50 Numbers and empty handed

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50 Numbers and empty handed

Postby StewDro » Wed Feb 19, 2014 5:17 pm

When I work night game usually everything goes fine.

But this month I've been working so much day game my feet hurt. I have no problem getting the number. I'm at the mall, on campus, walmart, pretty much anywhere. But for some reason they never meet up for day 2. I'm definitely doing something wrong. They usually seem comfurtable and genuinely laugh at my jokes and even blush when I let them know I'm attracted.

I usually ask to go to coffee, but I dunno if they are too young for that? Ages 18-22

I always try and set a time and give then a visual of how much she''d have.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: 50 Numbers and empty handed

Postby Triumvirate » Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:45 pm

Screen better.

1. You aren't asking for relationship status
2. I'm guessing you're not establishing a clear reason to get the number.
3. You aren't clear in your intent

Those are my top three, although I'm sure if I saw you in field I'd be able to see what areas of improvement you had pretty quickly.

Let me know if that's something you're interested in.
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Re: 50 Numbers and empty handed

Postby crow » Fri May 02, 2014 2:53 am


I'd agree except the number is 50. He's doing something they're not liking, and there's no telling what. The guess is that he's getting the number "for no reason," but even that doesn't explain 50 numbers w no results.

It's 50 numbers out of how many asks?

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Re: 50 Numbers and empty handed

Postby IsiMan84 » Mon May 19, 2014 11:47 am

I could walk up to a random girl at the bar and say "give me your number" and she'd more than likely give it to me, for literally no reason. Doesn't meet she's suddenly attracted.

If I went up to a girl and said "I have free Rangers tickets, give me your number", when I finally call her she's going to expect Rangers tickets.

If I went up to a girl and said "I want to take you to dinner, give me your number", when I finally call her she's going to expect dinner.

If I went up to a girl and said "I'm going to tear that ass up, give me your number", when I finally call her she's going to expect me to come tear that ass up.

Noticing a trend there? They know why I'm contacting them. I'm sure you're having great convo with these chicks (literally just keeping them from boredom), finding out no relevant information about them, and then asking for the digits. This is even worse because you're meeting them during the day and there's not much opportunity to make them 'deliver' on the interest you think you've built up. Telling them you're attracted is one thing; them telling you THEY'RE attracted means much much more. And I'm sure they're not doing that.

But there's so many places you could go wrong...saying "they never meet up" doesn't explain much either. Crappy screening, crappy follow-up...your text game could be wack as hell for all we know. If you've gotten 50 numbers with no results obviously something has to change. I will assume your standards for getting the number are very,very low.
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Re: 50 Numbers and empty handed

Postby StewDro » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:24 am

Thanks for the advice guys,

I'm able to look back five months ago and I've realized I've was doing a lot of things wrong. I think I was coming on too strong, giving off a "salesmen" kinda vibe and being more of a clown. Rejection is a good thing, it's made my game strong.

I'm still out here, busting my ass everyday in Lubbock. Hopefully I'll get to game with you guys after I Graduate college in May. Really looking forward to it.
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Re: 50 Numbers and empty handed

Postby StewDro » Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:25 am

And yes, my text game was wack
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