Summer in the city

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Summer in the city

Postby adjourned » Thu Jul 09, 2009 12:00 pm

Hey y'all --
I'm going to be in Dallas/Fort Worth for a good chunk of the rest of the summer, and I'm hoping to go out with some of you guys during my time here.

I live in Austin, and I've been involved in the community for quite some time now. It's funny, though, because I actually went out with some of the Dallas guys before I got involved in my local lair. So the Dallas crew is pretty special to me.

Before I got involved in the community, I had been involved in an LTR for about 5 years. After that and another failed relationship, I realized that I didn't really have the social skills I wanted or the social network I desired. I've always been the type of person that learns by being around other people, and so I knew I had to go out and figure out this skill set. So I started going out every night for months and months, and it got to the point where I could walk into any bar, pick out anyone, and take that interaction to whatever level I wanted it to go. It didn't take long for me to get sick of simply flipping "attraction switches," so I began focusing on building rapport and making new friends. After I felt pretty confident with all of that, I entered into a really wonderful relationship that I am still fortunate enough to be in.

And now's probably the time to mention that I'm a woman.

And the fact that my boyfriend happens to be involved in both the Dallas and Austin lair. When he saw how much I love going out and meeting people, and considering the fact that I study this stuff (I'm getting my Master's/Ph.D in adult romantic relationships at UT), he decided to introduce me to the community.

So yeah...the past year has been a really eye-opening experience for me. My boyfriend and I live with one other PUA in Austin, and we opened up our backyard for a weekly meeting for the Austin lair, and we've been so lucky to have some really phenomenal speakers come into town. We've just wrapped up a two week intensive with some of the guys, and they came out on top of their game, and I'm so happy for them. It's been completely rewarding.

Anyway. Sorry for the small novel, but I've made some wonderful friends in Austin through all of this, and I'm hoping that I'll have the opportunity to reconnect/meet/go out with some of you during my time here.
"...the dyad is probably the single most important type of personal the history of society." -- Hal Kelley, 1979
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Summer in the city

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:17 pm

Hey y'all --
I'm going to be in Dallas/Fort Worth for a good chunk of the rest of the summer, and I'm hoping to go out with some of you guys during my time here.

I live in Austin, and I've been involved in the community for quite some time now. It's funny, though, because I actually went out with some of the Dallas guys before I got involved in my local lair. So the Dallas crew is pretty special to me.

Before I got involved in the community, I had been involved in an LTR for about 5 years. After that and another failed relationship, I realized that I didn't really have the social skills I wanted or the social network I desired. I've always been the type of person that learns by being around other people, and so I knew I had to go out and figure out this skill set. So I started going out every night for months and months, and it got to the point where I could walk into any bar, pick out anyone, and take that interaction to whatever level I wanted it to go. It didn't take long for me to get sick of simply flipping "attraction switches," so I began focusing on building rapport and making new friends. After I felt pretty confident with all of that, I entered into a really wonderful relationship that I am still fortunate enough to be in.

And now's probably the time to mention that I'm a woman.

And the fact that my boyfriend happens to be involved in both the Dallas and Austin lair. When he saw how much I love going out and meeting people, and considering the fact that I study this stuff (I'm getting my Master's/Ph.D in adult romantic relationships at UT), he decided to introduce me to the community.

So yeah...the past year has been a really eye-opening experience for me. My boyfriend and I live with one other PUA in Austin, and we opened up our backyard for a weekly meeting for the Austin lair, and we've been so lucky to have some really phenomenal speakers come into town. We've just wrapped up a two week intensive with some of the guys, and they came out on top of their game, and I'm so happy for them. It's been completely rewarding.

Anyway. Sorry for the small novel, but I've made some wonderful friends in Austin through all of this, and I'm hoping that I'll have the opportunity to reconnect/meet/go out with some of you during my time here.

Postby Guest » Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:09 pm


So I started going out every night for months and months, and it got to the point where I could walk into any bar, pick out anyone, and take that interaction to whatever level I wanted it to go. It didn't take long for me to get sick of simply flipping "attraction switches," so I began focusing on building rapport and making new friends.



Can't any woman do that? Hahhahahah

Any girl who wants to get laid just has to go to any bar in the world and announce that she wants to get fucked. Guys will be lining up to take her home. And she doesn't even have to be that attractive.

And yes I am the resident asshole.

Pretty sure I have met you if you are BR's friends from Austin.

Postby sooners123 » Fri Jul 10, 2009 12:36 am

Just got out of a LTR (4.5 years) with my college gf. It's cool that you're ok with your boyfriend going to lairs and being a PUA. I broke up with my girlfriend because she is insecure about me hanging out with other girls.

For around 3.5 years I've allowed myself to be limited socially so that she would feel more secure. Anyways, last week was the breaking point, and I had to end things. Now I'm ready to go out again.

Drop me an email if you want to hang out. Sounds like there's a thing or two I could learn from you.
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Postby Guest » Fri Jul 10, 2009 1:43 pm

In that case, you definitely have -- BR is a great guy.

I agree, girls are capable of attracting any number of guys they want, but the process of figuring that out and having the confidence to do so is not as simple, despite what many believe.

The same could be argued for guys -- guys have just as much of an ability to be selective as women and to secure the girls they want, but it takes time to master that skill set and apply it appropriately.

Postby Guest » Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:06 pm

And the fact that my boyfriend happens to be involved in both the Dallas and Austin lair. When he saw how much I love going out and meeting people, and considering the fact that I study this stuff [b](I'm getting my Master's/Ph.D in adult romantic relationships at UT)[/b], he decided to introduce me to the community.
The academic in me is intrigued by your thesis :)

Welcome to the lair - we had a couple of girls pass through the SF lair, and they were fun.

Postby Guest » Fri Jul 10, 2009 3:20 pm

Thanks! I'd be more than willing to bore you with the grueling details whenever. :)

Come out with us sometime! We're down for pretty much whatever: 210.867.7171

Postby KatoNo » Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:38 pm

welcome! UT knows how to get down...I was there a few months ago for a UT convention, and they sure as hell know how to party.

..hope you're not a man posing as a woman now. cause thats not cool dude
I'm all over DFW area, so holla yo!!! need of help!! Been new with PUA for about 3 months and plan on mastering within a year! Come join me and we can learn together!
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Postby Guest » Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:33 am

My wing and I are out all the time. I've worked with a pivot a few times and love it. I think you would love hanging out with us. More important then being pua's we're cool/fun people to hang out with. I'll text you my number hit me up anytime you want to come out with us.

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