Some General Advices...10 random ones

Open PUA discussion

Some General Advices...10 random ones

Postby Tribulus1000 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 3:29 am

1. Ok if you are out at night and you see a hot girl, look to see who she's with. Remember Mystery said, and I agree with him...beautiful women are rarely found alone.
2. As had been pointed out to me, look for "open sets"-girls whose body language is open and they look around the room...usually a 2 set.
But if they look like all means, leave them alone.
3. Its ok to stand in one spot and not move. Value is not based on who's next to you. Its all the cues you give off and your behavior.
I agree if a guy is nervous and looking around or consumed by the environment, he's low value. But if he's just chilling out and drinking, watching the tv or otherwise doing nothing, its ok.
He might have a gf/wife or whatever.
The idea of "You're bleeding value if you don't talk to girls" is retarded.
4. Related to #3, you can learn alot just by observing. Yes we have the 3 second rule...but that's for approaching. If you are not interested, don't approach.
There are girls that one could approach and they would be interested but many times these girls are socially awkward. Yeah its no rejection but its also weird girls.
5. Think of your ego. We're slaves to our egos...think of it...
approach anxiety is ego protection; getting warmed up is ego validation.
Try to free yourself from both of these.
6. Be aware of ego defense mechanisms...there are lots of these. Examples: hanging in groups to avoid actually talking to women, hiding behind fake personas so its not you that gets rejected, hiding behind routines so you are never legit, obsessing over your own value, hiding by stalling out and leaving the girls/sets. "Practice approaching" ugs and not going for what you want.
If you wouldn't fuck them, don't approach them.

( On Ego problems, Girls have it too by the way, alot of the time they turn away because of their own ego defense mechanisms not because they find you unattractive.)
Thanks Dr Freud...:)
7. Cool down and be calm. Don't be a drag but don't be giddy and child-like either. Do whatever it is you want to do.
8. The essence of alpha - doing what you want. This sounds a bit like Crowley but its true.
Do what You Want. =the whole of the law.
(worrying and hiding and people pleasing behaviors are weak and unattractive.)
9. Be bold, aggressive, masculine and free; but also consider the other person is a person as well. She may not have read the books or taken the courses. Empathy to others is key.
10. Giving up is ending.
There is a finality to walking away. Its an end. Its like the set ends and you look for the next one. But is there a reason to leave?
One of the things my old mentor used to say was "Dude, you're not going to see fireworks." And what he meant was that we're not going to see girls jumping up and down and ready to go in the sack. They can be reserved and usually they are because that's how we bring them up in this society.
Just remember "no fireworks" and there's no reason to end things prematurely.
Why should I listen to you when you don't even get laid?
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