
Open PUA discussion


Postby Yoresh » Tue Jun 14, 2016 8:08 pm

Ok i met a woman i really like...even spent the night with her. Her idea no sex but she said it felt good when i held her. I did confidence made her believe i was adventurous and fun even proved i am someone everyone wants to know by openinging a 4 set. She calls me sporatically and we talk and make plans but she backs out. How can i either regain her interest or should i move on? And i have not let this effect my sarging just she is always on my mind
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Re: derailed

Postby Algorithm() » Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:11 am

I know how you feel. About a year or so ago I met an actress and we had an amazing night together. She had a fiery and playful personality. She would start singing (beautifully) simply because she felt like it, not prompted by anything. These and other many cute quirks made me want to see her again quite badly. Unfortunately, she did not feel the same way.

I simply stopped texting her, and haven't looked back on that decision with regret. I have since met plenty of other great women, and realized that the actress wasn't such a big deal after all. Interestingly enough, there were other women who I stopped texting because I felt they weren't interested, and they went on to pursue me, culminating in yet more awesome experiences.

I would say stop initiating contact with this woman for now. However, if she calls you or texts you further, don't blow her off. Simply be kind, considerate, gentle, and genuine, and who knows? Maybe next time she'll be comfortable with more than just cuddling. And if she disappears, fear not. Yet more fun will be had. Soldier on.
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Re: derailed

Postby Yoresh » Wed Jul 06, 2016 1:02 am

I was so green when i wrote this fuck her more where she came from....i enjoyed our time but oh well. I am fucking a bar drinks....and a flight attendant
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