New to pickup? Just joined the forum? Cool...I don't care.

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New to pickup? Just joined the forum? Cool...I don't care.

Postby IsiMan84 » Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:45 pm

Since you're new to the game, I'll give you a life lesson: stop asking people to hit you up. If you really want something, make the necessary moves to get it.
Hey <username>! I know nothing about you, plus you just joined the forum, but I'm going out tonight and I just HAVE to have you with me so I can spend all my time teaching you stuff!

Is a conversation that will never happen. It's just not efficient.

If you were a JV high school quarterback (not even varsity) and had the pleasure of meeting Aaron Rodgers (Super Bowl champion and MVP), would you give him YOUR number and tell him to call YOU when he's practicing his pinpoint passes to his elite receiving corps? That motherfucker doesn't have 20 seconds in his day to go through the Rolodex and find your sorry ass every time he's hitting the field, which is most likely every day. It takes an immeasurable amount of practice to reach and maintain the level of skill he's at.

Now here's where it gets real. That amount of practice is the MINIMUM necessary for you to get to his level. There are no shortcuts. Due to the amount of hours in a day and days in a week, he cannot be there to hold your hand the entire time. If you're not even making it to all of your JV practices (aka fapping at home instead of approaching) he will immediately say "fuck you." In fact, somebody at his level isn't going to give you a second thought, because everybody and their brother is asking him to call. You're not the only one. Now let's say you're Robert Griffin III, Consensus All-American and Heisman winner. Now you've got his attention. Why? Because he knows you've paid your dues, are dedicated, and doesn't have to teach you what the hell a freaking football is.

I've been at this shit for years. Which means I have years of experience on you. On top of that, I was out 3-4 nights a week over the summer. If you weren't out at least this much, then I'm still pulling away from you skill-wise. And I would be wasting my time if every time I went out I had to PM every person who might be interested in going. Thus the existence of the sarging missions and wingman request board. Somebody posts what they're already planning on doing, and anybody interested in going contacts them to join them on said event.

That being said, if you're the one who's already decided he's going out and wants somebody like me to tag along, that's fine. But if you think I'm going to call you when I'm going out although I know nothing about you, your skill level or if you'll even approach when we're out, there's no way that's happening. This isn't my first trip to the rodeo. The turnover here is crazy. Guys join this shit and disappear every week. I won't waste my time on a potential lost investment. Considering the chasm of skill level between me and anybody who's just joined, my time is worth something. Free drinks, gas money, something. If you're really serious about this stuff, that fee is at most a write-off.

People may say
Wahhh, but you have to give back to the community!

Where were those people when I was getting my ass handed to me in the streets of Sioux City, IA?

Do you know where a PUA bootcamp has never been held? Sioux City, IA.
Do you know where a forum doesn't exist for guys to seek advice? Sioux City, IA.
Do you know where there's a limited amount of sets which you'll see every night? Sioux City, IA.
Do you know where a bad enough blowout can pretty much end your weekend? Sioux City, IA.

Then I moved to Dallas.

Holy shit, I don't see the same people every weekend? I can pick and choose what bars I want to go to, try out as many lines/tactics/strategies as I possibly can, with no fear of ever seeing them again? There's bootcamps and seminars within driving distance if I need them? And I can do this any night of the week? Why didn't I know about this earlier?

I was going out a lot, and going out alone. Key word there is alone. Nobody to hold my hand, nobody to tell me what I was doing wrong. You'd be surprised how quickly you improve when you have nothing to lose. I know guys who after a while of doing this stuff still can't sarge alone, still can't approach, still can't build attraction. And surely can't close.

Then I start hearing the excuses.
Once I get that job/money/car/apartment or finish reading <book>, I'll have the confidence to approach and the girls will be all over me.

Fuck you. I just moved back from school, have no job, and stay at our family's house, which is 30 minutes from the bars I usually go to. And I still pull more often than you do or ever will. The only thing any of that has affected for me is logistics. Which means I already had built attraction and gotten the girl to a point which money/car/apartment has no effect.

All that said, if you haven't been sarging consistently for the past mmm let's say 3 months, I don't want to hear from you until you have. And don't lie, cause I'll know. Plus it'll be more embarrassing to say you've been at it that long but still can't approach, than to say you've done nothing.
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Re: New to pickup? Just joined the forum? Cool...I don't car

Postby Khaos » Thu Nov 01, 2012 11:07 pm

No more threads about you complaining about others behavior on these forums or abrasive behavior towards other members of Dallaspua. FYI this is a warning, if I see another thread of this nature it will be deleted.
Posts: 138
Joined: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:50 pm

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