Thinking about my situation this week with my ex-GF, and how I will certainly
be doing some BFdestroying very soon, I thought that the bros. might be
interested in having a look at my potent and thoroughly field tested
BFdestroying techniques. (I'd better get some good replies on that email help I
asked for guys, its actually important to me). I want to add, that I see
nothing wrong in attempting to BFdestroy a relationship, because it can hardly
be a good relationship if some dude she just met was so easily able to break it
up. In the case of a marriage with young children, however, I might not be
inclined to use this stuff. Comments always welcome.
My potent BF Destroying routine, in all its evil glory:
I have used this for 5 years, and seen if work effectively for both myself and
for friends who ask me to BFdestroy on chicks that they want to get with. I
have seen this work on all forms of commitment (marriage, engaged, BF/GF, FB
that she's attached to).
This stuff is more geared towards prompting an actual breakup, than a ONS
(though its worked WELL for ONS also in -many- cases). I've read MrSEX4uNYC's
stuff on that, and its all you need. So if you're just trying to make yourself
sexually available to commited chicks who you sense want you anyway, this stuff
is hardly necessary. In that case, just do a ctrl-f search for "boyfriend" in
NYC's archive, and you're golden. For HBs in satisfying relationships (ie:
getting sexed well, getting emotional nurturing, guy is challenging yet fair)
that is your only option, as no amount of BFdestroying will do shit.
Background - a few things to remember:
1) When BFdestroying you walk a tightrope between evoking too many bad feelings
and having them anchoured to you, and getting the chick to want to dump her BF.
Don't forget that your end goal is to f-close, not to break her up for some
other dude to enjoy.
2) It is preferable that you don't make it appear that you want her to dump her
boyfriend. Rather, make the idea appear to be something from within her (more
of a Socratic thing, than a direct thing).
3) While BFdestroying, you must direct the convo. to make her prompt you to
tell her how you would treat a woman. Make her work it out of you, because
she's worked up, and wants to know if she's got a fair deal or not.
4) You must REFRAME all behaviour to appear like insecure nice guy behaviour.
Even behaviour that -WE- as ASFers would use on girls (such as not agreeing to
LTR) is to be REFRAMED as being nice guy behaviour, as someone who is too
afraid to be decisive and go for what they really want, since they are too
afraid that they will lose it once they've been emotionally vulnerable (as will
be explained below). All behaviour can be REFRAMED.
5) By making the guy look like a "NICE GUY", you are making him the most
sexually unappealing guy conceivable. Once you've done this, there is NOTHING
that he can do to get back into her good books, as you've put him into a
predicament where anything that he does will be interpreted by his GF as being
insecure. So, if he's too distant, and he makes up for it by buying her
flowers -> he's insecure. If he's too needy, and he makes up for it by getting
a life -> he's insecure. You are trying to DIFFUSE his outer glossy shell, and
give the girl a window into his inner workings, so that he no longer appears
"mysterious" in any way. You make her understand him so well, that she likes
him more as a person, but no longer has any sexual desire for him.
6) Rather than re-explaining EVing, I'll just quote some MrSEX4uNYC archive, to
give the basic frame that you're working with WHILE you are using the stuff
that I'm mentioning. Without using this at the same time, my shit is USELESS:
"A major point though is that if her relationship to her boyfriend was so good,
what is she doing sitting out for coffee with you? This does not need to be
stated by you. It is obvious. Your job is to find out what SHE wants from you
and how you plan to demonstrate that you can provide it to her through your
stories about yourself. Of course you need lots of stories about yourself
dealing with women in the same fashion that she likes to be handles herself.
This stuff seeps in and makes her think of you as "her type" without you even
complimenting her once." (MrSEX4uNYC)
The tactic:
What you're looking to do here is tear the guy down to a NICE GUY, while making
it look like you're actually STICKING UP FOR HIM! Your goal is to make him one
of those guys that a girl would go out on a date with, like as a person, and
feel bad for having to LJBF at the end of the night when he tries to kiss her
at the door.