Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Open PUA discussion

Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby Khaos » Sun May 06, 2012 2:48 pm

IsiMan84 wrote:
maenad wrote:
IsiMan84 wrote:Haha. Picking a fight? Sounds like you're butt-hurt that I can manage to argue with you and stay on subject at the same time. And don't bring Bull Run into this; considering me and him both disagreed with you he's not going to take your side. I actually respect him. You on the other hand...not so much. Didn't bother reading past that line. I'll assume it wasn't about the original topic, just like anything else you bring up.

But on the real though, man to man, if you're not contributing to the thread why say anything? You can bump your gums on a Yahoo News comments section; that might be more your style.

Looks like someone is trying to suck up to BR. Are you afraid he'll ban you? Based off of your response, I can tell your trying shift the attention onto me. I must be right, because you look like you are trying to hide something. This is also shows your lack of accountability for your aspergers, which is why your here. You should join another forum better equipped to help you, PU won't help you because it's founder mystery has the same problem. He doesn't understand that the way he dresses shows how socially inept he is. Back to talking about mystery, an autist shouldnt teach another autist social skills. To me that is ludacris .

Go google aspergers and learn about your condition. I'm not saying that to be a dick, I'm trying to help you. Better yet, here's social skills lesson #1:

Normal people don't dress up weird to gain attention from women you only look strange to other people. In a club, if you tried this against me I would ridicule you in front of a girl causing you to be humiliated.
Lesson #2, normal dudes don't sit there making terms and talking in code. Children who make up words on the playground Often get their ass beat and made fun of. I know this because I've witnessed it, along with made fun of them.

Haha. Oh no he didn't.

I appreciate your intentional misinterpretation of everything that's been said thus far. Where did I kiss up to Bull Run? Obviously you think having his side is more important than actually being right about something.

But thank goodness you diagnosed me with Asperger's, or I wouldn't have known what to do with myself. And why should I have to look it up if you know so much already? That C+ you got in Psych 101 clearly paid off so I'd like to hear more. I'll assume you attained your doctorate-level knowledge from the same place you got your natural gaming ability.

Speaking of that, you're gonna love this one. You said you're a natural, and you lost your ability but are trying to get it back. Do you know what it means to be a natural? It's a guy who can get results without relying heavily on material or canned routines from the community. Okay, makes sense. Well this is gonna blow your mind too. Some naturals look to the community to find explanations for why their methods work.

Pay attention, here's where it gets good. I was having some success with girls but didn't know why some things worked and others didn't. And then I did some searching and found the community. I read a few things and said "hmm this all makes sense." I still don't use structured routines or any gambits. Oh shit, I'm a natural too! But if "natural ability" is something that can easily be lost and gained (according to you), then that pretty much means we're all naturals and you're nobody special. The only difference is we don't constantly remind people that we are, and feel the need to tell others they're wasting their time trying to get better at figuring out who they are (which is one of the tenets of pua lifestyle). So the issue at hand is that you haven't answered my (or anyone else's) question about why you're here, and would rather resort to name calling or changing the subject when you should be helping people out. Assuming you actually know enough to contribute.

Dressing up weird? Talking in code? I'm glad you're addressing all these issues about me and other people in the community head-on, seeing as you've been a regular at the events (nope), know us all personally (nope), and regularly go out with guys (haha, hell no). In fact if you'd actually been out you would know that we NEVER do that stuff. But you know who does dress up weird and talk in code? Frats and sororities. Dungeons and Dragons players. LARPers. Athletes. Even if guys from the community did do that regularly, they'd be no different from anyone else on earth.

You really seem to have a hard-on for Mystery, which means you probably haven't heard of anything else. Some of that material is archaic and a lot of people have moved away from the peacocking and routines. But he's one guy and it worked for him. Others tried it and it wasn't for them. Oh by the way, I totally never realized he started pickup. That means you've never heard of Ross Jeffries or even David Wygant. These guys have been at it since before you were in diapers. David Wygant is one of the most respected guys in the community and he advocates *gasp* natural game! OMGzorz he's like an older, smarter, better with women version of yourself. And helps other people do the same. If you're going to take shots at the community at least do your research, instead of burning an entire semester getting in the good graces of one girl from your class and claiming you're a natural. That's 2nd day of class shit for even the amateurs.

