by BigTex108 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:52 am
Sexy Texy is back and ready to get on top of the game, Once upon a time circa 2008 I was one of the most active AFC's at Mercyhurst College in Erie, PA. My game was tight only because everyone else's was weak. Born and bred right here in Arlington, TX my game was tight locally for that of a sci-fan nerd. I was both an athlete and an intellectual. Socially competent used to going out to the parties scamin the hot chicks I was poised for college greatness. Perceived greatness that is, for I thought myself a master of the universe, physically fit socially calibrated how could the ladies not fall upon me in droves. Although I did well at first alas, money and personal habits (aka binge drinking) hit my gpa, self esteem, and parents wallet hard. I decided to join the army to both cure my wayward habits and grant my parentals the financial freedom they so deserved. Military sent me to Georgia they sent me to Mississippi and I came back a new man. Harder more competent more eager, yet I was to continue my training back at my roots deprived of the relations and rep I had built up north, transferred back to Arlington, home field, where I learned how to play ball... familiarity breeds contempt. I did not decide to challenge myself, I fell back into old habits kept my life within the comfort zone. I have gone out with only the people I knew from way back when met new people far and in between. Have not had a girlfriend in.... 3 years. A couple of weeks ago when I heard my brother is graduating (Bachelor of the arts a degree which I am about two years scholastically from obtaining) in three months I decided a change needed to be made. When I go back up they need to see that Bigtex a.k.a. Sexy Texy (for all you ladies reading) is not satisfied resting on his laurels. In the next three months I need to really arrive show my former colleagues and classmates that I have game. Pull the girls the rest of the guys are scared to talk to impress the ladies with my game and wow the guys with my skill. I lack the competence and the confidence to achieve these feats on my own so I am putting out the call admitting my shame in shyness, my apathy in society, and my lack of aptitude and skill talking to a girl I desperately want to meet but cant summon the gall to talk to. Please help me brothers I want to do the Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion of pickup... Except Ill be the guy who arrives in the helicopter and sweeps them away!
The difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money costs less.