intro overdue

Tell us how you found the community, preferred pick-up methods, location, etc.

intro overdue

Postby Guest » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:12 pm

I've posted on here for the past couple months but have yet to properly introduce myself so here goes:

I'm 26, divorced and have been in DFW area for about 4yrs now. I'm originally from Houston. One of my buddies loaned me his copy of the Game and naturally I was hooked. I've have some natural game but after reading more pua material and learning from you guys on here it's opened up a brand new world for me. I still have a long way to go but my inner game is good, I really need some help escalating and learning timing to do so. My current circle runs mostly around Fort Worth rather than Dallas but I do make it out that way occasionally and look forward to meeting you guys and putting a name with a face. If anyone ever wants to sarge west of DFW airport hit me up since that's a lot closer for me. This seems like a dynamic and good group of guys who genuinely want to help each other and I would like to contribute and be a part of that.

Postby Guest » Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:18 pm

Welcome bro!

There are a handful of guys that live and run game in Ft Worth...shit I'm out there relatively often and I live in Dallas.

You really should make it a point to attend one of our events, even if you have to trek it back to civilization...i.e. Dallas.

Postby Guest » Tue Apr 29, 2008 7:53 pm

Love the rolling stones reference too.
Whats this about sarging the DFW airport? Found an untapped market you want to share with us? :)

Postby Guest » Wed Apr 30, 2008 1:13 am

I'm among the Ft. Worth crowd. We're growing more and more active week by week. Look for the Ft. Worth events on the calendar soon, and head on out.

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