I will say this fair to a degree. During highschool, my friends used to come to me and ask me for help with girls i could only give them general knowledge from my own understanding of women that came from my own understanding of what worked for me. I am extremely Witty, when I am not down in the dumps(really sad). I use that to my advantage for women. I read the Game and it described my behavior to me. I went into severe depression because I fell in love with an actual sociopath , who was eviler than shit, because of her I was left as a mere shell of my charming self I decided to take a bootcamp to restore me to my james bond like self because of her. I said fuck it to PUA and just having just been doing my old stuff because ive gotten my some of my humor back. Regardless I could sit there and tell outer guys stuff like " Just bust on them playfully to get them to like you and it gets past her defenses" will not be of any benefit to anyone on theses forums unless you are quick witted like me. I Don't follow routines also, I hate doing the same thing over and over again.
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Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby Triumvirate » Tue May 08, 2012 1:50 pm

The plot thickens. Mr. Natural took a bootcamp and received a benefit from it? I can only imagine the benefit that the rest of us would receive from taking one. Here's the $10,000 question: who's bootcamp did you take?
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Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby Jke22 » Tue May 08, 2012 6:29 pm

Triumvirate wrote:The plot thickens. Mr. Natural took a bootcamp and received a benefit from it? I can only imagine the benefit that the rest of us would receive from taking one. Here's the $10,000 question: who's bootcamp did you take?

I was lurking one of the older threads the other day and came across this fine gem (incidentally, on a thread you posted on):

maenad wrote:I took a bootcamp with AFC Adam and im alos looking for a wing that is dedicated to going out a lot. at least 3-4 nights a week. i'll pm you my number.

I'll let you guys come up with witty food or all natural tits analogies.
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Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby Khaos » Mon May 14, 2012 12:49 pm

Triumvirate wrote:The plot thickens. Mr. Natural took a bootcamp and received a benefit from it? I can only imagine the benefit that the rest of us would receive from taking one. Here's the $10,000 question: who's bootcamp did you take?

No benefit from it, did you not read the part where I said I threw PUA away and just started doing stuff I used to and was more successful?

I took a bootcamp with the fraud Adam Lyons.
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Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby IsiMan84 » Thu May 31, 2012 12:45 pm

maenad wrote:I decided to take a bootcamp to restore me to my james bond like self because of her. I said fuck it to PUA and just having just been doing my old stuff because ive gotten my some of my humor back.

maenad wrote:No benefit from it, did you not read the part where I said I threw PUA away and just started doing stuff I used to and was more successful?

No, because you didn't say any of that. To the casual reader, this is the chronology I see:

1. You are your awesome 'natural' self.
2. Girl does stuff.
3. You turn into an AFC and lose your 'natural' abilities.
4. You take a boot camp to restore your 'natural' abilities.
5. ???
6. You inexplicably say "fuck it" to PUA.

I don't know why you are so against the idea. To me it's not any different than going to therapy, which by the way does not work for everyone. Why? Because the therapists don't solve your problems; they help you deal with them and find your own solutions. Boot camps are no different. They may help you be better with girls, but that's a by-product of the confidence boost they are designed to give you. Some guys go to them and get nothing out of it. It happens. Of course they may or may not have gone into it with the right attitude. Who knows.

I don't know what your expectations are, but the guy running the boot camp isn't going to find you a bunch of hot girls, tell you exactly what to say to them, and then personally shove your junk into the chick's crotch for you.
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Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby ninjamatt » Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:19 pm

lol@isiman. I've certainly never done one but from what I've read about them, they generally offer a lot of good principles to learn from. you still have to find a niche that suits your personality. going up to some chick and stammering out a long opinion question about the murry povich show won't work for everyone.
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Re: Nick Hoss reveals "Reading List" of dating techniques

Postby Khaos » Sat Jun 02, 2012 2:18 am

IsiMan84 wrote:
maenad wrote:I decided to take a bootcamp to restore me to my james bond like self because of her. I said fuck it to PUA and just having just been doing my old stuff because ive gotten my some of my humor back.

maenad wrote:No benefit from it, did you not read the part where I said I threw PUA away and just started doing stuff I used to and was more successful?

No, because you didn't say any of that. To the casual reader, this is the chronology I see:

1. You are your awesome 'natural' self.
2. Girl does stuff.
3. You turn into an AFC and lose your 'natural' abilities.
4. You take a boot camp to restore your 'natural' abilities.
5. ???
6. You inexplicably say "fuck it" to PUA.

I don't know why you are so against the idea. To me it's not any different than going to therapy, which by the way does not work for everyone. Why? Because the therapists don't solve your problems; they help you deal with them and find your own solutions. Boot camps are no different. They may help you be better with girls, but that's a by-product of the confidence boost they are designed to give you. Some guys go to them and get nothing out of it. It happens. Of course they may or may not have gone into it with the right attitude. Who knows.

I don't know what your expectations are, but the guy running the boot camp isn't going to find you a bunch of hot girls, tell you exactly what to say to them, and then personally shove your junk into the chick's crotch for you.

I took the bootcamp because it would help me become more outgoing like my former self. I thought if it did, I would be happier. The skills Adam taught on bootcamp where insufficient and I realized I did not care for his method and went back to what I was doing. I tore every bullshit structure out of my head and did stuff like before depression. I also had ulterior motives also, which was another reason I took the bootcamp.
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