This is the original post that the book "Double Your Dating" was based on.
***For reasons that are obvious to some, I have to start by saying that this is my PERSONAL experience and my PERSONAL technique. It is not meant to save you or the world, and much of what I say may not appeal to you. If you don't like it, don't use it. It ALL works for me, IN THE REAL WORLD, and has been used over and over and over to get me laid. It all works FOR ME. You don't need to argue with any of it, unless of course you're feeling insecure.
I made the decision about two and a half years ago that I needed to get the area of my life 'handled' called 'dealing with women.' So I made a decision and a commitment to myself and my best friend that I would do whatever it took to learn and 'figure this out.' (Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill Chapter #1 for more on this mindset).
Background: I had always had 'girlfriends by default' as Ross Jeffries calls them. they were there, and I felt lucky to have the opportunity to get them to be my girlfriend. But I never knew how to approach women that I didn't know, and I could sit in a bar for three hours making eye contact with a woman, and never have the nerve to go talk to her. Right now I'm just turning 30, I'm about 5'10 160. I think I'm reasonably good looking, but I've never been the kind of guy that women just walk up and approach. (I say this to give you frame of reference in relationship to the comments in this newsletter relating to looks, etc.) I've made myself more attractive by paying attention, learning, and using what works.
When I made the decision to get this part of my life handled, I decided that instead of trying to start with an angle (working at a strip club, becoming famous for something, etc.) that I would like to learn in a way that gave me power to act on just my presentation etc. (I may do the angle thing soon, as I have my skills to the point where I like them now)
First, I looked at myself. I asked "If I were the type of woman that I would like to seduce (I like super hot, very intelligent women), what would make me want to be with a man?"
So I started reading, listening to tapes, going to seminars. you name it.
I started to work on my 'presentation' of myself.
I now think that it's important to get EVERY POSSIBLE thing going for you that you can.
If you have fucked up teeth, that doesn't prevent you from dressing well.
instance. So don't let it. Get a cool hair style. Buy nice clothes (don't tell me that you don't have the $$$. get on eBay, go to the Nordstrom Rack and look at the clearance items. I did it to begin with.) If you will do just a few key things, they won't necessarily HELP you get laid, but they'll get rid of things that are PREVENTING you from getting laid now that you don't even realize. Make no mistake about it. if you're interested in the hottest women, you'd better realize right now that these things make a difference.
You don't have to work out 10x a week, but get your body in at least OK shape. You don't have to have perfect teeth, but make sure that they're clean and that your breath is great. Learn what nice shoes are, and how to keep them nice. Figure out how colors and clothing go together and what is cool.
It's worth it. I wasn't 'cool' when I started, now I've learned how to be.
Huge difference. (Am I saying that you can't get laid if you wear Nike's and have fucked up hair? No. But remember, a blind pig can find an occasional
Here's my mindset: Keep improving all the time, even if it's the SMALLEST DETAIL. (I noticed recently that at least once every time I go out, a girl will ask me for a light. I always just said "I don't smoke" or "No" and left it at that. Couple weeks ago I said "Ah-Ha" and I went to the lighter store SPECIFICALLY to find the coolest lighter that anyone has invented. I bought this trick torch lighter that makes a huge flame. looks like a welding flame.
So what do you think happened the first time I went out with it? Right. got asked for a light. and fucking freaked the chick out. Nice.)
I intuitively knew that there were certain major steps to a 'seduction,' if you will. This is how my mind naturally thinks.
I've now broken these down in my mind to:
Underpinning all of these is my self image, confidence, personality, and all of that other intangible bullshit that takes a bit to get under control. so let me address how I got that together before I talk about what I do specifically. (By the way. this is the most important part of what I'm writing right now. All the rest has flowed from my attitude and confidence.
not the other way around. So if you read nothing else, read this. not the other parts.)
I've been studying NLP and hypnosis for years. since before it was cool.
because I have always been fascinated by how people work. So I began by creating self image exercises based on NLP and Timeline therapy, and doing them all the time. (Read Frogs Into Princes by Bandler and Grinder and The Secret of Creating Your Future By Tad James) I also started keeping a personal journal of everything that I was learning and doing, so I could reflect on it. And MOST IMPORTANTLY I found and started to hang around with guys that GOT LAID LIKE CHARLIE SHEEN. This was the biggie. I owe much of my success to the guys who showed me in the real world what they did to get laid. It wasn't the books and the people selling tapes and seminars. It was the real world guys that were getting laid. What I do now resembles nothing that I've really read in a book or learned from a guru (With one or two exceptions that I'll share later). So the BEST advice I can give you is to find about 5 guys in your area that know what the fuck they're doing, and say "Hey, I really want to get this part of my life handled. can I take you to dinner (no kissing) and pick your brain man?" Be humble and cool, and you'll make some friends. Like I said, find about 5 different guys so you can get different perspectives and see how it all fits together. By the way, go read the chapter in Think and Grow Rich about the Mastermind as well. IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE, DO THIS ONE THING. IT WILL MAKE THE DIFFERENCE. If you DON'T do this part, shut your mouth, and keep your learning cap on, you'll be one of the guys that writes to Cliff saying "Well, when Mystery had this chick that said "I really love it when a man just sweeps me off my feet" why didn't he use the skydiving suckerfish pattern instead of kissing her?"
Those of you that know what I'm talking about say Amen, please. (I had to say that for us)
I decided recently to start studying comedy, as I've found that women respond to it better than any other thing in the whole goddamn entire universe. So I did a bunch of reading on the internet to find the best books, and I bought about 5 or 6 of them. One book that I'm reading right now called "Comedy Writing Secrets" by Helitzer made a great point... He said that most of being funny is the CHARACTER and not the jokes. Most of the guys that I meet who want to learn to get laid are working on the jokes. I did it for about two years myself. Tried to learn all the patterns and all the lines and all the bullshit. It finally dawned on me that women were not really that concerned with all of that. they wanted a particular CHARACTER. The lines didn't much matter, as long as they fit in with the character. Now that I have created this CHARACTER for women, things are all different. Women now call me. They pursue me. They want to be around me. It's fucking strange and magical and weird.
So what's the character that they want? Good question.
I have a good friend who's the best I've ever seen at picking up women in bars and having sex with them that night. Now, I do better getting numbers and closing the deal later. But this guy just kicks ass. And his whole mindset towards meeting women is to be "Cocky and funny" (his words). My opinion is that women are turned off by arrogant men. UNLESS. they're DAMN FUNNY. This magic combination will attract women like this list attracts guys who don't get laid. I'm following in my buddy's footsteps.