Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

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Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby Triumvirate » Sun Jul 01, 2012 9:49 pm


I usually have a pretty hard stance when it comes to not inviting women out on day2's. However, for the past two weeks I decided to not be so dogmatic, and attempted to invite women out for day2's.

I went 0-fer.

It was a harsh reminder that when I invite a woman out on a date, it FEELS like I am trying to get in on her fun, instead of inviting her into my world, and my reality. Also, as a guy who was going on dates on average 4 or 5 times a week around this time last year, it can be a BIG waste of time. At the end of the day, I'd rather be working out, reading a book, or improving myself in some way than going out to grab a cup of coffee with a new woman that I met.

At this point you may be thinking, that's great and all but what do I do with a number that I get when I go out, go to the gym, or meet someone at a house party?

I have two options that I am currently employing:

1. Home Run - After running some text conversation, I invite women to my house. It's possible that they don't come over, but I don't care. At least I didn't have to leave my house if she flakes. I also don't have to spend extra money if she comes over. Win-win.

2. Social Circle - After running some text conversation, I throw out nuggets of what I will be doing during the week. I add her name to my list serve and send out a mass text to all the people on there. It's possible that I met 5 or 6 women during the past week who I will all invite out. Not all of them will respond, but a few will and it just adds to the fun. You saved yourself hours of time as opposed to going out on individual dates, and again, you are doing something you were going to be doing anyway.

That's my philosophy, but I am interested in hearing how other people feel about day2's.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby Eazy » Mon Jul 02, 2012 10:28 pm

I really like this topic

I'm not a big fan of day 2s... Technically day 2s are always a "first date" and first dates usually suck and take waay too much effort. From agreeing to go on a "date" to Finding a place to meet or pick them up, to deciding on a place to eat, to the boring cliche questions they ask, to the awkward moment the bill comes lol, etc. I've been on some awesome first dates but it's very rare...

Ill invite a girl on a date if I connect with them or have a particularly strong attraction to. (this usually only happens with girls that I find interesting, funny, clever, SMART etc) If its a really cool girl, the first date can be pretty fun. It's pretty easy to tell if you could have a good time with her or not.

I think the idea of inviting them over is pretty cool, but Ive been skeptical if girls would be comfortable coming to a strangers house alone, but there are easy ways to keep it from being wierd. I don't think I've ever really asked any to come over that soon...I'm sure if they agree, then it's guaranteed homer. (I want some feedback on this)

Even before pickup I almost always invited girls to a group social event... It has always worked very well and it still does. I usually just text with them and get them to ask me what I'm doing, I tell them I'm out with some friends, then I tell her she can stop by and say hi, and they usually will grab a friend or 2 and it's on. (this is based on the ones that don't go cold or flake)
This is great because you almost always get to meet at least 1 of her friends, also if you're not into her you can easily get rid of them, and it can be beneficial to your friends.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby GettenJizzywitit » Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:48 pm

The fact that a social environment is presented as an option for a day 2 is a good way to pick up where you left off with her when yall met. Then transitioning/escalating it from there is on you.

Another more one-on-one less pressure environment would be to set up the day 2 as a double date in which you would tell her to bring a friend and you can bring a friend. Your friend can be a sarging buddy perhaps or whoever. This would create a naturally social environment since everyone at the date would know at least 1 other person and reduce dead conversations.

I think directly inviting her over to your place for the second encounter is a very confident move that shows alpha traits; however, doing it through a text message in my opinion would be moving her mind into a defensive frame in which flaking might be the outcome.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby IsiMan84 » Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:52 am

I tried a Day 2 once. I had to have my friend walk me through the process of setting up the date, and what I should be doing and saying during it. Of course this idea was weird to me because I was used to banging a chick on a given night and not being there when she woke up. I could teach a 200-level course at the community college on that shit. But Day 2's...not so much. Most of what I know about them I've learned from movies. Most likely a Judd Apatow feature. Fuck that guy.

I did sort of take a girl on a Day 2 a few months ago, but I took her to do exactly the same thing I did on the previous one. I picked her up, was my cool usual self during it, dropped her off...and never heard from her again. Presumably I wasn't the same guy she thought she met at the bar? Not totally impossible, because I vaguely remembered who she was either. Drinks will do that to you (and the girl). Had I banged her after the bar that night, this paragraph would be nonexistent.

The long of the short of it, try to bang the chick first. Then if you feel like taking her out at some point, at least you have a reason to do so. That reason may be because she sucked your dick till it was sharp like a pencil, or she let you play her titties like bongos. She didn't earn anything by standing there at O'Malley McDonald O'Toole McGee's that one night, and telling you the same crap she told the other 20 guys. Nothing whatsoever.

And after she gets home from the free coffee/meal/movie/whatever you bought her, she'll call up the guy who just comes over to bang. He'll say "mmm your mouth tastes like frappuccino." She'll say "yea some schlub bought me one earlier." He'll be like "oh that's cool. Let me add some creamer to that." Be that guy.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby IsiMan84 » Fri Aug 10, 2012 5:49 pm

No, it's not useful for day 2's. At all. I'll assume you don't know what the difference is between a SNL/ONS and a day 2. That article is about how to AVOID day 2's, which coincidentally is helpful for this thread. Congrats, you actually got lucky with your shameless link copy/paste.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby voyager » Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:19 am

Yeah hit the report button when you see idiots spam like that.

For day 2s I try to invite them right to my place straight off or try to arrange a situation where I pick them up from their place. Go for drinks, that way you can sarge after if it doesn't go in your favor (good motivation too).

Online dating is an exception. I refuse to go for the home run straight off because you can never quite know what they look like until you see them in person.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby Tribulus1000 » Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:35 pm

You can also use them as a bait-and-switch which is what Captain Jack PUA used to do. Its also a backup when you don't get the SNL.
A bait and switch tactic is used often in sales and its useful when you want to get someone to agree to something and then switch them to what you want later.
So for example, you tell the girl that you'll be having steak dinner and there will be a band playing or whatever...
And its some place she's never heard of...

Well just try for the pull and if you get it, forget all about the dinner date. If you have to do a day2, don't do the dinner date. Just "hang out" or "come over and watch a movie with me"...whatever.

The point is that you don't actually have to do what you say. She will forget all about that. If she doesn't she's possibly a gold digger.

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby Ben La Bien » Fri Aug 17, 2012 9:05 am

voyager wrote:Yeah hit the report button when you see idiots spam like that.

i am sorry for this mistake, but i dont think insults are neccessary.
i just discovered PUA community and im not that good in this things. i truly thought that it may help for getting her to bed.
my friend told be about badboy lifestyle and i have read a few texts there and remembered this one when i saw this post and figured that it might be helpful.

i hope we can still be friends :mrgreen:
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby IsiMan84 » Wed Aug 22, 2012 1:30 am

Being new to the PUA community has nothing to do with your ability to read.
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Re: Dates? Day2's? Do You Do Them? I Don't!

Postby Ben La Bien » Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:01 pm

being new to pua community has something to do with (not)knowing that there is a big difference in day 1 and day 2
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