posts: 43
Joined: Thu Feb 09, 2012 11:29 pm

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