New to the Game!

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New to the Game!

Postby beezay » Wed Oct 05, 2011 11:44 pm

What's up guys!

I recently ran into some information about PUAs when I read a piece about the pickup artists 'Mystery'. The dude knows a great deal about the overall psychology and social dynamics of human interaction. Great stuff. So, I decided to do some more searching around about this lifestyle. I've been very intrigued. Not to mention, my dating-life has basically slowed down to a complete stop. Lately, I've been tied up with completing my Bachelor's degree and I haven't been doing too much on the weekends. But - after finding this forum I definitely want to continue learning more about the PUA ways and get some local support on this journey. I plan to check back daily to the forum and update any news and information that I come across or experience. I look forward to being apart of the community and will hopefully meet up with some of you guys on the meets when we sarge. Later.

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Re: New to the Game!

Postby swaggot » Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:02 pm

Welcome bro!

I know how it is to be in school while trying to keep your head in this game. This is my last year at the University of North Texas, and between 5 classes and looking for internships for the next semester I have been swamped. I really have only time for "break glass in case of emergency lays" for now and I had to turn down potential lays in order to focus on my goals. Hopefully this won't be the case next semester.
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Re: New to the Game!

Postby shaymyteee » Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:39 am


I'm new to the game as well and looking for wingmen to sarge with and learn from. I live in North Dallas and frequent Downtown Dallas. PM if interested.
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Joined: Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:23 am

Re: New to the Game!

Postby Mojo » Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:47 pm

Welcome abaord!

Good time to learn this is when you're at university. Oh, if I only knew then the skillz I know now :mrgreen:
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