Another one bites the dust...

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Re: Another one bites the dust...

Postby ninjamatt » Sun May 06, 2012 11:48 pm

IsiMan84 wrote:
ninjamatt wrote:As far as BullRun, I gave him too much hell and I feel bad about it. I read something Friday after he posted in this thread, that he posted a while back that I never saw before. Had I saw it originally, I would never have asked him. That thread indicated he's not exactly what I'm looking for.

Which mysterious thread do you speak of that makes him less of a candidate for your awesomeness than me or Triumvirate? I'm curious.

ninjamatt wrote:And when I do come, the patience, the posts, the build up, the hype, all the talk will be well worth your wait.

Followed by more fluff. I'm sure they're saying the same thing about G.I. Joe 2. Nevertheless, I plan to be disappointed by both. The only difference? The movie will actually come out.

At least with them you know what you're getting. Assuming these guys are as big and hairy as they claim. God forbid they undersell the hairiness.

I think BR is a smart guy who's been around the block a few times and offers some valuable advice. I remember a few years ago hall of fame baseball player, great hitter in his day, Tony Gwynn once was on the field with another hall of famer, the much older Ted williams, another great hitter. Williams was the honorary to throw out the first pitch. Gywnn later recalled Williams asked him before the pitch,"when you foul a ball straight back, do you ever smell burnt wood" It's a question only a miniscule percentage of males born could ever actually answer.

He doesn't come here to spread "keyboard warrior "bullshit and he's a valuable resource. The post in question was a response to someone which isn't important to point out. Our philosiphies are probably just too different to be effective working together. It could be detrimental. I want to do this with Isiman84 and Triumvirate, b/c you want to do it.
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Re: Another one bites the dust...

Postby IsiMan84 » Thu May 31, 2012 11:59 am

I still don't know where you're getting that idea. If you're good you're good. You don't have to go into sets in tandem to tell how good another guy is. I've gone out with Triumvirate for over three years and we don't talk to the same people every time. In fact it hurts us more to go into the same sets, because then there's only a finite number of women we can approach in a night. On the other hand, we can introduce them to the other down the road if it is so necessary. But to play along with your bad analogy, Ted Williams would still be better than the average guy at baseball, even at the age he would have met Tony Gwynn.
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Re: Another one bites the dust...

Postby IsiMan84 » Mon Jul 09, 2012 11:40 pm

I was out sick for the past few weeks, and considering the turnover here is on par with a community college freshman course, just thought I'd see who is still hitting the streets these days or bullshitting themselves on the forums (to stay on subject of course).

From what I've seen the past weekend, it appears like a lot of the guys who still sarge are looking for that "magic pill" line to drop on a girl to make her putty in his hands. Or using some canned opener/gimmick/gambit to get the girl's attention and keep her in set. Even shamelessly asking me what line to go in with or use in certain situations, etc. Well I'm here to tell you...that line does not exist.

As I watch newbs in set, I can tell the girl would love to be anywhere else in the bar besides her current location. But guys aren't picking up on this at all. She resists, they try to pull her in anyway. It gets to the point where she's pretty much giving away her number to end the interaction, while the guy walks away thinking it was a total success. Because apparently the number was his only goal. Which confuses me greatly, because a lot of you guys are projecting no sexuality in set whatsoever. Which is fine at the beginning, but you're not going to say your lines and then just fall into the pussy. Maybe you don't want these chicks after all.

This may be a mind-blowing concept to you, but it is possible to get with a girl the same night you meet her. Yes, you heard me, the same night. No dinners or dates necessary. Gauge her interest, show her you have a dick (metaphorically) and work out logistics for getting with her. If she is interested it's not as hard as you think. When your game gets to that point, the number is nothing but a consolation prize. I won't even bother asking for it unless she's truly talking about getting down.

I got zero numbers last weekend. ZERO. The all-powerful IsiMan84 got NO NUMBERS last weekend. Would have been pretty disappointing if I hadn't gotten a Grade A blowjob in the parking lot instead. No numbers...I'll live.

And for you guys whose weak cop-out is that you're looking for a relationship, it's actually easier to get into one with a girl you get with right away than one you wine and dine for weeks on end. And you don't even have to bang her the first night. Shit, 2nd base will do just fine. At least the intent is there. If there's a physical connection, you're good to go.

If this crap is happening because the Pickup Police Department (aka me) hasn't been around to keep the newbs in check, I apologize. I generally do not allow this bitchassness to occur. And you know this.!

If you are still relying on maintaining sets with the weak ass shit, prepare to get AMOG' me. You will quickly find out how well your gambits and lines really work.

The bottom line, if you are in this for the long haul then you're going to have to start showing girls that you have a working dick and do away with the canned stuff. That is all.
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Re: Another one bites the dust...

Postby Triumvirate » Thu Jul 12, 2012 12:43 am

I am not going to stick up for the newbs, but I will say that the kind of things you are talking about is displayed by all levels of skill. It all comes down to a belief, or lack of belief in one principle:

"You are enough"

Once you truly internalize and believe that you are enough, that is who you are now is good enough to attract beautiful women, you won't be looking to use the latest rad-tron opener. You won't think, "its now time to go physical so that she knows that I am a man". You can act normal. You can be friendly and cool. You can say whatever comes to mind.
You can tell a woman that she has fantastic breasts and that you'd like to squeeze them.
You can ask her when was the last time she had an orgasm.
You can ask her her favorite character from Friends.

You can do this because you don't care about impressing her. Your simple presence as a man, is impressive enough.

On a personal note, if you wing for me and use canned material, you have waived your not getting AMOGed rights. Of course this rule applies only on Thursday-Saturday. Any other day that you roll with me, you can use jealous girlfriend or 80's dog opener until your heart's content. Trust me, if you're using canned material, I will know.
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