I'm so glad I found this site. A friend recently turned me onto "Secrets Of The A Game" and I'm looking to get involved in the pickup community. I've always been alright at attracting and closing women who I meet through friends, but I've never been proactive at all. This has become a major fucking problem in the last couple of years because I never meet any girls anymore through my natural network, and I've just been taking what I can get. Which is not frequent and not particlarly high quality. Fear of rejection and fear of looking foolish be damned, I'm done with taking whatever I can get. I'm breaking out of my shell and going after what I want.
I figure I'll read some more PUA stuff to help get some basic material I can make my own and use to get into conversation, but mainly I'm looking for people to sarge with and to learn by doing. The idea of walking into a room and just approaching and talking to women, let alone seducing them!, is pretty foreign and pretty intimidating to me but some of the guys I've seen pull that off makes me say if they can do it, I can do it. See you in field. Cheers!