ijjjji Method - Part 1

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ijjjji Method - Part 1

Postby Mojo » Wed Nov 11, 2009 6:43 am

ijjjji Method - Part 1
by ijjjji, originally posted in the FastSeduction.com Archives

Looks, Body & Health, Style, Building Confidence, Affirmations, Positivity, Be the Prize, Supplication, Not Being Needy, Body Language, Attitude

Eat natural and varied. 5-6 lesser meals pr day. Some proteins in every meal/snack. Avoid hunger. Eat fat from meat and nuts. Reduce alcohol and drugs.
Do full body wo's 3 times a week. Lift heavy but watch out for injuries. Do big exercises that demand balance and coordination.
Avoid stress and get lots of sleep.

Always be clean and groomed. Always smell good. Dress in ways that make you stand out from the crowd. Clothes must be on the edge. Amplify with accessories. When buying clothes, think about your style - not the current fashion.

Always be pleased with yourself. Let nothing harm your confidence. Remember successes and forget mistakes after you learned from them.
View improvement as an effect of your persona and as part of a pattern - not as result of a good day. See failures as temporary effects of a bad day.
Do not over analyze in search for answers to everything. Never think about the status in your life. Stop thinking that girls are something fundamentally important. Realize you will be happy no matter what. Stop seeing girls as potential girl friends. See them as a source of entertainment, fun and excitement.

Say affirmations with lots of feeling. Say them with confident masculine voice.
Some examples:
"I'm alpha and masculine! I got deep voice and I'm perfect! I'm confident and positive!"
"Why are all girls crazy about me? Why am I so charismatic, magnetic and irresistible? Why am I so confident and unstoppable? Why am I a first class lover?"
"All girls are horny, and I'm what they want and need!"
"God had a boner when he created me! Chairs orgasm when I sit in them! I'm the most powerful warm wet pussy magnet in the universe!"

Create a clear, detailed and vivid mental picture of what you want in life.
Find the feeling that will come when you get there. See the picture and feel the feeling as often and as intensively as possible.
Eliminate negative thoughts from your system. Eliminate sources of negativity from your life (news, soaps, negative friends, AFC songs, negative posts etc).
Let the positive thoughts, feelings and mental pictures dominate. Choose to be happy, confident and positive - no matter what.

Don't do things only to make others like you.
Never be nice. Never adjust yourself.
Reward - never give (thing, help/service, attention, time). Never do anything on the conditions of others - squeeze in your own conditions.
Never try to impress (brag, say intelligent/interesting/cool things, over act, talk about your friends/exes/things you own etc.)

Don't show too much interest early on.
Never follow her and never wait for her without good reason. Be ok with her leaving. Show willingness to leave.
Do not try to analyze her. Stop caring about her interest in you. Accept that girls are unpredictable. Remain fully calm and confident when girls do bizarre things to control their feelings.
Always look like you just had great sex - a little tired, hair a little untidy, disinterested, arrogant, not needy, like you got better things to do.
Do not hide your sexuality in fear of rejection. Act on it when you are horny, and never let the outcome affect your mood negatively.
Stop caring what people think of you and show it.

Never lean in. Do not turn too much against her early on - show more back than her. Do not face her all the time and don't give her all your attention.

I'm the prize - no girl are better or more valuable than me!
This is my world - others come into my world - not vice versa.
Girls are crazy after me - I need protection!
I'm a fantastic lover.
I'm 100% pleased with myself.

When in doubt, go caveman
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